Vrohibition Is a STURDY OAK The Qoming AGE PROSPERITY In the Qrip of HARD TIMES 25 Cents ewing Galloway zAn Interpreter a of the 'Times 4mceMBeii Vol. xli, No. ij Nashville, Tennessee December, «. The London “ bobby,” equipped with a club as his lone defence and offense weapon, is finding it difficult to beat back the thousands of hunger marchers who are determined to make an appeal on the floor of Parliament. English blood is flowing freely in the chief thoroughfares of the world’s metropolis. The Russian dictatorship, centered in Stalin, and recently rumored to be tottering to a fall, has asserted itself, and scores of its plotting enemies have been expelled from the Soviet party. Elements of weakness are showing in the communistic program of Russia, but the leaders carry on. It is forecast that the coming winter will be harder than ever on the estimated ten million jobless and their families. Succor for the needy is, however, being taken out of the haphazard class and better organized. President Hoover has promised that none shall starve, even if the Federal Government must make appropriations to aid the work. For the first time in many years nearly all church organizations and religious institutions are unable to pay the preachers and other workers. Some ministers are cut down fifty per cent, and some are receiving no pay at all. Government reports show an increase in employment of 3.6 per cent; but an increase of payroll amounts of 2.6 per cent. Which means that, though more men are being employed, it is done at the expense of the salaries of those already holding jobs. In other words, the much advocated plan of “ share-the-work ” is going into effect. But buying power is not thereby increased, and as long as more men work THE NEWS Qondensed for Busy People for less money, the depression is certain to continue. C. To credit a survey just made by Fortune magazine, approximately one person in every five will be dependent on charity this winter. Q Japan continues to have its hands full, and fuller, in Manchuria. The new state, Manchukuo, is quite unsteady. Chinese loyalists, revolutionaries, or bandits—call them what you will— occupy much of the country still, or again; and the portion still held by Japan is sustained by the strongest military force. Defying any outside interference, the Japanese are determined to carry out their will in the newly acquired territory. Nearly one half the farms in the United States are mortgaged, the combined indebtedness being nine billion dollars. The American Bible Society prints and circulates the Scriptures in 175 languages and dialects, and since its organization in 1816 has issued more than 237 million Gospels, Testaments, and Bibles. C.Tokyo, Japan, now proudly announces that, after absorbing 82 surrounding villages, it is the second largest capital city in the world. Its population now numbers 5,311,000. Greater London numbers 8,202,818. Germany is clamoring for the right to arm equally with other European powers. Europe has been alarmed by the recent statement of General Hans von Seeckt, creator of Germany’s present army. He said, “No force on earth can prevent Germany from again becoming a military power. The speed of Germany’s re-armament is a question of hard cash.” The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company reports that there are 20,000 suicides in the United States every year. More men than women destroy themselves, and lack of character is the chief cause. Recent increase in suicides is not due to the depression, for there has been a steady increase every year since 1925. C. Pope Pius has commanded Catholics in Mexico to abide by the government’s religious laws, but calls them persecution and fully as evil as Russia’s restrictions on religion. » “Denominational literature is now produced in 152 languages, in the form of 6,387 different publications, one copy of each costing $1,885.80. There was an increase of 421 in the number of different publications issued. The value of denominational literature sold during 1931 was $4,002,774.54. The total pages comprising one set of denominational literature has been increased since 1900 from 92,421 to 480,802 in m1- “The number of primary schools is now 1,937, with teachers, and 66,288 enrolment. The value of the buildings and equipment thus used is $1,280,316.21, while the value of the 3,025 church buildings is $9,364,681.72. This shows for the year an increase of 257 church buildings, and an increased value of $98,940.96.” “The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad.” Psalm 126: 3. Unlearned Depression Lessons EXPERIENCE is the best teacher,” is an old proverb. But at best it is only a partial truth. Experience is second best as a teacher. The actions of people in general, after the first glimmers of returning prosperity, prove that we have not learned from experience. And, observing them, we are led to ask, Are we yet ready for prosperity? The first cause of the depression, operating far back in the days of prosperity, was the mania for speculation, get-rich-quick, which led to inflated values, booms powered by air, overproduction. Then followed the crash of ’29, bottom prices and wages, unemployment, destitution, and fear. And fear has kept the depression going. But as soon as stocks are upped a little in Wall Street, there