imagine my surprise when I found that Dr. Sun had used this monkey story to exalt the Chinese race. His thought is as follows: “The world’s great scholars accept and teach evolution as an explana- tion of the present order of things. Man was once a monkey. Through endless ages this animal has evolved to the stage where he always walks up- right, is educated and civilized, has no tail, and but little hair on his body. The Chinese have less hair on their bodies than any other race of people on the globe, which proves that the Chinese have evolved up the scale of civilization and evolution higher than any other people.” Wonderful argument, isn’t it! Are the white teachers of evolution ready to accept this logical statement of their hypothesis? Ponder this conclusion and this question. It shows to what lengths a sinner will go in self- exaltation. He would reverse the true order. In- stead of a man in God’s image, he has made for him- self a god in man’s image. Nevertheless, the amazing changes taking place in China today are of supreme interest to the thoughtful Bible student. They are not the result of evolution, but the direct fulfilment of prophecy. One of China's daily papers recently had a cartoon picturing a wheelbarrow heside an aeroplane that had been flown from Canton to Peking, on to Mukden and back to Shanghai. It was named “The Spirit of Canton.” Under the cartoon were the words, “The evolution of the old wheelbarrow.” But this is not evolution. To be evolution the wheel- barrow must of itself evolve into an aeroplane. How many years would a Chinese ricksha have to stand by the roadside before it would evolve into an automobile? All this great advance- ment in our day is but the fulfillment of a prophecy given through Daniel nearly twenty-five hundred years ago: At ‘‘the time of the end, many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” Daniel 12:4. The prophet Joel tells us that just before the coming of the Lord, the so-called heathen will be awakened from their age-long slumber. Study Joel 3: 9-16. Those of us who have been in China twenty years or longer stand amazed at the rapid development taking place before our eyes. APRIL. 1929 y Ewing Galloway, N.Y. The tomb of Confucius, whose sage wis- dom was for centuries China's guide These once-called heathen lands are fulfilling prophecy and rapidly getting ready to take their full share in the soon-coming, world-wide struggle that terminates in the ‘‘battle of that great day of God Almighty” at Armageddon, when the ‘kings [kingdoms] of the East” will be there. (Revelation 16: 12, 14, 16.) CRAZE FOR MODERN WAYS E WILL not stop to mention her army of over two million men, but pass on to other items that prove, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that China has awakened. A regular craze has taken possession of her to build modern cities along Western lines. Everywhere buildings are being torn down, streets widened, motor-bus lines started, water systems installed and electric light and power plants erected. Throughout the interior a network of wide motor roads are being built. Where a year ago it took two weeks to go in a slow boat, one can go now in ten hours by automobile. All this will hasten the giving of the last gospel message to this enormous country. Every large city has its daily newspaper. Mammoth wireless sta- tions are planned for, and loans are to be secured with which to build railroads. Unequal treaties are being dis- carded and new ones on an equal basis are being made. China is deter- mined to take her place in the sun. But to the missionary the most interesting change of all is the recent order for the destruction of all the idols and images throughout the country. Fortune-tellers are forbidden t.0 practice. Many of the people, especially the priests, are very rebellious at such a law; but the powers that be seem fully determined to enforce it. The idol temples are to be sold for other and more useful purposes. The section where we live has been given two months in which to complete the task. In a district where I was yesterday the most famous idol in the city seat, through its attendant priest, this word to the people, “This world is getting ‘wicked-to-death.” I cannot stay longer on this planet. I can do you no more good. [ am going back to heaven.” Devotees of (Continued on page 32) PAGE ELEVEN