"Third, thousands who have been looking for the personal appearing of the Lord Jesus from heaven in these last days, have, in their dissapointment about his coming, given up the only Scriptural view, ami are not teaching that he has come in spirit and this is all we shall ever see of him here." Preface to The Opening Heavens, Joseph Bates, published in New Bedford, 1846 dated May 8, 1846, BYBERGENDEE "The editor of the Day Star asks, 'why we stand gazing up into heaven; can you (meanin I suppose, any one) tell where this same Jesus is coming from?! s p s y 2d. 'Can you prove God the Father to be in one place, in any greater degree and power, than he is in any and every, and every other place?! ". « « .if we cannot undeestand. . .the location of the heavenly Sanctuary, the new Jerusalem, God's dwelling place, other than is figuratively discerned, then, I say, we that truly believe in God, 'are of all men the most miserable; and the sooner we hoist the Shaker's flag, and bring too under the lee of thier camp, the better." ibid,, p. 16. "Another writer in the same paper undertakes to prove that this same City has began to appear; has been developing itself since the fall of 1844. Who has seen this City? Oh, he says, it is evident, that it is the saints, Is it possible that the Saints have been coming down from Heaven this eighteen months’ Why, there is not the least particle of proof that the righteous dead have vet been rx caught up? Thes, iv:16,17." ibid, p.19 ¥x "The handling of God's word deceitfully, . . .has led the professed world into this ldbyrinth; and men are now being ridiculed and laughed at (not only because they believe and are looking for the Lord himself to descend from heaven)because