ap—lng [=I aN Upper Lake Church Rededicated The Upper Lake Church was rededicated November 6 after being completely remodeled by the members. Conference Presi- dent Helmuth Retzer was speaker for the special service. Focal point of the sanctuary is now the beautiful stained- glass window depicting an open Bible. The multicolored work of art was designed by Pastor Keith Knoche and created by Don Pifer, one of the 116 Up- per Lake Church members. Other features of the church include new carpeting, newly- finished and upholstered pews and a new baptistry. The church was first dedicat- dedication service 30 years ago. 7 2° YOUR CHILD, These Upper Lake members and guests also attended the original ed 30 years ago. Twenty-five persons were present who also attended the original dedica- tion, including Wilfred Hansen, one of the platform participants in the earlier service. 124 error and mistakes are not nearly as grievous in the sight of God as is the harsh unforgiving spirit of those who are criticizers and censors.” Testimonies to Ministers, 186 Lake Church’s stained-glass window was de- signed by the pastor and cre- ated by Don Pifer. Upper new ® Rest Rooms built in the cabin area. as quickly as possible. ® Caldor Road ® Construction Plans ® Thank Offering us to do. © One Percent Plan Leoni Meadows Update Materials are being transported to the Leoni Meadows site to construct the first of two rest rooms to serve the Retreat —the one for the recreation vehicle area. The second will be Pipes for the underground sewage system are also on the grounds. Work on these projects will now move ahead It looks as if work can begin soon on the widening of Caldor Road—after many delays and much red tape. The County has been securing property rights for this. Plans are being submitted for the construction of the dining complex and the caretakers home. As the end of 1976 approaches, perhaps many are thinking of making donations to special projects. Why not give something extra to Leoni Meadows? As God's blessings are remembered, could not many of us make thank offerings to Him through this project that is going to serve the needs of the constituency of Northern? May God bless each of us as we think of our commitment to Him and what He enables Please remember the One Percent Plan. The year 1977 could get off to a wonderful start for Leoni Meadows if every family in Northern would make a decision to commit one percent of its income to the building of this new retreat center. Robert D. Williams, Director, Stewardship Dept. Andrews Alumni Meet at PUC (at RreeT— Twenty Andrews University alumni represented a total of 468 years of denominational service at their alumni meeting November 21 at Pacific Union College. Five veteran workers alone represented 270 vears of ser- vice. Four of these were out- standing educators: Paul Quim- by, 55 years of service: Burton IT. Phipps, 54; Denton E. Re- bok. 41; and Floyd Rittenhouse, ABC Will Host Autograph Party An autograph party for Paul E. Quimby, professor emeritus of religion at Pacific Union Col- lege, wil be hosted by the An- gwin Adventist Book Center on December 12 10 a.m.-4 p.m. The party will mark the re- lease of Quimby’s book Yankee on the Yangtze, an account of his nearly 25 years’ experience as a Seventh-day Adventist missionary in China. The book opens with Quim- by's dramatic escape from the walled city of Nanking when it fell to the Communists in 1927. Following chapters deal with his employment by Chiang Kai- shek as a government supervi- sor in education, his escape UrEenTLY Neebeb Amsoil—100% synthetic oil—Guar- anteed 25,000 miles or 1-year service life. Minus 60° pour point. Increased mileage, better engine protection. Golden opportunity now as distrib- utors. For more information con- tact: David Hull, Rt. 1, Box 1505, Meadow Vista, CA 95722; (916) 878- 0707, or Jerry Zappia, 243 Dairy Rd. Auburn, CA 95603; (916) 885-0644. Stamps—WIill pay highest price for stamp collections and accumula- tions. Contact John H. Weidner, 820 East Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91101; phone, (213) 792-3189. LAT YOUR SERVICE Heavy Sam’s Custom Masonry and concrete pumping service. Southern California area, foundations, slabs, hillsides, commercial, industrial