8 THE REMNANT OF ISRAEL Co The Spirit that rules them is the spirit of Satan. Hence when individuals choose to follow his laws, his organiza- tion, his kingship, his doctrines, and recognize his authority in the place of God, then they are sealed with his spirit and hence a child of satan. This is the process in both cases. Thus they receive the Character or mark of Satan, their father. Christ said ‘their father was the devil.” Of course they become begotten by him. The works of their father they will do.” Thus as the test comes and the people choose they receive one or the other of the seals, or marks, accor- ding as they choose. So when the final test comes God's Children are sealed by the Holy Spirit, just as they have chosen. We will add that in this final sealing of the Chidren of Israel, there will be no middle ground work. The Remnant are to be ‘without fault before the Throne.” They are ‘to have no guile in their mouth.” Hence no false doctrines of any kind will be permissable. No connection with any false organization will be acceptable to God. The final division will be a clean cutting loose from every work of Satan before the seal of God can be placed on an individual. Hence No Seal of God will be placed on individuals as long as they are willin gly connected with one of Babylons organizations. No seal will be placed on individuals who will not keep the commandments of God, the Sabbath included. No seal of God can be placed on individuals till they are willing to “follow the lamb wheresoever he goeth.” Christ and Satan in their work is forever separated. ‘Every plant not planted by My Heavenly Father must be rooted up.” Oh! How I wish | might impress the importance of the seal of God in its true force to every child of God. Remember the seal of God is not one commandment but obedinece to them all brings the seal as a result of per- fect obedience. Oh that the Holy Spirit which places the final seal might impress every child of God with its impor- tance. It is that power alone that seals us for redemption. It is the legal appointed one, The Holy Spirit, When the Beast and its image passes a law, that all must worship (obey) the beast and its image, or be killed. All those who yield to the demands of the governments issuing this decree, as an instrument in the hands of Satan will then make their decision as to whom they will serve, and Satan places his seal upon them who obey him in their (mind) or forehead, they then render their assistance to his work with their hands They are sealed by his spirit. They are for destruction in the lake of fire. Thus the acknowledging of which power we will serve, brings the seal of that power, just in the same manner. The use of the seal in this life must be fol- lowed to its logical conclusion, to understand the seal and mark of God, and the beast. All will be then plain. The question now is whom will we serve? That determines the whole question with the individual which seal they will have in their foreheads. (Mind.) This now is the last call, who will heed it? POSITIONS EXAMINED In Ezekiel's Prophecies it says “I am the Lord vour God, Walk in My statutes and keep my Judgments, and do them, Hallow My Sabbaths and they shall be a sign be- tween Me and you that ye may know that | am the Lord your God.” Ezek. 20:19, 20. It is claimed for this scripture that it teaches the Sab- bath alone should be a sign that those who keep it might know that | am the Lord. The connection shows that obe- dience to all the Statutes, Judgments and the Sabbath con. stitue the sign. That is, in the keeping of them all they would know the true God. And further, that the act of keeping yrould be a sign between them that they did respect the ord. The argument is presented thus. The Word, Sign, token, and seal ar all the same. That may be true in some cases but not in every case. The word sign applies to a visible sign as well as to a signature or a stamp and it is thus used in the above scripture. It is used there as a sign or proof to the individual that such service of obedience will bring the desired evidence to them that God has fulfilled His promises to them. The word, Token means as used in Ex. 3:12 to mean evidence or proof. Webster says thus in the ninth definition of Sign ‘A typical representative.” In the tenth definition of the word Mark, He says “A trait of Character.” Now we read the scripture, God gave to Abra- ham the sign of circumcision as a token of the everlasting covenant. We see in this case the sign or token was a visible mark in the flesh. Thus it is seen clearly it is our duty to correctly apply the proper use of the words: Token, Sign “and Mark as the scriptures indicate in the passage we read. The word, Seal more directly applies to the setting of the hand upon the document, or individual which is approved by the authority of the official appointed to examine the condition existing in the individual or document. This will apply to the sealing and placing the name of God in the foreheads of the Children of God, because they have the mark of His character as the result of their obedience to His laws. The same would be true of those who possess the character of the beast as the result of obedience to its laws. Thus we see in any case it would not apply to some single commandment. Another text says, ‘‘seal the law among my Disciples.” That is done first, by teaching the whole law. When accepted the Holy Spirit seals it upon the heart of the believer. When this is done it becomes a sign between them and God that they are His Children. THE TWO MARKS Mark says Webster is character. The one who obeys ‘the beast and his laws and recognizes his organizations receive the character or (mark) of the beast. The one who obeys God are not defiled with its women (Church organi- zations.) They refuse to worship (obey) the beast or its image. They keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. Thus they bear the marks of God, the Character of God. Every true trait of obedience is a mark of God. The opposite is true of the beast. THE TWO SEALS The obedient to God and His organizations and laws are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. The ones who obey the beast are sealed with the spirit of satan, their father. THE NAME OF GOD And Moses said unto God ‘Behold when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall | say unto them? And God said unto Moses, ‘I AM THAT [I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.” [ Am THAT | Am, the meaning of that statement is: “There is no God besides me.” | am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I am the Lord, Thy God, which brought the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt.” | am the first and the last.” I Am the beginning and the end. I AM the Alpha and the Omega. | AM a jealous God.” All titles are preceeded with the Words “I AM.” The thought in the name is as the saying of today is “‘l Am it.”” The name signifies The only one, The God of Gods. The law on stone is preceeded with the authority of the law maker. Thus [ Am the Lord Thy God which brought thee out of the land of Egypt.” Thou shalt have no other Gods before Me” and so on. Thus I AM is the chief of names applied to God, such as the Lord, God, Jehovah, Elohim, Father Creator, etc. In Deuteronomy 16:6 it says ‘at the place where the Lord thy God shall choose to record His name.” By looking that up it was the place where the cloud located the ark in which were the laws of God as written on stone and in the book, those laws are preceeded by the Statement: “I AM the Lord thy God which brought thee up out of the Land of