GRAND ASCENSION OF THE MILLER TABERNACLE! Miller in his Glory, Saints and Sinners in one great CONGLOMERATION ! A Vision at tbe End of all itmgs. TVv'i nrrrr awn, I.warm! OW Miller ant npon tkr roof. A Mtdiff on hi* chart, *a»» 1. Wfc» thi'rilblow TOU un." S»?« he. "Wr'rr op already— ' n New York, under V*>« awprra of a fcnalt prearher. ami u uaual. it drirri all it» »ay that a comet cannot aet tha world on firr. Millariam ia contradicted by chemiatry.— nmr asUnt, eiplaina the law* ot »|«>ntane- OIM N mbuation But it ahoira that thecom- ponent |>art« of the earth. as (ffolopr.ill» •i«al* or deriln u thould ever arte* gall hrr from a wall warmed bed. She amr«4 at her koiiM nrwt knock*)) wnnl rim*a v«r? l.wH *i 1 'Who a there " cnad the huabnnd at iMt.pui- tin( hi* band out ol (he wiadow