and residential. Contact Sam DeVargos, (213) 353-2194 or (213) 886-2802. Li- cense No. 290547. Discount to Ad- ventists. from the country in 1937 when Japan invaded China and his return to China after World War II Quimby first went to China in 1924 as an instructor in re- ligion and history at the Ad- ventist China Training Insti- tute where he later became dean. After World War II he was the educational secretary of the China Division until the Communist takeover in 1949. While in China, Elder Quim- by completed two five-year courses in Oriental Studies. He speaks fluent Mandarin Chinese, the national language of China. Northern California Conference Helmuth C. Retzer, president; Rich- ard W. Simons, secretary; Richard H. Roderick, treasurer; (Box 23165) 2300 Norse Drive, Pleasant Hill, California 94523. Phone (415) 687- 1300. Wills, trust agreements and an- nuities should be made in favor of the legal association rather than the conference. For more informa- tion, write to Henry Bergh, direc tor, at the above address. <7 [le FREEDOM ING 42. Elder Ernest IL.loyd claims > vears of service as he has never retired, even at the age of 97! Theme of the meeting was: “The Teacher Who Most In- fluenced My Life While in Col- lege.” Alumni and friends pres- cnt heard a truly cloquent eu- logy to consecrated teachers - those who helped mold the lives of students who, in turn, dedi- cated their talents to finishing the task given the remnant church. New officers elected were Garth Thompson as president- elect and Clifford Schaber as secretary-treasurer-clect. They will be serving during 1977 with President Joe Quinn and Secre- tary-treasurer Anna Spicer. Rolland H. Howlett Past President Adams, Fanny May—b. Dec. 15, 1878, Palco. Kans.; d. Nov. 20, 1976, Eureka. Calif. Survivors: stepson, Burnard Adams; sisters, Carrie Am- brosini, Ethel Morris: 8 grandchil- dren; 13 great-grandchildren; 5 great-great-grandchildren. Archer, Dorothy Ethel—b, Oct. 22, 1909, Duluth, Minn.; d. Nov. 27, 1976, Deer Park, Calif. Survivors: sons, Ralph, Floyd, Robert: daugh- ters, Irene Kalua, Bette Gardner, Phyllis Deal; sister, Irene Ritter: 21 grandchildren; 8 great-grandchil- dren. Haury, Paul John—b. June 18, 1899, Geary, Okla.; d. Nov. 17. 1976, Riv- erside, Calif. Survivors: wife, Beth: daughters, Bernice Linthwaite, Leo- na Reanier, Leatrice Bramble: son. Franklyn: 13 grandchildren; 9 great-grandchildren, Johnson, Florence E.—b. April 26, 1886, Indiana; d. Oct. 21, 1976. Oro- ville, Calif. Survivors: son, Edwin A. Wright; 3 sisters; a brother. Johnson, Lawrence Wesley—b. Nov. 8. 1901, Missouri; d. Aug. 23, 1976, Placerville, Calif. Survivors: wife, Mary; daughters, Marian Ray, Nor- ma Swanson; son, Max; 8 grand- children; a great-grandchild; broth- er, Glenn. Philosda To Meet New Year's All Adventist singles are in- vited to spend New Year's weekend with the Philosda family at Pinecrest Camp. In- spiration, spiritual food, fellow- ship and recreation are planned especially for singles. The New Year will be welcomed with a special inspirational service. Pinecrest Camp is located off Highway 50 in the High Sier- ras. Many ski resorts (Sierra Ski Ranch, Heavenly Valley, Grand Ave. Church Choir will present “Joy to the World” by John Peterson Dec. 25, 11 a.m. Grand Avenue Adventist Church 278 Grand Avenue, Oakland You are cordially invited to attend Kirkwood, ete.) are near the camp. Sledding and snow-play areas are at the camp and near- by. Costs for the weekend (in- cludes food and lodging) is as follows: Philosda members— S14; non-members—-$17: chil- dren under 12—5%11.50. You may arrive anytime after 2 p.m. Fri- day. Supper will be at 6 p.m. Please bring your own bed- ding, towels. warm casual cloth- ing, musical instruments, ski equipment, sled, toboggan, etc. Accommodations are in the lodge. Children are welcome. Please send reservations with full fees by December 24 to: Pinecrest Weekend, 5261 Sono- ra Way, Carmichael, CA 95608. Additional information regard- ing the weekend or the Philosda Club may be obtained by writ- ing the above address or call- ing (916) 967-6178 evenings. I.orene Soderstrom, Philosda Regional Director PACIFIC UNION RECORDER, / MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1976