=| Secular Campus Retreat Will Be Held at Wawona Central California Confer- cnce's first retreat for students and faculty located on non-Ad- ventist college and university campuses will be held at Camp Wawona, September 24-26. Planned and conducted by Central's Sccular Campus Min- istries Committee, the retreat 1s designed to acquaint confer- ence leadership with Adventist students and faculty currently located in a secular higher-edu- cation institution. “There is a real need for min- istry on the secular campus,” states Ken Veal, associate youth director who is responsible for senior-youth and young-adult ministries. “Students today set cultural and conceptual trends for to- morrow’s leadership within and without the Church. The sec- ular campus is therefore a growing edge of the Church's evangelistic ministry.” Members of the Sccular Cam- Fay & CENTRAL'S FRIENDSHIP CAMP aot Wawona was a summer bat high light for 175 Inner City children. Community Services Direc- tor William C. Webb says this was “the largest group of children we have ever had at Friendship Camp. Two pastors have reported that already several parents of Friendship Camp children are at- tending Sabbath services and taking Bible studies. // Pictured here are some of the Friendship Campers going through the obstacle course at Camp Wawona. Guest Speakers: “CHRIST TO THE CAMPUS” Fellowship Retreat for Students and Faculty of Non-Adventist (Secular) College and University Campuses Camp Wawona — in beautiful Yosemite Registration begins 4 p.m. Friday Retreat ends 10:30 a.m. Sunday * Where: National Park e When: September 24-26 e Cost: $19 per person for food, lodging, hand- out materials Robert Osmunson, Admissions, Loma Linda University e Ervil Clark, Professor of Biology, Pacific Union College ® Ted Benedict, Professor of Speech Com- munication, San Jose State University e Elder Richard Kelley, Pastor, San Luis Obispo Church SPACE IS LIMITED. APPLY NOW! Yes! Save a spot for me at the “Christ to the Campus” re- treat. Enclosed is my non-refundable $5 deposit imake checks payable to Youth Department). | will pay balance of $19-per- person fee when | register at Camp Wawona. Associate Dean of Name. ._ .. SE Age (Please print) Address. _ Sex Church... Campus Adventist. ~~ Non-Adv.. _ Fee paid = Cash _ Check. = M.O.. Rec. No... Date_ pus Ministries Committee stress the importance of this retreat as a means of getting acquaint- ed with students and faculty as well as a time for fellowship, sharing, and planning of 1977 committee tasks. Speakers for the retreat include Robert Os- munson, associate dean of ad- missions, Loma Linda Univer- sity. A former pastor, educator, and youth director, with min- istry in the states and overseas, Osmunson brings to the retreat a vital experience with and in- terest In college youth. He will be presenting three sessions on humanistic philosophies as they relate to the Adventist stu- dent's witness on campus. Ervil Clark, professor of bi- ology. Pacific Union College, a noted creationist scientist, will present two sessions on crea- tionism versus evolution. These topics were selected by secular campus Adventist students as the two key topics they were most often confronted with. Ted Benedict, speech communications, San Jose State University, a Sec- ular Campus Committee mem- ber, will present two morning devotional talks. Richard Kel- professor of ley, San Luis Obispo Church pastor and chairman of the committee, will present the Sabbath sermon. Students and faculty of sec- ular campus institutions (non- Adventist) who wish to attend this retreat may register with the youth department by send- Ing a non-refundable $5 check, payable to the youth depart- ment, per person attending. The remainder of the $19 per person weekend fee can be paid at Camp Wawona. Registration will begin at 4 p.m. Friday. September 24. The retreat will close Sunday, September 26, at 10:30 a.m. Immediate family members are invited to attend with stu- dents and faculty. HERE'S A “DOLL” of an In- vestment project. Jeanne Hut- ton of the Fresno Westside Church makes rag dolls — the kind you can no longer buy in stores. They measure 24 inches in height. The buyer has choice of colors for the doll’s outfit. How is your Investment project coming this year? Date: October 29-31 Lodging: 33-35 per night ford, CA 93230. Address Phone RN or LVN License No. ATTENTION, RNS AND LVNS You are invited to a Retreat and Continuing Education Class, sponsored by the Sequoia Chapter of the Association of Seventh-day Adventist Nurses. Families are welcome. Place: Camp Wawona, Yosemite National Park Featured Speakers: Elder Don Williams, Elder Lloyd Wyman Continuing Education Class Time: 8 hours (Saturday evening and Sunday! Topic: