A Bicycles are subject to the regulations prescribed for motor vehicles, ex- cept those pertain- ing to sidewalks. B Shorts must be modest in length and worn only for sports activities. Gary Lamb € Students who fail to show self restraint and maturi- ty in these matters will be counseled and subject to discipline. Derrick Burgess, Jean Lawrence D Registration is not official until all procedures have been completed. Cheryl Bensonhaver E Single undergraduate students under 22 are required to live in on-campus residence halls unless other ar- rangements are made with the Vice- President of Stu- dent Affairs. Excep- tions are rarely granted. F Shirts must always be worn on campus and button- ed appropriately. Sean Wilson 6G A student should notify the work supervisor if unable to report to work due to illness. David Willis MH The campus center lounge is to be used for relax- ing, socializing and entertaining visitors and friends. Steven Shoemaker