E SABBATH LEG TEN Ag vg SG rare . N in 2 Alice M Rogers 3 Foran ELT ! Foods 20: thar hie Ohhh was Insiittted of credo SA EEE ET 17 SU ts sein i postal ob tha tree nde onl I= Purpose: A Sign i | wp froin the! Tie Fay Coad Phe crea werk ab cca dis cononthios the noe Gad all tala sods Torciah Hose Laanah nb so the sabbath, as the ne NE BE RO pen al ob thar werk hroconios sien on oti the true §aod. diced be Toaoondonse 31010017 ol [ovine Phstencishene God's Peo le As he sabbath EIRENE the Cao Ser ols observance I his ix 11 EY iS the Coacator, distinenishes men es worshuppers and subjects of that God, See Prokiel 200 PLT Soo Ncw of Nudmiossion to Doviosoneed Thus a Sign of Sanctification. fie who displ Tis connings fh (lei In aids elicates subardassionr to his Soothe Sabbah, as the toile King of en coy fae stein od alton car, bac SHE witeredn mer indi wollioness to obev Bliss Taw E00 we badd teas presto Troe De givens ob nn core dhe bles rr Tuodns Te he bond Sebbar he sdone when The pen posed ceowneihier oc nar they won Reeys lie Tan Nicondding lor] Jatin RENE pensions ol Conds lw 15 N10. the trans Orhedione iheretore, trecdosn roan Fath Sad iE] BEES [IRN 1a, cs his ve posed us throne Forans be FE: ohn 1.70 5:00:90 Thus the Sabha deothe ston whereby men indicate then brie to Cod Taw, becomes the Lecdom bro sins bondage Bi Tis Frocdonmn [year SUT IS termed Sern Webster's Dictiona article Sancttheariony In this inanne the Sabbath, as the sten of submission ro God's law, becomes the sien of sanctification. This its declared to be mn Evodus 51-15% Frekiel 20:12 , ve Char ie don of ! rl Ford re i". { SNe [4 many as a thung of litle import. Yer ta Cad [fis most important in thar if constitutes a sign of His great creative power, and The evactress of rhe fourth commandment is regarded by distinguishes between thi- rrue God and the rmuliitude of false gods, who have no creative ability. For All Who Ave God's The People Sabbath was istitnted at cree then kine was for the express purpose Tle has other sheen while ace aot of ation, therefore it must have been dat they should be God's people, subi- rhe Told of Tasiel These Fle says Ho civen to the entire human race rather ject to His Jaws. Psalm fosdn, 1h wet Brnree annd make a pair ol that (old than to any one nation or class of peo Iaodus 19:4, 40 Deuteronomy 4: (John TO: 16y, ior ootside of Israel [des See Mark 2:27) Seb Teviticus 1450 As the sube rhers is no sadvation (See John 1:22 Galatians 5:20) N nots clea declared SN BSE IR ITER | 7 Fphestans Liv Isaiah Asien departed from God they dr ects of the King of heaven rather than parted from His Sabbaths, But when Codd called a people to become His own He gave to them once more the Sabbath sion whereby they should de. clare then allegiance to Him. Tsrael's deliveraars Cron | RTAYRTE TTR Fa Wel Fen the Line of Fevpt from whose power they had heen delivered, they received the Sabbath as then distinctive s Su. Detteronoms 15 Tanda 31.16 17) The Ueeedd he Taian dnnwever, tho since po that are to he required to signif ie Cond In Thos when hondage that these other cathered in will he their allenic wo the rye Flies Sabha clelivers nen bonny the oylse {owl FALE SIGNS ot thr