le 2 Je Ge Be 6s Te 8. 9 10. il. 12+ 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. PAS BEER HEALDI (OV.IENT ANDHG SVVENTI-DAY ADVENTISTS Farly Health lovements Captain 3ates~~lamperance Advocate and iealth Roformer The abandonment of liquor, Tobacco, Tea and Golfor by Adventists The Health Roform Vision of June 6, 1863 Article on "lealth" Article on “lealth" Concluded Tegohing Health Irinciples to a Denomination (Disregarding of Patent ‘Bdicines and Drugs Adoption of Non 'lesh Diet Call for a Health Reform Institute Growth of the Battle Creek Sanitarium Hoalth Reform Educatione--ipganization of Socloitles, etc. Ldueation of Non-Drug Physicians The International ledical College Reform on Healthful living celled for (1897) {Kellogg Statements) The inroads of Pantheism (lian the lemple ‘heory) Closing of Battle Creek lisdlcal College Davelopment of edical ork in California (A Call to Extraordinary uffort in Southern California)