is a frenzied wish to speculate again. The spirits of financiers rise and fall with the prospects of a gambling chance. And that is a sure way to start a return to the old hot-air prosperity. Do we want that kind of prosperity back? Citizens who have the immediate and far future of the country at heart do not. But the urge to take a chance, regardless of the tar results, seems to dominate the majority. The speculator with millions is the same man, who, when he has lost his millions, will resort to petty gambling—the lottery, sweepstakes, bucket shop—and there has never been such a craze for lottery gambling in the United States as there is at the present time. Lotteries are against the law, but chances on foreign lotteries are smuggled in. Thousands of good people have learned for the remainder of their lives the hard lessons these hard times have taught; but other thousands have not, and this latter class is alarmingly large. Will we have to have more slump before we, as a nation, learn to keep our feet on the ground, bind about our wants, and be sensible? It is estimated that a century ago the Average American had 72 wants, 16 of which were rated as necessities. Now, we are told, the average man has 484 wants, 94 of which are necessities. It is time we were transferring many of these necessities over to the want column, and then getting out of the want column. But, to face the situation squarely, it is a delusion to hope that human nature will change much as a result of hard times. There is always the greedy majority who will grab for gain and be utterly oblivious of the welfare of others and the harvest of the future. “Let us eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die,” is their slogan. “Every man for himself, and the devil take the hindmost,” was a careless expression of our boyhood. Well, we’ll die tomorrow all right, with that selfish life-plan; and the devil will get more than the hindmost; and for all eternity. But, personally, sowing to the wind and reaping the whirlwind is not to our liking. We prefer to sacrifice some delights (?) now that we may enjoy real pleasure at the right hand of God forever more. And it won’t be long now; for the increase of the very greed and selfishness we have been describing is a sign of Christ’s coming to abolish selfishness and make all things good and new—for those who sacrifice tor Him now. (James 5: 1-9; Matthew 25:31-40.) Discovery Backs the Bible PROFESSOR BAILEY WILLIS, earthquake expert of Stanford University, made the statement before the British Association for the Advancement of Science, that Palestine, and especially the Jerusalem area, is subject to earthquakes. And he added, “A fault line along which earth slippage may occur passes directly through the Mount of Olives.” Thus science discovers a condition of the earth’s crust in all readiness for the fulfillment of the following text in Zechariah, a forecast made twenty-four centuries before: “And His feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. . . . And the Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with Thee.” Zechariah 14: 4, 5. This will not be the second coming of Christ, for then His feet do not touch the earth, but His saints are “caught up” to meet Him in the air and return to heaven with Him to live there during the millennium. (1 Thessalonians 4: 15-17.) There “ they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.” (Revelation {Continued on page 30) Dignity seems no part of some ministers’ ideas of conduct. An English clergyman and a woman parishioner, indicted for immorality, exhibit themselves in barrels to raise money for their defense. DECEMBER, I932 PAGE FIVE BREEDING the Perfedl MAN “Allperfect men 'toould make an imperfect toorld," says one scientist. “We 'toill yet breed babies in test tubes," says another. “‘Be a father by mail," says a third. W,hat about all this?questions a noted scientist in the following article. *By GEORGE McCREADY PRICE Away with all evolutionary ideas that would belittle, or detract from, this sweetest picture in the world. R11' ' (HE word genetics (from the same root as ‘‘genesis,” meaning “origin”) is used to designate the ex-i=====J perimental study of heredity in plants and animals. Hence it is applied to the study of the supposed origin of species, and thus it is used to cover the experimental study So. This instruction is sound. I believe it, and have acted upon it in the case ot my own children. But it is manifest that the spirit of this instruction is not carried out by merely keeping children from school, without giving them the conditions of culture it prescribes. Mothers and fathers must be teachers of their children. Children should be in the country, and nature should be one of the chief lesson books. For a child to be kept out of school in the city until eight or ten years of age (even if the law allowed it), and given no physical or mental culture, permitted to play in the streets, or shut up so far as possible in the house, would be “worse than to have him, even at the tender age of five or six, too closely confined in the schoolroom. Are we justified, then, if we live in the city, in sending our children of tender age to school? Not justified, but compelled. Our responsibility remains to provide for them as nearly ideal conditions as possible, and