SPIRITUALIZING ADVENTISTS--page 3 "We were earnestly looking for something to explain our position, when in the spring of 1845 there came certain brethren to us, who xiast said we proclaimed the right time. but were wrong in the manner. By ingenious, and mystified interpretationse of amny scriptures. too numerous to mention, they made it appear that we had come to the dispensation of the fullness of times, that there was a change from natural or literal interpretations of scripture, to spiritual, 1 Cor. 15:46. . . .We were soon led to believe that we had been carnal, in looking for a literal person of Jesus to come, and in looking for that city above, "the mother of us all." In short the fire of spiritualism soon burned up the person of Jesus, the Heawenly Jerusalem, and all the glories of heaven. We began to alk about God and heaven in us, so we could no longer look up to our J ear Father in heaven, and family prayer was soon neglected. . . . " RH2:103, March 2, 1852. (cf. p. 104, col. 3) "I must confess that in my letter last summer, I said some harsh things about the spiritualizers, but God has BXx forgiven me. . .I have been born again into God's everlasting Kingdom, and have obtained eternal life. Christ is in me--the R:surrection is in me. . .He has come and is doing ® up his last work, in this last time. I do believe we are in the last thousand years in the day of God, so often spoken of in the Bible. It is the day of vengence! We are in the great Sabbath! Glory to God, forever! . . . We used to cry, The Lord is coming and that was right. But now the cry is, The Lord has come! Glory to God!" Benjamin P. Manning, DS9:49, Feb. 14, 1846.