Among these are bankers, Sunday School teachers, superintendents of public schools, officers of churches, and university graduates. Through these efforts during the last year twenty-five have accepted the truths —— The Field Director, Eder Lindsay Semmens, has accepted an invitation to act as temporary pastor of a union church not of our faith that was without a minister. From seventy to eighty attend his services. | . | Viork of this kind, though on a smaller scale, is being done at the Los Angeles division. And extended series of meetings has been conducted by some of the students during the past year. As a result so far twenty-five new converts have been baptized. Plans are being made to do far more in this line than we have been doing in the past. We are now working to a very interesting program in connection with Elder Harold Richards tabernacle meetings in Los Angeles. This program calls for lec tures on health and temperance, cooking school work, snd practical instruction in hydrotherapy — the application of rational treatment of simple ailments. The college furnishes the doctors, dietitians, and nurses required. These lines are all carried on in the large tent. A live interest is felt by many people in this practical and helpful part of the tent effort. A Great Loss But notwithstanding all that has been accomplished, the College of Medical Evangelists, or perhaps more properly our denomination, is sustaining a very seri- cus loss. We are not making the use we should of the fine product being sent forth from the school. A large number of young men and women enter the medical college with a great desire to devote their lives to medical missionary work. That desire