Vol 5 Major Improvements Voted for San and Campus President Sandborn has an- BOunced that several major im- provements have been voted and will be started in the near future. The sanitarium is adding a new cround-floor emergency room with the most modern equipment, which will give better and faster service. In a two-day period recently the Blpital had 34 emergency cases. Also the X-ray Department is to be enlarged. A new X-ray machine iz already on the campus waiting to installed in the new quar- ters. . Dr. J. C. Trivett, dentist, will ht in enlarging his dental of- Another dentist will be ad- in July. &paee uadern~ath the new offices will house the en- store and also the new au- 'c switch board to be in- project is under foot which help relieve the housing short- The Sunshine Court cottages to be moved, and from them "!» four-family modern housing llllits constructed. The painting job on the exterior of the sanitarium, begun by stu- dents and teachers between the quarters, is being completed now. N~xt the interior of the buildings Will be done over. -ASMC·- Chemistry Class Visits Phosphorus Plant and tomic Museum .tedThe general chemistry class vis- 1 the Monsanto Chemical Com- ~Y's elemental phosphorus plant daa Columbia, Tennessee, on Tues- Y, April 23. The two-hour tour of the plant showed all the steps from the con- ee_ntration of the ore, mined in !Jliddle Tennessee, to the packag- lllg of the phosphorus for ship- lllent. the'l'bis company produces most of 8 Phosphorus in the United tates and at present has enough ore for about thirty years at the Prese1'b nt rate of consumption. e trip was climaxed by see-