wonld dos son Te connie Brack disappointed ane ward bre nen Ral ne dead chong.” The varrle snake wih Lo crushed aed use lias esd adres severed front the Body, had disappeared The body ol the Cred pare no dont cominned to hove boa weenie Pours alter 10 was oonalhy considered to Le dead. The cells cmmposing 0 udu brea anja dat then nicely died nes frou the aocmmnbation of OWI wastes. Creations after | tye cold Ii lesend odd live twenty bon reathv sd to Ie dead Sotne the ado bows Pari where anmiads NEIRETIN FER YRRY fratel ~ thi NARS tivited to a Varios UNrerie tpt were conducted on the miterest of needeal scence Mv attention ws called to a dos abe head ab whieh had Deon almost combate severed from aes body, The dos wos dead ban the cells composting the body ob the dmmnd wer stl adive and were kept alive tor mone than NEL [8 tl Tiers four Lois Byes of a contiiv ate thie cnculnton ol the Blood wis mmarnaaned and the heart wis hept beating, The carhon dioaade and Wastes procdiread In the cells wee! conversed Goa recrptacle corresponding to the Janes where an interchange ol cases took plices Ongen was ben on bv the Blood cells coed carbon dios Wis vetoed. nutrients and ile cinnlaton conveyed cells osser nr te the had just cis sheen the wom sas alive han not ws perfect, The codls bong sap plicd with Tood and an anne then wastes Pretrre rennonved they conntinoed to ear hresithe ally dead and hve site dhe dos was anes Death of the ultimatels resulted from the sper tect elimination cells of wastes which were poraonous to them, Dr, Mesis Carvel ol the Rocketellan Postrtures New Yooh on his exponen wath vine disse, desrestrated thar so as ocells are supplied with nutes, then portectly rrmen add thous separaed trom the avtanal. they wd connie existence ust as the doowathon the hod of 0 bivine anand. Dears which he bud separated brow the heart ol a chicken OVO WO vous aso was as anh ahve the day hie vault where 1 SUES Kept deortovoas the day the chicken wis kitied Whoo thie vest ob the chicken wos dead has Tiel Jrivet of the Diet was tral rere ts long ard Cue wastes al | wily ol an then tirork Te Te NE tisstie from vine but as aotvadly move Phe Bite of 0 hinken it best as tat arore taan about twelve ears, bat here wes ean from oa fled Hocker tho wos soi Torn and actaee at the doe ob over nonin sears, Phe pros proeis were thar 0 wand Cotinte oy line fray TELEIIN Neon de (anges Priedefieestot Dov Corre lvonahirs The weoron sas 1 Bis ahalite vo heen the cobs composing it reed Jrom wastes whine result from ou viviny ard app tho won le the nunc thie peeled THREE RIES with PUY es ol any koe Hd In Cone] heen nes Peorbel oe sob ee the manent, or ihe IERIE Of oars los ap [ERT bee jr potted wove of leohiol or ow Lice non Picture Credits Public Infcrmation, Soon TT Ih Mer Services HL Aroetoone Roberts, Page 3, Kadel and Fecterer. MARCH, 1 93 n tite tor be added to thie ned non an whol the colle were huahed, death would have resulted Tong Belore those Bad the poo cos ab supplies nonrones wd ching nating wistes beens no more perfec than ves fone ane the chioken sell, the dite of this tissue would ar Lear on envevded the Tite ol the chicken which 11 wos taken, Whar practical Tessan docs this toa? Fit i" that coll Lite is dee pendent on he purity ol the edo hive from teaches mr owiehe as hohed and shoo anedoum as r Soc ond Tos Dome son the one wh succeeds Dest me keeping the blood stream dean and the bods cells sapplied with With fat ions ature will live petrie nts learn cand asso ated ans ehiine ol ou the Loncests To hive pare Blood necess- Lites oo nere ood supply a pare air supe pbs nel pertect chimunation of the wists which we nornadiy formed, Cod at the begmne placed mun un- der che and saprednidhiiees Goooanake this rossible. He fin the tient lavoureble conditions Can foods hese desioned to boop ihe Dhood stream pure, TOM every reel Led sand, thon vieeest beech eat The shaple produces froma the soil contan all the elements with tmpun Fhe nearer we approach God's ple of breathing pare an came pure foods necded exercise Loaned 1n vil rT Ion aso ted STR and eke the pad cla linn ite thie Le ali dared thie Lie eteer the fonaer the hile. The Doctor Has an Answer for It ANEMIA Have you any advice for anemia? For suffered much and heen under treatment of different doctors. Hove twelve years | have taken prescriptions containing or- senic, iron and strychnine, which were very drastic and produced a permanent skin trouble. Have now had all my teeth out, and in order to build up my blood tablets, but even in small doses they seem to bring on Please have started again on iron skin eruptions in large quantities. advise, Anemia results from lack of protein, iodine, calcium, niacin (vitamin B83), vita- min B6&, cobalt, copper, and cspecially iron. Vitamin B& is particularly rich in corn oil, yeast, and black molasses. According- ly if weight permits corn ail should be vsed for cooking and salad dressing. It could largely take the place of butter. Houser says: vsed more effi- ciently by the body in building blood if a copper is iron occur together in foods. “lron is trace of present. Fortunately copper and The richest sources are: (1-2 tbsp. daily), liver (best in the form of liver extracts by injection], nuts, apricots, black molasses wheat bran, and wheat germ (3 tbsp. to "2 cup daily of some partially defatted brundj. The supply of and copper can be greatly increased by substituting and for candy, nut butters for jams and jellies, and using only in fact, the greatest single cause of the widespread the discarding of refining of breadstuffs ond sugar, and only a fourth of the iron re- moved is replaced in fortified flour. "Although fruits are not rich in iron, most of the iron they do contain reaches the bloodstream. Apricots have been found iron black molasses nuts whole grain breads and cereals. onemia in America is iron in the to be particularly valuable for correcting anemia. The iron from peanuts, and is well absorbed, as from black molasses. celery, is that Meats are rich sources of iron, but it is not particularly well absorbed. It has been found that of single foods ordinarily used, liver pro- duces the most hemoglobin, kidney second (not wise to use), apricots third, and eggs fourth.” carrots A proper amount of acid in the stomach aids iron. Take either 6 or. of grapefruit juice or two ounces of lemon juice with meols to supply acid. Avoid baking soda for obvious reasons. Te be taking enough protein take eggs ot least three or four days a week {better every day for a while), and two servings from the following: Legumes (soy, navy, kidney, lima beans, or lentils), coftage cheese, nuts. Also, fresh vege- table salad daily, one serving of greens, and ao glass of tomato juice or vegetable juice. For desserts, dates and raisins. assimilotion of sure of Quinine, arsenic, and strychnine are poisons. Why they should continue to be combined with iron is They frequently and other Almost any brand of iron with liver concentrate would be good to tuke as a supplement, one tablet or capsule ofter each meal. Also take at least 500 units D daily as straight cod liver oil or in capsule form. Powdered brewer's yeast powder (1 thsp. in milk after each meal) is a further ex- cellent source of vitamin B. When yeast extracts, such as Marmite, Sovex, and Ve- gex, come back on the market you could use them. a mystery. cause skin rashes serious reactions. of vitamin The two main meals of the day should be breakfast and dinner (lunch); should be very light. supper 15