““Whatsoever thy Hand findeth to do, do it with thy Might Js YoLuME 9. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., JUNE 8, 189s. « ~~ Number 29. "THE MINNESOTA WORKER ISSUED WEEKLY BY THE, | MINNESOTA TRACT SOCIETY Subscription Price, 35cents a year, Send all Communications and Subscriptions to Minnesota Worker, Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn, Editorial Committee; L. B. Losey, C. M. Everest, Wm. Asp. Entered at the post-office at Minneapolis as second class mail matter. GED. NELSON, PRINTER, 337 E, LANE ST. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN, Report of 25th Annual Session of Minn. Tract and Miss. Soc. AT the hour of four o'clock, May 31, 1898,. the first meeting of the 25th annual session of the Min- nesota Tract and Missionary Society was called to order in the beautiful grove north of Merriam Park by the President, Eld. C. W. Flaiz. After the song, “Nearer Thee”, was sung Brother J. F. Pogue in- voked God’s blessing upon the work and workers in the missionary cause. As the rain was pouring down the president suggested that we proceed at once to the business which called us together. The Treasurer’s annual report for the year end- ing March 31, 1898 was called for, after a number of Minnesota WORKERS containing the published report were distributed to the audience, The report was read, and after several questions were asked and an- swered relative to items of the report it was adopted by vote. The report of the corresponding secretary, Mrs. A. E. Ellis was also read and listened to with inter- est The following committees were appointed by the chairman. : (M. A. Winchell, Committee on Nomination | C. H. Parker, 0. O. Bernstein. { L. B. Losey, Committee on Resolutions | Mrs. A. E. Ellis, ' (J. F. Pogue. It seems fitting before closing this report to pause for a moment and consider that a quarter of a century has elapsed since a little band of missiona- ries held their first annual meeting in the interests of the missionary work in the great state of Minne- sota. Not one of them left to tell the story of those ‘bygone experiences, but God has raised up other hands and hearts to carry forward his work. May those who still are called upon to sow the seeds of truth never weary in well doing, for they shall reap if they faint not. Adjourned to call of chair. The second meeting was called at the close of the last meeting of the Conference, June 5, 10:30 A. M. After the reading of the report of previous meeting, the committe on resolutions was called to report, and the following recommendations were adopted : 1. Recognizing the fact that every child of God is a missionary, in harmony with the statement in the Testimonies that the missionary society is the church at work, we recommend that the membership of the church constitute the membership of the miis- sionary society; and that Article 2 of Section 9 of the constitution be, and hereby is, amended in ac- cordance with this recommendation. Also, that the officers of the church, missionary society, and Sabbath-school meet often for counsel and prayer, that while each has his special duties the work may be recognized as one, and carried on in harmony and unity. 2. Whereas the second and fourth Sabbath Mis- sionary meetings are a help to the work both finan- cially and spiritually, we recommend that these ser- vices be continued and the offerings collected as heres tofore. 3. Believing that an understanding both of the principles and progress of the work is necessary to its intelligent support, we recommend that our socie- ties, as far as possible, make a systematic study of “Gospel Workers”, ‘Healthful Living", and the Mis- sionary Magazine. Also, that a series of general instruction meet- ings be held in which all branches of the work shall be considered in as practical a way as possible, these meetings being so arranged as to bring them within the reach of every company. 4; Whereas, our Scandinavian brethren have but few helps in the way of missionary publications, we recommend that special efforts be made to in- struct and encourage them in missionary work, through a laborer who can speak in their own tongue, 5. Whereas the Spirit of the Lord has told us that ‘the circulation of our literature is accomplish- ing a greater work than the living preacher can do”, we recommend that a greater effort. be put forth by the overaeers of the churches to induce their individ- ual members to place this Jiferature in the homes of the people. : 6. We recommend that in harmony with the ad- vancing message, we encourage out societies to faith. ful efforts in caring for the poor and the sick, and in supplying both their physical and spiritual needs; and that for the support of this work a poor fund be established in évery church, in accordance with the instruction given in Testimony 31, p. 146.