of Canaan, their own relatives included, who had turned their backs upon their opportunity. The foreknowledge of that return to possess the land reconciled the Bedouin prince to his wandering life, and his vision of a still greater day kept him faithful to Jehovah. “For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.” And of all the inhabitants of this city he is the spiritual father. For, ‘if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.” We have now seen the origins of Babylon and of the people who are to possess Jerusalem. These are the first two high points in our search for the hand of God in history. It remains to follow the struggles through the ages of the two cities and the two forces, and to note the occasions when Jerusalem comes into missionary contact with Babylon, until we see the final triumph of the city of God. The Law That Governs Heaven (Continued from page 15) feeble honor of inscribing it on charts and church walls, teaching it in Sunday school lessons and church catechisms. And its position in the ark, beneath the mercy seat — what was meant by this? ‘The mercy seat represented the throne of God's grace in heaven. As the law engraven on the tables of stone was beneath the mercy seat, so the throne of God in the heavens has for its founda- tion the sacred principles expressed in this law. It is the fundamental law of His kingdom. Its holy principles must be maintained or else His character must be compromised and disgraced and His government of love. and righteous- ness must fall. It is significant, there- fore, that the Saviour said: ‘It is easier for heaven and earth to pass away, than for one tittle of the law to fall.” Luke 16:17, A. R. V. Long indeed should pause the puny hand of man before irreverently touching this sacred oracle or lightly regarding any of its require- ments. ANTEDATED SINAL EFORE we leave this part of the subject let us consider a few texts more. ‘Righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne.” Psalm 97:2, A. R. V. Righteousness is not what each may imagine it to be, each to apply it according to his private con- ceptions and conveniences. God has not left it to man to determine the nature and extent of his obligations or of our Father's requirements. ‘‘ Forever, O Jehovah, Thy word is settled in heaven.” Psalm 119: 89, A. R. V. “Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteous- ness, and Thy law is truth.” Verse 142, A. R. V. “All Thy commandments are righteousness.”” Verse 172, A. R. V. That we might be able to stand before APRIL, 1929 God, Christ came that the ‘‘ordinance [margin, requirement; King James Ver- sion, righteousness] of the law might be fulfilled in us.’’ Romans 8:4, A.R. V. The law then is the foundation of God's throne. Justice also is its foundation, we are told. Justice relates to the ad- ministration of law. In short then, righteousness, the law of God, is the detailed expression and requirement of love and justice, its just, impartial administration upon which the integrity of the government of God is staked. The law then antedated Sinai. Its principles are eternal, for they have their origin in the nature of the Eternal One. We have no record, it is true, of when it was previously given. We know nothing of the circumstances or spectacle that may have accompanied it, nor do we know its exact form of expression, but we do have a record of the recogni- tion of the principles. No one failed to recognize the evil of the first murder and the sin of Cain’s lie to cover it. Jacob was conscious of his guilt in deceiv- ing his father and wronging his brother. Joseph knew well the wickedness of adultery when he said, “How can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?” Reuben knew the wrong his brethren were committing against Joseph for he said to them, ‘“ Do not sin against the child.” Nor was this knowledge of evil simply intuition, a matter of conscience. God had communicated His will to them definitely and in detail. This is clearly indicated in His statement to Israel when they sinned against Him in a matter of a law not definitely recorded: “How long refuse ye to keep My com- mandments and My laws?” Exodus 16: 28. And long before this the Lord had said concerning Abraham: ‘“Abra- ham obeyed My voice, and kept my charge, My commandments, My stat- utes, and My laws.”” Genesis 26: 5. With these requirements of God the people were definitely acquainted, else they could not be held responsible. As the United States Constitution contains nothing that was not contained in principle in the Declaration of Inde- pendence, so these laws as the ancients received them and Israel knew them contained nothing that was not in love. As the meaning of the Declaration of Independence would not have been understood without its enlargement and application in the Constitution, so love needed its principles made clear in God’s fundamental law. WRITTEN IN OUR NATURES OD does write His law on the hearts of His children. He had written it on Adam’s and Eve's hearts, for they were made upright. God’s love was shed abroad there. But they were deceived. How could they know it was a deception? Not by the feelings of their hearts. Under the temptation, these led Eve astray. There was just one way—by the commandments God had given. It was by these, the commandments of God, that Christ recognized the nature and source of His temptation in the wilder- ness. These experiences and a multitude more have not been recorded without a purpose for us. Is it not significant, too, that the only principle of the law that perhaps we might not have some conception of without definite instruction is the only one that is specifically mentioned at the very beginning? I refer to the fourth commandment, relating to the Sabbath. In Genesis 2: 1-3 we are told of the insti- tution of the Sabbath as the crowning act in the work of creation. It has come to man as a natural heritage through the fact, and as a result, of his creation, therefore it is a moral obligation, and properly belongs to the fundamental principles governing man. And as if there was a special significance attached to it, the Lord mentioned the desecra- tion of it as an evidence or indication of the thought that Israel did not recog- nize the claims of the whole law upon them. For when, before the proclama- tion of the law from Sinai, some went out to gather manna on the Sabbath, the Lord reproved them, saying, “How long refuse ye to keep My commandments and My laws.” It is therefore very clear why the Lawgiver should place the commandment relating to the Sab- bath in the very midst of His funda- mental law, in detail, and the reason given for it as we find in no other com- mandment. What meaning is attached to the declaration of the wise man when he said: ““This is the end of the matter; all hath been heard: Fear God, and keep His commandments; for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every work into judgment, with every hidden thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.”’ Ecclesiastes 12: 13, A. R. V. Russia Leads the Way (Continued from page 19) tories employing one thousand or more in the United States, while in Russia there were 1,300,000, not including miners. Forty-three and eight-tenths per cent of Russian workers were em- ployed in the big factories. But 20.5 per cent of American workers labor in large establishments. ‘There were actually more workers in factories employing five thousand in Russia than in indus- trial Germany. This industrial group, class-conscious, developing organization, became a fertile field for the revolution- ary propaganda of direct action. It used its industrial power to secure not only industrial concessions but political change. If the figure 100 is used to indicate the number of strikes in Russia between 1900 and 1910, and we compare Russia with America, our figure would be 35, and that of Germany 17. Here, therefore, is a second great causal factor: a nation in transition from semi-feudal- PAGE THIRTY-THREE