4 A Resume of the Kuala Lumpur Evangelistic Efforts—from page 2. fimsh His work in Malaya. The important thing is to remain hum- ble and pliable in the hand of the Lord. then it is He can use cach one to His honor and glory. A wonderful reward is promised those who remain true and loval to the Saviour’s commission. A crown, sparkling with gems. as an evid- ence of souls saved in God's king- dom. will be placed upon the head of each one who works untiringly for the salvation of men and wo- men. May this be the experince of cach young person who so dedicates his life. SOTA I EF Church members recently married in the Bagon Batoh church. We wish them heaven's richest bless- ings as they establish their new home. The family tie is the closest, the most tender and sacred, of any on earth, It was designed to be a blessing to mankind. And it is a blessing wherever the marriage covenant is entered into intelligent- ly. in the fear of God, and with due consideration for its respon- sibilities.—Ministry of Healing, pp. 156. 357. THE MESSENGER August, [958 This is the Sungei Way Church. Pastor P. .. Rathnam conducted a short evangelistic effort in this church recently. He is busily engaged in working among the labourers in and around the many Estates in Sungei Way, His work reaches as far as Klang. Brother Rathnam stands at the extreme left in the back row with a veteran worker, Brother Lazarus, at his left. Converts baptized into the Sungei Way Church with the pastor, brother Rathnam standing at the extreme left in the picture.