PACIFIC UNION RECORDER 3 her needed meh Forte that we presses oid of 1O aed crvowithin six months, bot they Fred One to take into account he hoove oo mighty Helper who never This question was made asa jee of special and we are thankinl i prayer to sav that our pravers were Answered. Within one week we hod averse For two larvae evliinder Presses, one [1 type, one Job presse paperentoer, Stitcher, type, and materm!, ete, to be delivered al one. These presses vere on the wav from the Fast Tor eth parties, but hey very generously agreed to det ns hve them to help ont on his world wont for cieroency, saving they anotacr shipment. One doeoe diem on Oakland acreed to let us toke a press right out off their fnetory, if we could demo Better. I is truly owonderrul to see the Way RITE have opened up so that we eonld oe started enn, Within a few diovs we wilh have mn chinery here foran clectroty ping foundry and book Innderv, so thai we enn gy on anid make clectrety ne plivtes ans band hooks, Temporary buildings have heen erected in waieh to honse this anacehinery and carry on our work until something better ix oprovided, Nready we hve quite no litle plant in operntion, ana hy SIRE cur nmehines night aed dove ns we ex pect to do for the prescat, can turn ond work, a lot of Fortunately ony bhoarding-houser con taining ten small rooms, was spared, aod hese ove heen used as oftice, ediverial, Gd Oorools, ele, proof-reading have civen to call at Pestdes the work we “other nstnuttons, we world (BRN tention io tne toilowing hooks, cle, whieh