young men with courage and character; for today democracies are on trial. Our form of government is challenged through- out a large part of the earth by other es- sentially different and to us basically hate- ful systems, based upon the nefarious assumption of power to strangle the per- sonal initiative, rights, and freedom of the people in the priceless pursuit of the democratic way of life. There is only one way in which democ- racy can answer dictatorship; that is by the proof that it is a more livable, a more intelligently human, and a more humane form of government. To do this, it must be of the form which was given into the keeping of America by our forefathers; an athletic type of democracy, if I may so describe it, alert to every possible danger, vet never aggressive; quick in defense of our rights, yet never the bully or the braggart. This was the human, humble, virile, yet militantly protective democracy which grew and flourished so effectively until nearly a generation ago. ® Then, did we grow too rich? Did we grow too tired? Did we become too lazy? Did we become dissatisfied with too much of plenty? Or did we forget those God- given qualities of sureness, of strength, of courage, and of vigilance which had made the eagle a symbol of this nation, and its sharpness of eye and smoothness of speed symbolical of the swiftness and unity with which we met and defeated an alien effort against our heritages? Whatever it was, the change which came over us was fundamentally dangerous. At heart a law-abiding people, we became so lethargic, so apathetic to the encroach- ments of the underworld, that we per- FEBRUARY, 1942 mitted to grow within our boundaries a veritable army of criminally inclined men and women. Shocking as it may seem, there 1s a murder in our United States every forty-four minutes, a major felony every twenty-one seconds. Of our entire population one out of every twenty-six persons has been arrested for some offense more serious than a minor violation of law. Was this the kind of nation for which Washington fought at Valley Forge? Was this the type of apathetic indifference to civic standards for which the soldiers of our Revolution gave of their life’s blood that they might build for us the world’s first real democracy? With our minds engrossed in materi- alistic and selfish pursuits, we have allowed thousands of espousers of alien hate and foreign isms to enter our communities, our neighborhoods, our factories, our stores, our homes, and even our governmental agencies. I wonder what the heroes of 1776 would have thought could they have looked ahead to a day when disciples of destruction would be allowed to freely de- bate on how best to plunder our nation; or parade our streets by the thousands, jeering at our system of government. Could our forefathers have fought so fiercely at Bunker Hill if they had known we would allow this nation to be under- mined by human termites, to be weakened by disrespect for our laws and customs, stolen from us by the very persons to whom we had given a haven of refuge from the tyrannies and godless philosophies which they would now impose upon us? There is something seriously wrong with the blood stream of America. When the paid van- dals of a dictator power, dedicated to atheism, and destructionism, can be al- lowed to masquerade in this country as a political party, under the guise of civil liberties, then indeed there is something desperately wrong. By whom have these persons been set upon us?’—By persons whom we have trusted the most—Dby certain teachers in our public schools and institutions of higher learning, by certain writers, fattening upon the royalties paid by the American people while fostering class hatred and discontent, by some prattle-minded politicians, grab- bing for votes with one hand while waving the flag of pseudo-liberalism with the other, and worst of all by some ministers of the gospel who have loudly proclaimed the right of so-called liberalists to destroy America and its God-fearing way of life. ® That word “liberalism” is something we should weigh carefully during these dark days that confront our nation. There 1s nothing more cowardly than a criminal; he works in the dark, he sneaks upon you in the shadows; he hides his gun under his coat until the moment when he would ter- rorize you. And he lives under an alias, pretending respectability while practicing the vilest of crimes. Is there not a strange connection between such persons and cer- tain apostles of degenerate dictatorships, who advance upon us in sham cloaks of liberalism, pretending to be seeking social reforms and equality for all, while in reality plotting to trample beneath their blood-stained boots the very document which has been their greatest protection, our sacred Constitution of the United States! In the vaunted peacefulness of our home- land, espousers of foreign hates have stalked at will. These sinister enemies of America seek to destroy the faith of our youth in democracy. They use easy prom- 1ses to lure them into blind acceptance of the venal doctrines of gangster govern- ments. “This is the new order,” they counsel. I challenge that contention. It 1s neither new nor does it bear any sem- blance to order. Right-thinking people recognize 1t as a barbaric throwback to the jungle laws of kill and plunder, and might makes right. Only the subtlety of his argument cloaks the activities of this most treacherous of all enemy agents. He uses no secret codes. He does not carry a bomb with a sputter- ing fuse. His plots do not depend upon the cover of darkness. He expounds his harem- scarem panaceas from many forums—in the drawing rooms—on a soap box before the idle curious in our parks—on the lec- ture platforms in some of our schools—in groups of workers wearing the badge of duty in our great industrial centers. (Continued on page 16) 53 «e ¥ A British lookout in an cxposed posilion above the bridge of a destroyer in the North Sea. This picture is suggested by Mr. Hoover's statement, “The obstacles and trials in the paths of each are many and grave; heroic and forth- right qualities of the soul are required to con- quer them.” Page FIVE