[Page Eighteen] LITERARY Ralph B. Watts—Australia Australian Missionary College, 21-23 Wahroonga, N. S. W., Church School, ’24 Brisbane Q., Church School, ’25 Circulation Manager, “Cardinal,” ’28 Jail Band, ’28 “His life was gentle, and the elements so mixed in him that Nature might stand and say to all the world, ‘He is a man’.” —A4 smile that won't come of. Alma Wiles—California Australian Missionary College Nurse's Course, White Memorial Hospital Missionary to the New Hebrides Islands “She knows the inward joy that comes from living for others”—A favorite. Marvin Marsh Rush—North Carolina Charlotte High School, N. C., 23 University North Carolina, '24-25 Art Editor “Cardinal” “His heart was in his work and the heart giveth grace to every art.”—A friendly nature. Alba Campbell—Iowa Oak Park Academy, ’18 Registered Nurse's Certificate, '21 Assistant Sabbath School Secretary, ’26- Associate Editor “Student Movement,” ’27 Associate Editor “Cardinal,” ’28 “She is so true, so kind, so apt, So blessed a disposition.” —*“Let’s make a dummy.” Robert B. MacMorland—Missouri West Point High School, Kansas City Business Office, E. M. C., ’24-28 Treasurer, “Student Movement,” ’23-'24 E. M. C., Church Auditor Associate Business Manager, “Cardinal” “With too much quickness ever to be taught, With too much thinking to have com- mon thought.” —A Scotchman from Missouri.