The Old Testament represents the labors of about thirty au- thors. Their thirty-nine books cover about twelve hundred years. They represent various walks of life; shepherds, kings, captives in prison,—Paul was a lawyer, Luke a physician, Peter and John fish- ermen. The twenty-seven books in the New Testament were writ- ten by eight different authors. Perfect Harmony Throughout the writings of these fifty-seven different writers, there is perfect harmony, when properly understood, because all writers were inspired by one and the same mind. Can you imagine the lack of harmony that there would be if fifty-seven men selected from various walks of life should write upon some common topic today. The difference of opinion among doctors and lawyers is well known. God’s Word Changeth Not God speaks to man in his Word, and makes known his will. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He changeth not, neither does his word. The truth is always the truth. Students may differ on first interpretation of some Scriptures, but when properly understood they always harmonize. God cannot contradict himself. There is only one way and that is the right way, which is the Truth, and God is “The Way, the Truth, and the Life.” No man who properly understands and follows conscientiously the teachings of the Bible, ever becomes a thief, or liar, dishonest or profane. “I have never met an honest man that found fault with the Bible.”—D. L. Moody in “Weighed and Wanting.” Those whose conduct and manner of living are condemned by the teachings of the Bible may not like it, but the purity of its pre- cepts, and its influence for good upon the human race, must be ad- mitted by every candid mind. “Hold fast to the Bible as the sheet-anchor of your liberties; write its precepts in your hearts and practice them in your lives. To the influence of this book we are indebted for all the progress made in true civilization, and to this we must look for our guide in the future. Righteousness exalteth a nation; but sin is a reproach to any people.”—Gen. U. S. Grant. 12 The authenticity and truthfulness of the Bible is proved by Archeology, Geology, the fulfillment of its Prophecies, the “Book of Nature,” and Astronomy. Shakespeare and Homer were wise and wrote much, but their productions are puny in comparison with Holy Writ. All great writers borrow much from the Bible. The Bible a Book of Law Even the law profession go to the Bible for the foundation of their system. “No man can be a sound lawyer who is not well read in the laws of Moses."—Fisher Ames. The fundamental law of the Theocracy of Israel was “The Ten Commandments” given to Moses upon Mount Sinai, written upon two tables of stone by the finger of God. The body of statutes con- trolling the general form of worship, protecting human rights, regu- lating personal conduct, etc., were given at the same time as “The Ten Commandments,” through Moses. The commandments, laws and regulations, came from God and must have been perfect and just, and so they have persisted down through the ages, with very little change or modification. There were also laws of sanitation and hygiene governing the camp of Israel. All the distinctive features and superiority of our republican institutions are derived from the teachings of the Scriptures. The ancient laws of Moses are the foundations of our legal systems of today. Creation, How Can It Be Done. Creation is the act of God whereby he calls into existence what did not exist before, producing an entirely new thing,—making something out of nothing. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,”— Gen. 1:1; “great whales and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly after their kind, and every fowl after his kind” (verse 21); so “God created man, male and female” (verse 27) ; and the stars of heaven.—Isa. 40:26. He also 13