2 EASTERN CANADIAN MESSENGER Cur ann is for nw larger and betier Sabbath School with every member of the e¢haveh on the Snhbath re-honl roll, Worealivethat throagh the Sabbath School a great work can be done to hasten the soon coming of our Saviour, und us we ceeansecinte ourselves to Bi for secviee we wouhld sek for Ihe prayers of all titnse who believe in the thivd nnpel’s niessppe, Owe advice to every Sabbath School thronghout this cunforence wid every other vonlerence is, hold Sabb Schon Convention if you want your Sab- buth Schoo! to be tuteresting and soul-saving, J. STUruny, Supt, Miss SKILTON, Secy. Recent Visitors A few Sabbaths ngo Elder and Mrs, Heol spent the week ead at the Seminary, Sablmth morning Eider eald spoke to the eburch on “The Last Gen- eration.” [un the alternoon he spoke Lo the Oshawa Churcls. Sutueduy might he and Mes, tlenld organized a band of fourteen and gave n home missionary dem- on=bention. [Tt was the aim to bring in every phase of missionary endeavor. Samday nighe Blder Honld gave 0 stereopticon tally in the chapel and closed with scenes in Jerusi- ln as it is today. Monday morning he spobie tothe students io the chapel on Lhe "Conseernted Nife.” We were very glnd for the visit of these workers, atul trust that we shall see more of them in the [itore. - rt ¢ et +t Ctra + mts. Tf Hatley Center and Waterville Yon will doobtless he interested Lo besr some- Lhing from Hatley Center wand Waterville, where 1 Lave been laboring sinee the latter part of last summer. Fhder Young and I held some n.eetingr in the Town hdl ut Hatley Center, whieh is nn settlement Universalists and Buptlists, composed Logely of Theve being vo house that we contd vent near the ball we had tedoemte an the town of Warteoville, ate five ides from nur plice of meetivg, pe cessitabipg n travel of ten miles overy wienl Un the hall and returned home, On necountl of the pressure of furs work snd the ahiortnge of help, we soon learned that meetings could ho held only a few nights ench week. Elder Young has been culled away from this in- terest a Kregl wany mes on account of conference duties, so that oftentimes we hive been made to feel our lack of experience, this being the first series of meetings L have ever had u part in, Lite woe Near owe howe in Waterville, which town is Inrgely peonted with Swedish folk, there is nn ap- pavent interest none thee Enghish peaking peopie, ard these have alvmndy decided for the teeth. These, with the tive su Lathes Center, make nu tot] of eight stew Sabbath keepers in this distrier, On oneceant of the hoee Jactory, which wae fore muerly Lhe niin suppaat of the pluce, having sold out tou Maontecat them, the bulk of the men residents go 1o Sterbioanhe to work, returning hone only, eves woe sew the tatty of pollic work in this weel-etnds place, The vesndent preschers are becoming fonaful of their een an baca gotling busy spreading anti-nd” ventisnl travis, and trying to persuade the people to “elimb up some other way.” We nee egually busy sjoending truth-titled pages, and whenever the opp wtanity presents sfself nohling n Bible vending with the peaple in then homes, thas we hope for still more caase for rejoicing itn hsiven ERNEST CLARK, . To Those Having Friends in the British Isles ox well asin oar hearts, A biweekly, 16-page missionsry paper ia pub. lished by our people in Eaghunl entitled "Present, Truth." Duving the coming twelve months this journnd will run nu series of special articles in each issue bearing on the leading pointe of our faith, and the believers in the British Isles ave workog: oad to increase its circulation snmoeng those not of our fail, It wits folt that many of our people in the United Stiles and Canodu who have friends and relatives in the British Isles would be glad to take advantage of the opportumty thus offered of vetting the truth be- fore these people by having the pnpor send to their friends from Lhe Loglish office of publication, A vens's subscription is SLM, hall ven 382 cents, Send postal order to Al No. Campbell, Oshawa, Ontario, Candi, and the onders will be sent on to England, Do it now! M. N. CAMPBELL, Pregedent British Union Conference, - -———— -H:do _—— The Return of Jesus A recent letter Drom one of our leading hrethven in tha North Amerienn Divivion Conference, vcontsins the following reference to Ider Huyunes' book en titled, “The Qeturn of Jesus.” “I have enjoyed reading it very much, and 1 be- liove we ~bao!l sce minny ~ouls galbhered in 88 0 result of the publication of this book in various lavgunges, One thing that has especially impressed me ubout “The Return of Jeeus' is that personal touch with the soul which T think is