¥ Charred wreckage of what was once a thriving retail business district at the corner of King and McCully streets, Honolulu. Here the bombs destroyed; and here men died. Mr. Stevens speaks of a group who will nol die; but let him tell you about that. ANN Al rr ANN rere NN THE disciples’ questions, eg “When shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of “>= Thy coming, and of the end of the world?” two events were blended; namely, the end of the Jewish nation, and the end of the world, as was pointed out in article Number One of this series. For they not only asked, *“ When shall these things be?” but also, ““ What shall be the sign of Thy coming, and of the end of the world?” Jesus, in answering their questions, forged a chain of prophecy, reaching link by link from the generation in which He lived, and in which came the fall of Jerusalem, to the last generation, which would be the active generation at the end of the world. Having brought the disciples up to the end of the Jewish nation, Jesus then pro- ceeded to answer the second question, “What shall be the sign of Thy coming, and of the end of the world?’ He spoke of a period of the most terrible tribulation in the history of the world, and then said, “Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven shall be shaken: and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in hea- ven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And He shall send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.” Matthew 24: 29-31. The dreadful tribulation which was to precede these signs, Christ described in these words: “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the be- ginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.” Matthew 24:21. The casual reader might conclude that Jesus here refers to the tribulation which was connected with the fall of Jerusalem, but that would hardly meet the prophecy’s specifications. That tribulation came upon those who had rejected Christ as the Messiah, and upon a nation in revolt against God, having filled up its cup of iniquity. God’s elect were delivered out of all this; but the great tribulation of which Christ speaks was to be upon the elect, His church. In centuries later there came a long period of persecution upon those whose only offense was the keeping of “the com- mandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.” Christ's prophetic cye looked down the long period of time covered by the ecclesi- astical domination of the papacy, which began in A.D. 538 and ended in 1798, when France dealt the papacy a stroke which was thought to be a death blow; for “all Page FOUR MEN WHU DIE NU1 By Jesse C. Stevens Europe believed the papacy was dead.” In the terrible centuries which preceded 1798, commonly called the Dark Ages, millions went to martyrs’ graves for main- taining their profession of the gospel and opposing what they believed to be the cor- ruptions of an apostate and fallen church. The prophecies of Daniel to which Christ referred in His discourse foretold this period of papal supremacy of 1260 years, and here Christ plainly follows Daniel's prophecy. See Daniel 7:25; 11: 3). But Christ foretold a shortening of the time of tribulation, showing that should the persecution continue until the end of the years of papal supremacy, the wearing out of the saints in persecution would be complete. The tribulation was shortened for the elect’s sake. The infiuence of the Reformation in the sixteenth century, the suppression of the Jesuits in 1773, the edicts of toleration by Maria Theresa of Austria in 1776, and by Emperor Joseph II of Aus- tria, and the growing sentiment in I'rance of antagonism to religious intolerance, all contributed toward causing the persecu- tion to cease about twenty-five years be- fore the end of papal supremacy in 1798. Now in beginning to give the signs of His second coming, Jesus said, *Immedi- ately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened,” that 1s, the signs would begin then. Mark puts it this way: “In those days, after that tribula- tion, the sun shall be darkened.” Mark 13:24. So the prophecy points out fairly definitely the time of the first sign, the darkening of the sun. This event would occur within the period of about twenty- five years before 1798. The Dark Day of May 19, 1780, came at the time appointed, and 1t was so remarkable a phenomenon that it has gone down in history. Almost one hundred years after this event, Webster's Dictionary said, ‘Dark Day, The, May 19, 1780, so called on account of a remarkable darkness on that day. The true cause of this remarkable phe- nomenon is not known.” Scores of similar testimonies might be cited. “The moon shall not give her light,” was the next sign. Historians, speaking of the night following the Dark Day, tell us that the moon had the appearance of blood, that the darkness was so dense it was well- nigh impenetrable, that a sheet of white paper held within a few inches of the eyes became equally invisible with the blackest velvet, and that the horses could not be compelled to leave their stables when wanted for service. Next there came, in fulfillment of Christ's prophecy, the majestic meteoric shower of November 13, 1833. Various writers have thus described this stupendous phenome- non: ‘The most remarkable one ever ob- served’; “the greatest display of celestial fireworks ever seen within the annals covered by history”; “the scene could not be compared more aptly than to a shower of fire”; “their numbers compared to the (Continued on page 17) The WATCHMAN MAGAZINE