1. Two members of the Second American Eagle Squadron, now active with the R.A.F. They are, left to right: Sergeant Pilot John Joseph Mooney, of Long Island City, New York, and Pilot Officer Donald William McLeod, of Blackstone, Massachusetts. 2. Senator George W. Norris, of Nebraska, makes some Goodrich synthetic rubber, while K. DD. Smith, of the Goodrich Company, Senator Charles McNary, of Oregon, and Senator Elmer Thomas, of Oklahoma, look on. 3. Upon his arrival at Pennsyvlania Sta- ~ BLCOHOL Siw HO CEES PARED ax nim Rus gt TAL + LEO PISA SRC esy SRGCED IM 13g HEHE BENZERE “BURA G CYRHIDE BUNA) tion, King George II of Greece was welcomed to New York City by Mayor La Guardia. 4. A view of a village on the little island of Attu, where the Japanese forces made a small-scale landing. Enemy ships are also reported in Kiska Harbor. Both places are on the extreme western tip of the Aleu- tian chain which stretches for 1,500 miles from the Alaskan mainland toward Japan. 5. Major General Maxwell, Chief of the United States Military North African Mission, receives an early telephone call.