Fifth, have some fun. Play with your children, romping games, quiet games, especially for the younger. Go on hikes with them; play nature games; play field games. Have a picnic, a birthday party, a “sing,” or a “bee.” Don’t forget nor neglect your patriotic duties. Your chil- dren can act their part along with you in saving, sacrificing, and collecting. But re- member that the greatest salvage work is the salvaging of the souls of your children. You can not neglect them and hope to save them. Sixth, put your children’s hands in God’s. You have to know Him before you can do that. It’s a supreme victory today to come to know God, to believe, in the midst of all the horror, that God reigns and rules in the affairs of men, that “Behind the dim unknown, Standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch above His own.” It is a time for sincere prayer, for talking with God, for hearing His voice, and obey- ing the touch of His hand. If you will, you can smother the rattle of machine guns and the crackle of flames and the crash of earth- quakes in the sound of the Still Small Voice. Lan the Church Survive? (Continued from page 11) purpose. (Deuteronomy 4:13; 10: 1-5.) It was this same law of which Jesus said that He came to “fulfill” it, to live it out in its fullness (Matthew 5:17, 18), and which He said could never pass away. It is these same Ten Commandments which John saw in the temple opened in heaven (Revelation 11: 19), and which God com- mands men to obey today. Men are correct when they say that ““the church cannot keep silence where the commandment of God is broken and sin reigns.” We must build upon Jesus Christ and His divine law if the church is to continue victorious today. The com- mandments of God are at once exceed- ingly broad and very narrow. They allow for all Christians to walk in them, but they do not allow one sin to be cov- ered by them. This divine law has been tampered with, it has been violated, not only by nations, but by professed believers in Christ the Lord. The fourth command- ment has been violently wrenched from its rightful place and a false sabbath substi- tuted. Before churchmen can bring people to obey God’s law, they must themselves obey it. There must be obedience not only to nine tenths of the law, but to ten tenths of it. Every commandment of God is pure and holy, even as He Himself is pure and holy. May it not be possible that much of the suffering of the church today is due to its failure to be obedient to this divine law of God? May it not be that because of enemies within the church trouble has come upon us? Are these things that we see today the birth pangs of a new church, which, as in the case of the apostolic Page EIGHTEEN church, shall arise from the dead formal- 1sm of the old and thus be used of God to usher in His glorious kingdom that shall take the place of all other kingdoms and stand forever? Surely there is need for a revival of true godliness in the church. The church should be seeking for that new life which comes down from heaven, in order that it may be clothed with the bright garments of Christ’s righteousness. This cannot be brought about through councils and federations, through decrees of government, nor force of arms. The emphasis must be shifted back again to the fundamentals of true Christianity, —Christ as the center and head, His divine law as the foundation. The words of the prophet cry out to the church in tones which cannot be tuned out: “The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the world languisheth and fadeth away, the haughty people of the earth do languish. The earth also is defiled under the inhabit- ants thereof; because they have trans- gressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. There- fore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.” Isaiah 24: 4-8. We believe that out of this experience of lawlessness and covenant-breaking there will come the New Testament church, a church which will have the earmarks of the early apostolic church. In fact that church is forming today. It has been making headway for almost a century, pushing up from the ground almost unnoticed among the great of the earth, silently, like the seed bursting through the earth into the warmth of sunshine. In the crucible of affliction it 15 being formed, while the dark storm- clouds still press close upon the nations of earth, and the lightnings flash, and the thunder of the storm grows louder and louder. The voice of God which spoke in the be- ginning of the creation saying, “Let there be light,” has spoken again in these last days. The Spirit of God stands ready to send forth a blaze of glory which shall illuminate and empower the church to do its final work. That hour is here, the promises of God are sure, and His “floors shall be full of wheat, and the fats