then to follow the instruction. Neither, if we are in the country, are we justified in keeping the children from school until they are eight or ten years old, unless we provide for them the training they should receive in the home. The purpose of the above instruction is, first, to insure right physical conditions for the child; second, to insure the relation of teacher and pupil between parent and child. I may add that in my experience adherence to this program has shown the very best results, the child so treated being at ten years of age better in health, keener in intelligence, broader in experience than the child sent too early to school, and also usually not behind in classification. Child WIDOWS Weep In India % E. D. THOMAS THE old woman in the picture was married when she was ten years old, and lived with her husband for about two months, when he died, and she has remained a widow since. When the gospel invitation was extended to her, she accepted it gladly, and has been enjoying the blessing of it since. She is now a faithful, good, honest Christian woman, and is earnestly looking forward to the time of Christ’s coming. In my ministerial work I have come across many women who had a similar fate, and who are treated as domestic servants by their relatives, and kept in the backyard, and who have had the privilege of hearing the gospel worker, but through fear of their relatives they are afraid to tell their people about their desire to hear more of Jesus, because they will at once be ostracized and beaten by different ones. We have no homes and means to help these women, and to provide them with some industrial education so that they can earn their livelihood, and live consistent Christian lives. At times our hearts are touched with sympathy as we listen to the persecutions they have suffered at the hands of their people, for the little privilege they had of hearing about Jesus. According to the last census, we have in this country 331,793 widows who are under fifteen years old. Reader, do you not feel that you are challenged to sacrifice some of your means for these poor widows who are in darkness and without hope? Your gifts will encourage our army of consecrated workers to do more and better service in making “Jesus Christ and H im crucified” known among the multiplied millions who now grope for the “Light of life.” Gifts may be sent in care of the editor of this magazine, who will forward them for mission work among the widows of India. Coming Age of Prosperity (Continued, from page 17) perity of those who rightly deserve these blessings. Would you enter into life? Said the Christ: “If thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.” Matthew 19: 17. Which one, you may ask. In another place Christ summarizes the question, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” Matthew 22:37-39. When one has that much love in his heart he is free from selfishness and is ready for citizenship in Christ’s kingdom. In fact, keeping the commandments is the test and passport of those who will enjoy the new age of prosperity. Says the apostle John, “ Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.” Revelation 22: 14. Do you want permanent prosperity enough to keep His commandments? It will be the greatest step in your life. DECEMBER, I932 PAGE THIRTY-ONE Married at ten, widowed in two months, she remained a widow for fifty years, and is now happy in the gospel of Jesus Can We Learn Anything? (Continued, from page if) wonder of the ancient world. By a dream the king was warned of his egotism and its dangers. Daniel told the monarch of his weakness toward pride and forgetting of Jehovah. “Wherefore, O king,” the prophet pleaded, “let my counsel be acceptable unto thee, and break off thy sins by righteousness, and thine iniquities by showing mercy to the poor; if it may be a lengthening of thy tranquillity.” Daniel 4: 27. The Proud Abased HA year passed, and as Nebuchadnezzar walked in his gold-adorned palace, he said to himself: “Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honor of my majesty?” And the Scripture records that while the words were “in the king’s mouth, there fell a voice from heaven, saying, O king Nebuchadnezzar, to thee it is spoken; The kingdom is departed from thee.” And for seven years the insane king wandered about as an animal, eating grass as oxen, and becoming like the beasts of the field. Again his reason was restored to him, history and the Bible tell us; and in his autobiography he says: “Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honor the King of heaven, all whose works are truth, and his ways judgment: and those that walk in pride he is able to abase.” Daniel 4: 37. Nebuchadnezzar could not stand the test of prosperity without becoming egotistical and proud. He was forced to an opposite extreme that he might be saved spiritually, mentally, and physically. The broad city with its population devoted to their king had stirred his pride. He knew there was a living God, for he had seen manifestations of divine power and had heard the message from Daniel and the Hebrew worthies. But with every opportunity for right doing, the king continued his willful way until the final pronouncement came upon him, and God allowed him to see himself as he was without God—a mere beast of the field! A time