Information Sheet No. )4 STUDY AND USE OF THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY WRITINGS that ·was given in the early days of the message is safe instruction to follow in these its closing days.״—Review and Herald, July 18, 1907. (Selected Messages, Book 1, p. Ul. See also 9T 158. 7. Counsels scientifically sound as demon- strated by mounting scientific confirmation in fields of medicine and nutrition. See sheet "Spirit of Prophecy and Medical Science. 8. Principles apply universally—world-wide message. The counsels written in Australia and Europe apply in the United States. The counsels written in the United States serve the world field. 9. Opportunity for doubt in God's Word and the Spirit of Prophecy not removed. God allows hooks on which doubt may be hung. See Great Controversy, pp. 527; 5>T 6756־. Exercise of faith brings strength. Decide from weight of evidence. 10, Not given to take place of Bible study, initiative, faith, hard xoork. 11. Conclusions based on study must be in keeping with tenor of E. G. White teachings as a whole. 12. Consistency will not allow accep- tance of certain counsels and rejection of other counsels. 13. My personal attitude toward the counsels will influence others, for or against. Consider personal responsibility. 1U. Exercise good will toward those who may not interpret or apply certain counsels as you do. 1. Spirit of Prophecy Counsels are primari]y messages to me personally. See Acts 26:19. 2. Study counsels in proper setting. Exajiple: "Eggs on the table," 2T U00; Balancing counsels, 9T 162, etc. 3. Study all counsels available on given topic as basis for conclusion. "The testimonies themselves will be the key that will explain the messages given, as scripture is explained by scripture."— Selected Messages, Book 1, p. U2. U. Specific application of certain counsels may be modified by the time and place factors. "Regarding the testimonies, nothing is ignored; nothing is cast aside; but time and place must be considered."—Selected Messages, Book 1, p. 57. Examples^ (a) Bicycles, 8T 50-53; ^bT'Camp meeting locations, 6T 33; (c) Building materials for medical in- atitutions, 7T 83-U; (d) Drugs, Ministry of Healing, pp. 126-7. 5. Find and apply underlying principles. Examples: (a) Ball games, Adventist Home7~pp. U99-500; (b) Bicycles, 8T 50- 53; (c) Building materials for medical institutions, 7T 83-U; (d) Drugs, Selec- ted Messages, Book 2, pp. 279-285. 6. Messages not obsolete, but up to date. "Time and trial have not made void the instruction given, . . . The instruction Ellon G. White Estate General Conference Washington, D. C. October 29, 1961 PURPOSES OF THE VISIONS AND THE TESTIMONIES As delineated by E. G. White What They Are Not; 1. Not "an addition to the Word of God."—5T 663 2. "Not to give new light,"—5T 665 3. "Not for a new rule of faith.״— Experience and Views, p. 61*. (EW 78) What They Are: 1. "For the comfort of His people."—Exp, and Views, p. 61*; (EW 78) "To encourage the desponding and fainting soul."—RH, Jan. 10, 1856; (Messenger to the Remnant, p. 53) 2. "To correct those who err from Bible truth."—Exp, and Views, p. 61*; (EW 78) "To correct and reprove the erring."—RH, Jan. 10, 1856; (Messenger, p. 53) "To correct specious errors."—EGW Letter 117, 1910; (Messenger, p. 82) 3. "To bring the minds of His people to His Word,"—5T 663· "God has through the Testimonies simplified the great truths already given." —5T 665. "To impress vividly upon the heart the truths of inspiration already revealed."—5T 665. 1*. To instruct concerning God's will — 5T 661. 5. To instruct concerning "the course that He would have them pursue."—5T 661. 6. "To call" attention to Bible "principles for the formation of correct habits of living."—5T 663, 661*. 7. To clarify "man's duty to God and to his fellow men."—5T 665. "To awaken them to their duty."—5T 665. 8. "To specify what is truth."—EGW Letter 117, 1910; (Messenger p, 82) "When the power of God testifies as to what is truth, that truth is to stand forever as the truth."—Selected Messages, Book 1, p. 161. 9. "To confirm*ny peopte °1n the position they have taken."—RH, July 18, 1907; (Selected Messages, Book 1, p. 1*1) 10. To bring unity into the church causing God's people to "see eye to eye and be of the same mind."—3T 361. Ellen G. White Estate General Conference Washington, D. C. October 29, 1961