The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers Ihe Praphen Fah of cnr Farhiers, Vela 1 by 1. BF. Froomn Sn? [a Review and Herald Ta Lona Park, DO Vor ean TT as one of a Tourvolame sot 1m process Sf publication. Volumes TT and TTT bhemng already off he press. In these valmnes the anthor covers the entire Christian Fra and sets in clear contrast ine main schools of prophetic merpretation, Vielume TT covers the mies fromm ante wo rhe irench Revoluuon, Natuvd iv, the sisteo neh STARRY ve formarinn becomes a wagor feature of stady Fae cially inreresting to the studens of prophecy is the author's development of hee pre Reformation 1n- fluences, While covering the usual hedd chic h history, one also becomes aware that ceriading immes, hike Joachim of Flons, Bernauwd Claiirvaus, Fhe hard of Salzbure. Krebs ef Cusa, play a very much more nnportant vole than has nsoally heen accorded then. In fact. they appear as mountain peaks io the Lindseape of coclestustical fasta, Joachim, the founder of oo school of prophecy which Later bore his inane. attacred the attention of such leaders as Richard the Tion-Fleaveed, who, on his wav to rhe Holy Land. spe some tine wir this visting interpreter sowdving the Anochyise Bermod of Clanvanx, another powerful personal, whose nanre vines down the centuries, was anodher wha had clear msight mio the mene of the prophet seripues. Recognizing their implications, he seems to have fel constramed to else the hiehes: honours the church could have bestowed on hin, When Fherhavd domimant archbishop of Salz/bare, moves into the wena. we hind hon distmashions Brimself as advisor to the German emperor during the cmpire’s crisis with the Vaneau Ths appeal to the bishops on behalf of the Saviprouves 1s ania. (or he clearh adentihes che papal pontfts as the de hom of Daniel's prophecy. Wyeltll 1s too well known to need more than a passing reference. bur lus work and schoaling are amply reated, and we see him no longer in isalation hut as ome of a chorus of voices tm his ave. Tt is meeresting to earn that ths scholar, long known os “the father of Foolish literature.” refers some twenty SiN rimes to the weinnas of Joachim N ORLD AS WE SEE ITT A Prophetic Interpretation of Current Events! Von her nniane harvacter cs Nicholas Krehe of 1 3 Coosa, diestmcrsheed sarenrist ed Staves ili created ao coda a TEE The noe onb dem ihed thie Andichenst bur became wo champion in tie held of chromaloscal prophecy, wiving special emphasis ta the 2000 prophene dave When sich feaders as he Look to the Feld of prophetic PTCA Cation 1s not board vo tonderseand why there was a Protestant Ioctor PATIO, The beckorornmd of char Relormanon, ns infaence through the centuries. tis ariempredd overthrow by the Countev- Reformation, as well as the orion and crowth ol the preterste and fatiisiie schools of prrophenic oer etn, Al for fascias Chaprers in thes thames volun, To the sondent of Napoleon histoey the secuomn an the French Revolution will obd mam SUITES. The convicuon on the parr of sam scholars thar the 1200 cons af prapheoy were mene a faiihnent tre those shatierme evens 1s one of the most challens ing revelations of the cntire hook Studenes of American Iostony will he interested ta discover that Chastang Columbus Become oo navizaen ed discoverer, porte ular was Inved nn tot so tne he be Tove of selvenrore as by a deen con Victron that hie was io play oo vital pave inthe fulhl meni of spared prophecy The cospel mrast oo to Ab the world before the Tod sein Opening vp the New World was to hu a dhivine andar, [he athor’s accurate and painstaking work coos tors a noteworthy achievement in research. What ever one’s pevsonal views eee be an thie sabject olf prophetic miterprecarion, this book will prove both ronlormative aad sumtin The vanes of sources sed mn thie Bonde wp of rhe thesis asin tsell revelation, he are Hlvaries on both sides of the Mle have been aoade wo vield their treasires Notoonly the restimony of vehigious leaders, but anuscripes anedallions. coms, woodcns, paintings. seud pte. and architecture are all broushe onto the witness stand as convineine evidence thar the study of Bible prophecy has not enbv anondded religions thousht but has infinenced tremendously even the pobiical tsaues of the conturies. The author made two extended visits 00 FF arope 1 preparation Tor his srapendons take and 0 short third top thas past simmer. He therefore writes of chines test hand, Smee the badk of this matevial was wath NEASNNS Lr rhe TALES