of adversity produces thoughtful action. Where men were careless and indifferent to financial corruption and graft in a time of plenty, they now become alarmed at the existing evils. Where men became puffed up with conceit and vainglory, they are now cautious, reticent, and less sure of their own powers. If nothing else comes from the depression after 1929, it would be a valuable lesson to man in the twentieth century to show him that science and the inventions of a machine age cannot produce lasting happiness or end the misery of sin and degradation. Before our downfall, when we were still a nation spurred forward by the craze for wealth and the lust for power, Dr. John Grier Hibben, of Princeton University, made a warning statement that I placed in my scrapbook. In retrospect the words are filled with a double weight of meaning. While we rode the waves of prosperity this educator said: “We must all be on guard against allowing a sense of power to dull our sensibilities and to use prosperity as a means to unworthy ends. Nor must we allow a starvation of the soul. With the growth of wealth and expanding resources of increased power, there is the danger that the soul may become small and mean and debased. Finally, we must be careful not to let prosperity become alien to religious impulse and aspiration. We must remember that religious inspiration is just as necessary in times of prosperity as in adversity.” But America did forget the essential lessons of living. She was so busy with the glittering toys of the time that she could not heed the truths of life. What were some of the lessons that might have helped prevent our debacle? Lessons We Might Have Learned C. First, America had forgotten to acknowledge God. The soul had been starved while money was its chief diet. The doctrine of evolution grew into a dogma that millions of people believed, and the progress of the age was used as a shining example of man’s rising to higher power. Second, the mass of American people were dominated by the Almighty Dollar. There was only one way to happiness, and that was by wealth. Achievement was spelled—$ucce$$. Third, without God and with wealth as our goal, we became unmercifully selfish. It is true we helped the famine sufferers or raised the Community Chest fund, but our hearts were not in such gifts. Men lived to themselves. The great industries thought only of doubling profits even if some of their employees were forced out of work. Graft, fraud, political greed thrived in such an atmosphere. The apostle Paul analyzed the faults of our civilization, as shown by the prophecy in 2 Timothy 3: 1-5. These were to be omens of the time just preceding the coming of Jesus Christ in glory. “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, . . . lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” Mark well the words, “lovers of their own selves,” “covetous,” “boast-ters,” “proud,” “lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.” Are these not excellent word-pictures of the underlying faults of our era? We have had “a form of godliness,” but it was a pitiful husk of religious life. The era of depression may be the greatest means of restoring our equilibrium concerning the values of life. God grant that we may learn that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” That we may say with the king of Babylon who learned almost two thousand years ago of the God of heaven, “Now I praise and extol and honor the King of heaven, all whose works are truth, and His ways judgment: and those that walk in pride He is able to abase.” And in our relations with our fellow men, may we find the rule of life in the words of the Son of God: “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” Let us realize that our age is the greatest fulfillment of Bible prophecy proclaiming the second advent of our Lord Jesus Christ, who invites every individual, “ Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me.” That out of this world of turmoil and failure the Redeemer of men will recreate a new heavens and a new earth and will make “all things new.” Prohibition Is a Sturdy Oak {Continuedfrom page //) crushed. They said: “What can these ballot-less and money-less women do against a business that has the indorsement of the government, and moneyed men to back it up?” But out of this movement grew the wonderful and effective organization known as the Women’s Christian Temperance Union. Through the prayers of these godly women and the continuous effort of this organization, chiefly, national Prohibition was made possible and the Eighteenth Amendment was incorporated into the Constitution of the United States. To make more secure the Eighteenth Amendment, a kind, over-ruling providence then granted women the right of the vote. Women page thirty-two THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE should on every occasion exercise this right granted them by a divine providence. If they do, so long as the Nineteenth Amendment of the Constitution remains and women have the right to express themselves at the polls, so long we believe will the Eighteenth Amendment, forbidding the traffic in alcohol, remain. God’s hand has been in this Prohibition movement. Prohibition is with us, and if we continue our educational efforts as we should, informing the younger generation