Spiritualizing Adventists, "Ve have been grieved in heart at the perversions which some have made of God's word,--Teet-washingz an? holy %issings, which were only among the [a J OV oO hospitalities of the east, some have enjoined as religion's observances to be practiced in public and mixed meetings. Some have taught second and thirl * » > a 1 * 3 . - o 3 - lamersions into thir< covenants, inculcated the duty of selling chairs, tables, etc,, and sitting and eating on the floor. . , .Cthers are teaching the very reverse of all ovr hope,--denying any personal coming of C hrist. A paper . just issued at Utica, . .teaches that heaven is only in the hearts of God's J —— ~ children, that all the body Christ has, is the church, that the only advent of Christ we are to look for is 'in the bodies of his saints, by causing the Spirit dwelling in them to shine out through the =mntex entire man,' that when Christ descénds from heaven it will only be Christians--the heaven where he now is--to their of all, even heaven itself, is only in our hearts, that to look 'with nativral eyes into the heavens for Christ,' is 'antichrist,' that "there is no such thing a literal tody of Jesus in the universe of Cod" ! ! that we are to stop err — ‘gazing C up into heaven,' and that to lobk for the personal coming of Christ is 'carnal,' etc. etc." Advent Herald, 7:67, April 9, 1845. (Utica paper reference to Orlando Squires' Voice .of the Shepher?, see :3i8:117, Ap. 10, 1°45) [3¥ lforning Watch ©:117, April 10, 1°45 quotes dirsctly from Squires--sace material as is summarized above]