M.H. LANE-, President. C.T. LAY, vice Pres. F-. B. LAY, Sec.ano Tre as. Michigan Buggy Co. Ft NE Carriages and Cutters. Kalamazoo,Mich., Nov 8th. '99. Messrs Tiling & Buford, Virginia Bi ty,Mont. Gen tiemen :- Remembering our correspondence with you we are now prepared to take up the matter of your vehicle trade for 1900, and with this in view we are sending you to-day under separate cover blue prints which will give you a fair idea as to what we are doing in this line and we are confident that if you will but take the tine and trouble to go over them carefully you will find something that will interest you. As we have tried to explain in our former letters we are building a line of work specially adapted to the Mountain and heavy trade and believe we are in shape to handle your business arid give you a class of work that will be highly satisfactory to your trade. He differ largely from the majority of maizufacturers as we build all of our work entirely from the ground up, that is we manufacture all of our om running gear and wood work, building our own bodies, seats, dashes, pops ord in fact everything that goes into the vehicle we put up from the raw material and we are thus enabled to give our customers exactly what we agree to and are not dependent upon some small body factory to keep us going. Our output is arnng the largest in the country and we take care of our trade. One of the most essential points in the construction of work for your territory is the wheels. You have to have a good hickory wheel or your vehicles fall down and come back on your hands* have one o< the largest wheel plants in the United States in this City and can build BOO sets of finished hickory wheels every twenty-four hours. We use nothing but hickory wheels and every one of them is $ut out and guaranteed, in every particular from the ground up. Of course you wider st and that this kind of a wheel is very expensive arid continually grows so every year. Then again the timber for our wheels is all air seasoned and bone dry, something that will stand any climate as good as any whee^ can be made to stand. Where desired for the Mountain trade we are using screwed rim wheels and extra heavy tires on buggies and the lighter class of work, and upon Spring Wagons and that class of xxtrk we are Using riveted rim wheels. Tt is not our aim to see how cheap vje can construct our line of mrk, but every thing considered believe we have to offer you a class of vehicles far above the average and at a price a great deal lower in proportion to the quality than anything i)i the field. The prices quoted upon our strictly confidential, Jobbing, carload price list herewith are figured if you wish on all goods trimmed in leather unless otherwise specified upon the price list. However, a great many Traps, surreys and other special Jobs are invariably trimmed in green cloth, whip cord and something of that kind. Our #180 Bo ad Wagon is a very solid, roomy body job nicely carpeted has high panel back seat, built very strong and heavy with plump ltt wheels, sorted rims if you wish, and very heavy steel tires. At this “^.^7 call yo^rr attention to the fact that roe use nothing but sueel tires upon our vehicles and every tire is fitted and set by hand* This is possibly a little more expensive by a cent or tigo per set than Michigan Buggy Go- Fl NE Carriages and Cutters. M.H. LANE-, President, G.T. LAY, Vice Pres. F-. B. LAY. Sec.anO TreaS. KalaMAZOO, Ml CH., the price of setting by machinery but when the tire is once on it is there to stay and put on in proper shape, ifo one can set tires by machinery and half do> the work. The height of the wheels we are using upon our regular buggies arid Hoad Wagons for your trade are invariably 41” and 45” high, but we can give you 38” and 48" if you desire and the wheels can be either 3/4", 7/8” or 1” tread. We recommend 1” to you believing it is best adapted to your territory. The only difference between the #180 and the #73-1/3 is in the springs. Our two Concords #155 and #179 as quoted are built upon the regular old fashioned three reach Concord gear very stout and easy riding. The A grade Jobs have pocket dashes, special finish, special wood hid) wheels etc. Wet think, however, far the general run of trade you would find the B grade work perfectly satisfactory. Of course you understand we give you the wide or narrow track upon any vehicle. We pre&me your trade runs principally to the wide. The #19 as quoted at $43.00 is our regular light Mountain Job. The out of this work shows it in the Eastern size, but for the Western trade it is built with heavy 1-1/4 axles, 1-1/4” tread wheels with 3/8” thick round edge steel tires thoroughly bolted clear through the felloe at every spoke, with riveted rims. We use a five leaf heavy spring and the very best 1-1/4” double collar interchangeable steel axles strongly clipped and braced. Tiis Job we build regular with a 7 ft. body having drop end gate,heavily ironed at the comers, all morticed frame throughout and well braced. It has two seats very wide with high solid panel backs trimmed in the finest deep buff trimming leather, something