of the nature of alcohol and the experiences of the past with the saloon, it is with us to stay. The women of America through their prayers and influence succeeded in ridding America of the saloon, and I have no doubt, with their power to vote, if they will preserve the Christ spirit in which the temperance movement began, and continue to depend upon prayer as their mightiest weapon, the saloon and the legalized sale of alcohol as a beverage will never again be tolerated in this country. Men who know what the sale of drink would mean are not in favor of modification of the Volstead Act. Former President Taft, when Chief Justice of thb United States Supreme Court, said: “As a matter of fact I am not in favor of amending the Volstead Act in respect to the amount of permissible alcohol in beverages. I am not in favor of allowing light wines and beer to be sold under the Eighteenth Amendment. I believe it would defeat the purpose of the Amendment. No such distinction as that between wines and beers on the one hand and spirituous liquors on the other is practicable as a police measure.” Whence Come “Holy Days”? (Continuedfrom page 24) Sunday has the same origin as Christmas and Easter, as is indicated by the excerpt from the article by Dr. Hodges, cited before, who says that the first day of the week was kept in honor of Mithra, the Persian conception of the sun-god, as it was among all the ancient pagan nations. Indeed Webster tells us that it is called Sunday “because this day was anciently dedicated to the sun, or its worship.” The North British Review referred to Sunday as “the wild solar holiday of all pagan times,” and then seeks to defend its adoption by the Christian church by saying, “That very day was the Sunday of their heathen neighbors and respective countrymen; and patriotism gladly united with expediency in making it at once their Lord’s day and their Sabbath.”—Vol. 18, p. 409. In like manner did all the heathen festivals and rites gradually creep into the church during the period of “ falling away” spoken of by the apostle Paul, who saw the “mystery of iniquity” at work in the church even in his day (2 Thessalonians 2: 7), and tells us that it was only waiting until its opposing power — state-supported paganism — should be taken out of the way, when that new and terrible form of apostasy should be revealed, opposing and exalting itself above God. And it is a well-known fact that the Christian church grew in popularity and power as it forsook the fundamentals of Christianity and adopted the ritual of paganism, which waned correspondingly until it was completely supplanted, or swallowed up, by this new apostasy, whose head assumed the prerogatives of the pagan emperors. Historians Testify C.This declension of the church is well described by the following authorities: “But meanwhile Paganism had left its mark on Christianity. The church had felt obliged to mitigate their [pagans’] opposition and facilitate their conversion. Hence, minor observances of Paganism were adopted as part of the Christian ritual.”—Sanford's “Cyclopedia of Religious Knowledge,” art., Paganism. “At the end of the second century, within a little more than one hundred and fifty years after the first preaching of the gospel, it is obvious to remark the changes already introduced into the Christian church. Christianity began already to wear the garb of heathenism. The seeds of most of those errors, that afterward so entirely overran the church, marred its beauty, and tarnished its glory, were already taking root.”— fVharey's “Church History,” Cent. 2, Sec. 7. “In the interval between the days of the apostles and Constantine the Christian commonwealth changed its aspect. The Bishop of Rome—a personage unknown to the writers of the New Testament—meanwhile rose into prominence, and at length took precedence of all other churchmen. Rites and ceremonies of which Paul nor Peter ever heard, crept silently into use, and then claimed the rank of divine institutions.”—“ The Ancient Church,” Dr. Killen. What a simple and harmless thing it at first appeared to be to join their heathen neighbors in these rites and ceremonies. But eventually they became clothed about with new and false significations seeming to connect them with Christianity, until they finally displaced the things of God in the hearts of the people. Such, always, is the result of compromise with error. The first law, either human or divine, for the observance of Sunday is the edict of Constantine, a. d. 321. Great stress is laid upon this as proving that there must have been some divine authority back of it, owing to the exalted position of Constantine as head of the state and church, but when we consider the condition of the church at that time, and the character of the man Constantine, it proves conclusively that it was from some other source. Paul, the apostle, tells us that if an angel from heaven should come to us preaching a gospel contrary to that preached by the apostles, “let him be accursed.” (Galatians 1:8.) In the face of this admonition can we afford to accept the leading of such a man as Constantine? Let us study him. “Paganism was tolerated by Constantine. . . . The heathen priests were maintained in the enjoyment of their ancient privileges, and he and his immediate successors retained the heathen title,-which their predecessors had held, of Pontifex Maximus.”