Management. To help the nurse in any role. Instructor: Linda Nelson, RN, MS Costs Class Fee: $15 for ASDAN members $20 for non-members Deposit: Members, $21 class fee, lodging! Non-members, $26 class fee, lodging Family members, $6 (lodging! Food: A planned potluck. Details of the menu, bedding, etc., will be sent upon receipt of deposit. Reservation Please clip the reservation form below and mail it and your deposit to Darlene Lainchbury, 255 West Amber Way, Han- Name... ..._Soc. Sec. No... No. in Party: _ Member Non-member = Family Members Amt. Encl. Rec. No. Bal. Due. LL C._Ck. MO. _ L_4aT REST Esther Vernis—b. July 15, 1896, Oklahoma; d. Aug. 11, 1976, Riverside, (Calif. Survivors: hus- band, Sigmund E.; son, David; daughter, Svivia Hergert; brother, Elder Edward Kraft; sisters, Alma P. (Gaede, Lilian Heindrichs, Au- gusta Sufficool. Francis, Selma—b. Feb. 7, 1904, Ni- caragua; d. July 11, 1976, South Pasadena, Calif. Survivors: hus- band, Eric; daughters, Vida Ne- grete, Linda Guerra; son, Sederic; 7 grandchildren. Hedges, Carrie Mae Jarrett—b. July 7, 1891, Oklahoma; d. Aug. 16, 1976, Angwin, Calif. Survivors: daughter, Margaret Fields; sons, William, Chester, Richard Jarrett; sisters, Viola McBride, Leona McMahan; brother, Carl Gill; 10 grandchildren; 16 great-grandchildren. Bisans, Heinze, Emma—b. April 12, 1893, Marion, Kans.; d. Aug. 15, 1976, Bakersfield, Calif. Survivors: hus- band, Ezra; daughter, Virginia Wei- shaar; 3 grandchildren; 7 great- grandchildren. Hustler, Shirley Josephine—b. Aug. 17, 1941, Phoenix, Ariz.; d. Aug. 1, 1976, Riverside, Calif. Survivors: mother, Dorothy Hustler; grand- mother, Harriett Underwood; uncle, George H. Linthwaite; grandfather, Clarence E. Hustler. Johnson, Fred Alfred—b. Aug. 27, 1897, Ruthhaven, Ia.: d. July 2, 1976, Santa Rosa, Calif. Survivors: sons, Gerald, Leroy; 3 stepsons; 1 step- daughter; 21 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren, Kinney, Laura Burgess—b. May 27, 1896, Shoshone, Ida.; Aug. 11, 1976, Mountain View, Calif. Survi- vors: 5 children; 16 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren. Klooster, Bessie May Coverdill—Db. Sept. 22, 1893, Clay City, Ia.; d. July 19, 1976, Loma Linda, Calif. Survi- vors: brother, Burl S. Evans; sisters, Bertha Platner, Blondena Dent, Bernice Gleason. I.aker, Walter Francis—b. Sept. 23, 1897, Danville, Ill.; d. Aug. 4, 1976, Colton, Calif. Survivors: wife, Ruth A.; sons, Curt, Robert, Stanley, Phil; daughter, Florence Lewis; sister, Rose Bremer; brother, Oscar; 14 grandchildren; 4 great-grandchil- dren. I.eech, William Dale—Db. Oct. 3, 1894, Kingsville, Mo.; d. Aug. 6, 1976, Lo- ma Linda, Calif. Survivors: wife, Oleta; daughter, Dr. Geraldine L. Dickinson; sisters, Fula Hughey, Nancy Feree, Beulah Leech, Goldie Ingles. Wausene Anderson, Ruth Ol- iver; brothers, Ed Reyburn, Dock and Sam Leech; 4 grandchildren; 4 great-grandchildren. Olson, Harry Raymond—b. July 28, 1930, National City, Calif.; d. Aug. 23. 1976, Bonita, Calif. Survivors: wife, Sarah; sons, Harry, Jr., Rob- ert, Jon. Provonsha, Ed—b. May 17, 1891, Antigo, Wis.; d. March 6, 1976, Moab, Utah. Survivors: wife, Isabella; sons, Dan, Harold; daughter, Minnie Bartholomew; brother, Clyde; 11 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchil- dren. Senecal, Armelia M.—b. March 15, 1886, Moody County, S.D.; d. Aug. 12, 1976, Glendale, Calif. Survivors: daughters, Marjorie Barron; sister, Melba Jackson; a granddaughter; a great-granddaughter. Stelting, Verna Mae—b. June 4, 1894, Wanewoc, Wis.; d. July 18, 1976, National City, Calif. Survivors: daughter, Verna Miller; son, Her- bert; several grandchildren. Thacker, Mina H.—b. Sept. 7, 1888, Dallas, Tex.; d. July 14, 1976, Ar- cata, Calif. Survivors: sons, Oliver, Clarence, David, Jay, Ellis; daugh- ters, Susie McNabb, Matilda Ha- worth, Irene Smith; sister, Belle Kinser; 23 grandchildren. Whitfield, Clara Emelia—b. April 12, 1892, Minnesota; d. July 14, 1976, Soquel, Calif. Survivors: 2 sons; a sister; a brother; 4 grand- children; 6 great-grandchildren. Advertising Policy All advertising must be sub- mitted through your local con- ference office—communication department. The Recorder as- sumes no responsibility for ad- vertisements. Advertising is limited to Sev- enth-day Adventists except where a service may be ren- dered to our members. Advertisements are accepted by local conferences for only one insertion at a time and are printed as space permits— sometimes up to six weeks be- fore publication. All advertisements must be approved by the local pastor and sent to your conference of- fice with the $7 for 50 words or less. Make a $7 check or money order payable to the Recorder. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1976