that will not give out but will stand up and wear for years. This Job is fitted with a heavy pole strongly ironed, with heavy neckyoke and heavy singletrees and is a wagon which we believe will pleaeeyour trade immensly• You will notice a little farther down the price list we quote the #19 Mountain Wagon at $48.50. Tnis Job is built on the same lines as the #19 shown in the cut only it has a body 8 ft. long and 38” wide, is built very heavy and fitted zoith brakes and leather trimmings arid heavy pole for $48.50. Tze #19 at $43.00 would cost you $3.50 extra for a set of heavy brakes. About the only difference beti^een the #19 reg^jlar and the Duplex is in the springs and running gear. Te next call your attention to our #54 Buggy which we thirk you would find a leader and fast seller. Th>is Job is built regular for your trade upon 1” axles double collar all interchangeable steel axles having our patent sand bands to exclude all dust and dirt from the boxes. The wheels are as we have heretofore explained The circle is a special pattern having the king bolt back of the axle something that will not cause trouble. It has a two reach gear heavily iroiled whole leigth, with stiff relief springs instead of spring bars as sl^own in the cut, or spring bars if you wi^i. The body loops are all one piece wrought iron running from spring bar to spring bar. Tne body is 33” or 34” wide and 54” long, carpeted whole length as well as upon the end and side panels in front of the seat. Tie bottom is put in from the under side and held in place by the body loops, Tne seat is 3” deeper than anything in the field and the back is a genuine seven piece M. H. LA n B, President, G. T. LAY, vice Pres. F-. B. LAY. 3ec.anoTreaS. Michigan Buggy Go. Fl NE Carriages and Cutters. Kalamazoo, mjch.. panel 3” higher than regular and will never wcrrp, check or split. This is a good selling "buggy, can be had in nickel or plain trimmirigs as you desire. The #74 is on the sane grade and the sane price as the #54. When you want these buggies with fancy striped bodies, fancy striped gears and with special plain, plain divided and with a roll around the back you will find them quoted as #54-1/% and #74-1/%. Our #5% Buggy is an extra quality job as its name indicates and something which we can put out to you with the assurance that it will sell at a fancy retail price. Particular attention is called to our full li?ie of Surreys, Stanhopes, also to our Farmer's Surrey #%00. This for a medium grade job would please your trade. For a little better grade Job our #177 with lamps and double fenders would be the thing,. Upon this class of a Job we use a dash that is made from wrought iron, is all one piece solid foot. SO many use a cheap dash of malleable iron that simply bolts together at the foot. Our dash will never break dorm, can be used constantly as an assistance in getting in and out of the Vehicle and will always stand yp and give satisfaction. Then again we build all of our dashes and they are thoroughly leaded with two coats of white lead in oil before the leather is stitched on so that the irons trill not gather moisture and rust and rot out the threads. All of these little things go to make up a good line of work and co&t very little extra. Our * painting is all done by hand upon every vehicle and we give from four to seven coat finishes* Fe use Valentine & Co's varnish and the paint is guaranteed to stand whth any kind of fair usage. We can refer you to sone of the largest dealers and Jobbers in the Northwest as to the staying qualities of our work. While our terns are net, realizing that it takes some little talking to start in a new li?ie, upon a sample order for one or more carloads we will accept your specifications for shipmend; not later than Karaih 1st and take your notes in settlement, one-half August 1st, and one-half due Sept 1st. 1900. Also there is one thing itihich vfe wi to call your attention to and that is our Texas Concord #155-1/%. This, we thirik, you, would fifid a first class good seller in your territory. Tt is built with 1-1/8" double collar interchangeable steel axles with 1—1/4” tread wheels having 3/8" tire and riveted rims, 38” by 60” body and full Concord gear, Surrey seat, leather trimmings and leather top irith boot, pole and inside foot brake. This is a buggy which will always come hone together regardless of where you take it or idhere yaub drive it. Ti^e pr-^ce is right considering the high qucLity in vgorkmansJrip, material and the very expensive class of work which it is to manufacture. Te request your early consideration of this quotation and if you will place your specifications with us at once think there trill be no question about our having a pleasant and satisfactory deal. Yours truly, Kiohiaa\ Bureau (b. H. Asst.Kgr* Kalamazoo,Ml oh* NOV 8 th • '99* Messrs Filing & Buford, Virginia City, Mont. Gentlemen :- . are pleased to quote you the following strictly confident- zal Jobbing prices on our line for 1900. Terns net F.O.B. octrs Kalama zoo. Ht> 3 Slat Body Cart -------------------------------------------*22.50 no 2-1/2 3o2td Body Cart---------------------------------------- 