—Sanford's “ Cyclopedia of Religious Knowledge,” art., Paganism. “Respecting his conversion to Christianity, it is probable that he embraced the new religion not entirely from conviction but partly at least from political motives. . . . Hybred Religion C.“In any event Constantine’s personal religion was a strange mixture ol the old and the new. On his medals the Christian cross is upheld by the pagan deity Victory, and on the head of the great statue of the sun-god, Apollo, which he set up in his new capital, and which was probably intended to represent himself, there rested a crown the rays of which were formed of the nails of the sacred cross. “ Bearing these things in mind, it need not seem strange to us that Constantine should have desired that he be worshiped after death, nor incongruous that succeeding Christian emperors should have gratified his wish in allowing the people to offer sacrifices to his statue along with those of pagan emperors.”— “Rome: Its Rise and Fall,” Meyers, pp. 4°3, 404- And now, as to the kind of people that constituted the Christian church of that period, who were willing to worship this sinful man in the place of their Creator, DECEMBER, 1932 PAGE THIRTY-THREE we read: “But the imperial patronage . . . had not been an unmixed blessing to the church. The moment that mere profession of the new faith became a passport to the emperor’s favor and to office, that moment hypocrisy and selfishness took the place of the sincerity and self-devotion which had marked the primitive and persecuted Christians. . . . Consequently beneath the surface of the apparently Christian society of the empire, there was a great unchanged mass of heathenism.”—Ibid., p. 406. That “man of sin” foretold by Paul (2 Thessalonians 2: 3), was foreseen also by Daniel in one ot his visions. (Daniel 7.) He saw the four world empires arise and disappear, one after the other, in the svmbols ot wild beasts. The fourth, and last one, which was Rome, he saw divided into ten smaller kingdoms, as represented by the ten horns on the head of the beast. Among these ten horns he saw another “little horn” come up, of which it is written: “In this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.” Daniel 7: 8. “And the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them.” V. 21. “And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws.” V. 25. Evidently this refers to some power that would undertake to change the law of God, for the changing of laws made by men is of daily occurrence, and nothing out of the ordinary. Has this “man of sin,”—this “little horn,”—appeared among the divisions of Western Rome? The great apostasy, or “ falling away,” which Paul said must come before the return of Jesus, and which culminated in the formation of the papal system, has fulfilled the predictions of Daniel 7 in every specification. It has proved itself more crafty and subtle than all the kings of earth; it has made war with the saints, prevailed against them, and worn them out, to the extent that untold millions have died horrible deaths for conscience’ sake, and the worship of the true God was almost stamped from the earth for over a thousand years. It has spoken great words against the most High, by claiming equal titles, power, and infallibility with Him, and boasts that the change from Sabbath to Sunday is its own work. On this last point we quote from The Catholic Mirror, Sept. 23, 1893: “The Catholic Church for over a thousand years before the existence of a Protestant, by virtue of her divine mission, changed the day from Saturday to Sun- day.” And Cardinal Gibbons replying to a question in the same paper said: “Of course, the Catholic church claims that the change was her act. It could not have been otherwise, as none in those days would have dreamed of doing anything in matters spiritual and religious without her, and the act is a mark of her ecclesiastical power and authority in religious matters.” A few months ago, Quin O’Brien, a Chicago attorney, just before participating in a religious discussion, in Houston, Texas, in which he was to defend the Catholic Church, gave out a foreword in which he said, among other things: “My allegiance is to a church which is responsible for our Sunday, our Easter, our Christmas, etc.” Not only does all the testimony of history point to the papacy as the party guilty of tampering with God’s law, but we have here the accused, not only confessing openly, but boasting of the fact. Who could ask for a better case? For Prices. Terms, and Nevo Catalog on Art Lantern Slides or Stereopticons and Supplies Write ALBERT F. PRIEGER 312 W. Louisiana Ave. Tampa - Florida An Ideal Holiday Suggestion!^- Students, Teachers, Office Workers, Will Appreciate The New Dictionary and a Year’s Subscription to The Watchman Magazine This new “Graphic” Dictionary embodies every modern feature of dictionary making. Outstanding features: 1. Self-pronouncing. 2. Large type. 3. Contains thousands of new words in aviation, radio, etc. 4. Phonetic pronunciation, synonyms, antonyms, definitions in simple language. 5. Total of 1088 pages. 6. Special appendix contains valuable encyclopedic information of value to schools, offices, and homes. 