SOUTHEAST ASIA UNION MESSENGER Phe une En ROR Mo 1000 He Ellen G. White We are Lr sow Beside all wats ISA IE RIN EST Wk iq wine NArstry regres sevice, and to this mimnstry swe are all TET SIA MEA Sereno WHAT ager Onn braects fioel 1o Sader Is 5 dhsnonor 10 God for anyone 1 choose 3 . . 3 § df ab Se iforeasin do, ver are 10 oo bw th cheedfuimess, ihe afb seif-pieasing whatever saunbice war ate Sanat upon WE Owe every thing 10 grace, sovereign qrace race to rakes awe are [eo make i chiearfully srdained our redemnplon, ow regeneration, and our vir Sow besidia al waters, we shall adoption to hesrship with Jesus Chnst, lot this grace he realize the trate of the words, Hye revedled to others A which soweth bounafuilly shall reap — aso hounttully Review and Herald, Jan. 5, 1905