22.50 NO 5 A grade SpeediJig Cart------------------------'f*:--------- 23.75 M) 15-1/2 A grade Pony Special --------------------------------- 35.00 No 73-1/3 Jackson Spring Bead Wagon - cloth trimmed------------- 26.50 No 73-1/2 tt n n n leather " ------------ 27.50 NO 180 End tt tt n same price as $73-1/2 No 101 Oyen liaht delivery - — — — ------------------ - - --------- 34.50 No 101 With rubber top--------------------------------------------- NO 102 Open light delivery extra long body------------------------- No 155 Concord B. grade------------------------------------------ NO 155 Concord A n----------------------- 38.50 NO 179 Concord B "------------------------ 38.50 NO 179 Concord A n--------------------- 43.25 No 19-1/2 Three seat Canopy top Livery Wagon, cloth trimmed------74.50 NO 19-1/2 " n ° " n ” leather n -------80.50 No 16 ' Duplex (l&untain size 1-1/4 riveted rims)---------------42.00 NO 19 Cbmbination (Mountain size 1-1)4 riveted rins)-42.00 No 27 Delivery Wagon ------------------------------------ 4D.00 No 54 End Spring Buggy, cloth trimmings and rubber top------ 39.00 No 54 if n n leather u and leather quarter top - 41.00 No 74 same price as #54. No 54-1/2 or #74-1/2 with fancy striped body and fancy trimmings extra to prices quoted---------------------------------------- 1.50 No 54-1/4 End Spring Buggy leather trimmings and lea. qu/xrter top 38.00 NO 185 Canopy top-------------------------------------------- 80.00, No 185 Leather quarter extension top - - ------------_ _ _ _ _ —, gQ900 No 185 Leather extension top ------------------------------ 100.00 No 187 Open -- - 65.00 No 186 Canopy top-----------------------------------------------75^,00 No 177 Canopy top------------------------------------------- - - - 65.00 No 177 Leather quarter extension top----------------------------75.00 No 177 ,r extension top----------------------------------80.00 No 191 Open------------------------------------- --------------- -75.00 No 192 Canopy ------------ - - — - - - - — ---------------------87.50 No 196 Neo Phaeton - - - -----------------------------------— 110.00 No 169 Leather quarter top-----—------------------------------65.00 No 169 Leather top-------r------------------------------------ 70 00 No 169-1/2 Pull leather top---------------------------------------77.50 No 200 Farmers Surrey Canopy top ----------------- — - ---------50.00 No 200 n u rubber top (extension)-------------------------------55.00 No 167 Spiderette, phaeton top----------------------------------171.50 NO 167 " closed top------------------------------------189.50 No 155-1/2 Texas Concord, leather top and leather trimmings ctnd brdhe,with pole-----------------------------------------71.50 Extra for longitudinal springs upon end spring biggies - - - - 1.00 2500 Pile long distance axles upon such Jobs are not regularly supplied, extra 01.00 NO 19 fountain Job ioith 1-1 /4v riveted rims, 3/8 tire, 8 by 38 body and brake - - -------------------------48.50 Brakes extra --------—---------------------------------------------3.50 Messrs Eiling & Buford #2. Vo 52-1'2 Bxtra Special, cloth tr innings and rubber top------$50.50 I/O 52-1/2 n tt leather " and leather quarter top------------- 53.60 I/O 52-1/2 Special Buggy cloth trimmings and rubber top-------- 46.00 I/O 52 n n leather trimmings and leather qjbarter top - 49.00 BO 72 same price as #52 Pbr fancy triiftmings and painting on #52 and #72 extra each — — - 1.60 Bor longitudinal springs upon #52 and #54 extra each-----------1.50 BO 55 A grade hand node gentleman's Driving Bitggy ---------- 95.00 I/O 182 Regular----- - - - — - - ------------- --------- - - - 36.00 Bo 182 A grade-------- ------------------------------_ - _ - 45.00 BO 204 Special A.A. grade Driving Wagon--------------------- 52.50 BO 189 60n body Driving Wagon--------------------------------- 33.25 I/O 202 Bike Wagon, rubber tires--$90.00, Dn&tmatio ----- 125.00 I/O 201 BusinessWagan--------------------------------- - ------- 35.00 Bo 188 Stanhope-----_ - _ - -----------------------------------69.00 BO 197 Bay Corning ------- - $52.50 regular axles and springs, no fenders and regular dash -------- —---------------- 47.50 BO 197 Bey Corning with special leather quarter top $65.00, or full leather top and leather covered bans---~----------- 73.00 Bo 203 Bay Benham Stanhope----- - ---------- - -------------- 59.00 Bo 198 Stanhope, red end - -- ---- ---- 79.00 Bo 194 Covert ------------------------------------------ 79.00 Bo 195 Duchess --------------------------- --------- — - — - — 1/>0.00 Bo 192 Cabriolet------------------------------------------------ 237.50 BO 161, phaeton top---------—----------------------------------118.25 BO^ 161, closed top---------------------------------------------138.25 Bo 184 Lakeside Drap - - ----------- - - —----------------------92.50 Bo 183 Broadvxty Btanhope -------------------- ------------- - - 95.00 Bo 163 Dlzaetonette rubber top, lairps and fenders -------------58.00 I/O 163 leather quarter top, laips and fenders-------63.50 Bo 163 ° | leather tops larps arid f eiders---------------70.00 fours tn^ly, Bi higar^ Buggy