7. Bound in durable red simulated leather, semi-flexible covers, red indexed edges. Only a limited number of copies are offered with one-year subscriptions to The Watchman Magazine, for only $1.98, postpaid. To insure securing a copy, fill out the coupon below and mail remittance at once. I Yours with the WATCHMAN MAGAZINE for One Year at Only $1= Postpaid THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE, DEPT. R, Nashville, Tennessee. Send the New “Graphic” Dictionary at once, postpaid, and THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE for a year. I inclose $1.98. Name.................................................. Address.. PAGE THIRTY-FOUR THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE Universal Bible Sabbath, promoted an* nually by the American Bible Society and to be observed this year on the first Sabbath in December, is growing in favor with the churches of America as a day for emphasis upon the importance and value of the Scriptures. In a time of widespread depression when serious emergencies must be faced and when new sources of strength are being sought, a renewal of Bible study occasioned by the observance of Universal Bible Sabbath is bound to result in the development of rich spiritual resources with which the Christian can exultantly stand up to life. The Third Girl Amid the gayety of preparations for the Christmas season won’t you pause a moment to pity the “third girl”? Among all young women who die between the ages of 15 and 30 one out of three dies of tuberculosis—a human sacrifice to ignorance and indifference. Tuberculosis is preventable and curable.Turn your pity into action and buy Christmas Seals. Your pennies help spread the knowledge that will save lives. THE NATIONAL. STATE AND LOCAL TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES Buy Christmas Seals ■ ■ - "■ jfr “ Under the Guiding Hand” is a book just off the press, containing the “Life Experiences of Drs. D. H. and Lauretta Kress.’’ While the book is intensely interesting, it cannot be read without increasing faith in an over-ruling Providence. For over 48 years the doctors have worked side by side in this country and in countries abroad, as medical missionaries, Dr. D. H. confining his practice chiefly to digestive disturbances and diseases of the nervous system of women and children. In her obstetrical practice, Dr. Lauretta has delivered up to date 3,352 babies, and at present is still active in her profession. The following are a few of the chapter headings: Childhood Experiences; Our Ripening Acquaintance; Our Marriage and Early Housekeeping Experiences; In the School of Hard Knocks; At the University; The Chicago Medical Mission Experiences; Recollections of Those Early Days; Efforts at Economy; Going to England and Experiences; Called to Australia; Visits to New Zealand, West Australia, Tasmania; Return to the Homeland; Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Washington Sanitarium and Hospital; Seventieth Birthday Anniversary of Dr. D. H.; Address by Professor Prescott; Dr. Kress’ Tribute to His Wife. The book contains 240 pages and over 30 illustrations, some of them full page. The price of the book is $2.25. Address Dr. Lauretta Kress, 705 Carroll Ave., Takoma Park, D. C. ---- - ■ ■ -S9 LEROy! EDWN FRGDM; JUST PUBLISHED By the author of “The Wonderful Father,” “Eternity’s Wise Men,” “The Supremacy of Love,” “The Light in the Valley,” “Rivers of Living Water,” “The Coming of the Comforter.” (ew THE great yearning cry of the human heart wherever found, is for rest. The eternal quest in every age, and clime and race, is for soul-rest.” So read the opening lines of a delightful new art-gift brochure by LeRoy Edwin Froom, former editor of The Watchman Magazine. C. THE ETERNAL QUEST is addressed to those who are physically tired and heart-weary. If the trials of life sweep in like a flood, and you long for an anchor to hold you fast in times of storm and stress, just read, The Eternal Quest. ^Attractively printed on a delicate coral-tinted paper, with artistic cover design in two colors and tied with gold cord, The Eternal Quest costs no more than a fine greeting card, yet it carries a message that will long be cherished and remembered. Why not send this little brochure this Christmas instead of the usual holiday card, and make it serve a double purpose? The price is only 25c a copy postpaid. Order from Your Book and Bible House, or SOUTHERN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION Nashville - Tennessee Uniform with The Eternal Quest, in size and price are, “The Wonderful Father, ” “ Eternity’s Wise Men.” “The Supremacy of Love,” “The Light in the Valley.” ^'COME UNTO AA.IE ’’ DECEMBER, I932 PAGE THIRTY-FIVE UNIVERSAL BIBLE SABBATH AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY 1. Mayor McKee of New York means business in his war against gambling. Policemen destroy 470 confiscated slot machines. 2. The flood in Harbin, Manchuria, did not deter a Chinese newspaper vendor, who stood shoulder-deep in a Harbin street to sell newspapers to tho.se who rowed by. 3. The ex-kaiser of Germany parades jaunty attire on the beach of a Dutch watering place not far from his home in exile at Doom. 4. The Steel Helmets” parade on Templehof Field in Berlin. This powerful monarchist organization is the strongest foe of Hitler and the Fascist organization. NEWS PICTURES