Spiritualizing Adventists, p, 11 Hew York, from there to Cleveland, and on the 17th they came to the residence of ® the Rev, Mr, Pickands, who, knowing all this, kept them till their arrest, On the trial, ir, Pickands refusad to be sworn as a witness, but at length offered to tell the story, (the bove is the substance) under the penalties for periury, Pickands and Kidder justified the conduct of the defendants on the ground, that it was consistent with their doctrine, which would permit a ‘spiritual matrimony without sexual connection.' Justice Converse, however, differed from them in opinion, and ordered the defendants to find bail in the sum of $200 each, oa the charge of adultry™ quoted from Akron, Ohio paper "They believe they shall not die; that they are ghexeimrixepf of the elect 144,000, who are to 'follow the amb wheresoever he goeth,' which ends, and possessions. These women call themselves Rings, and as they travel, the from the Akron Democrat appoint men to act as priests.'/ AMN11:72, April 2, 1946,