Wednesday December 28 True Worship EVIDENCE Key Text: 1 Thess. 2:13 As we write today’s lesson, federal agents are sifting through the charred rubble of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas. Members of this religious cult had given all they had to David Koresh, who claimed to be Christ. Koresh had absolute control over his followers, to the point of death for many. How does a tragedy like this happen? How could intelligent human beings, most of them from very religious backgrounds, choose to trust a man whose life so completely contradicted Christ’s example? The apostle Paul gives some insight on the topic. “For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened” (Rom. 1:21, NIV). Those who choose not to devote their lives to God, or to follow How could intelligent human beings choose to trust a man whose life so completely contradicted Christ’s example? His principles, are easily deceived. Because their minds are not open to God’s guidance, they rely on their own faulty reasoning. The three angels’ messages contrast this reliance on self (creation-worship) with reliance on God (Creator-worship). The first angel calls us to worship the all- powerful God, who created everything. The third angel warms about the results of worshiping the “beast and his image.” The “beast” is anything that is contrary to God. In choosing to follow the beast, a person gives up reliance on God and places some other authority in God’s place (e.g., another human, one’s own will power, or wealth). Reliance on something or someone other than God is ultimately reliance on self—thinking I know better than God. The three angels’ messages call the world to worship Christ, the Saviour. In every believer who accepts the three angels’ messages, there is a desire to follow Christ and become more like Him. True worship is not simply passive acknowledgement of God’s power. True worship is actively accepting God as the only way to salvation and allowing His transforming power to work in my life. REACT 1. How do I respond to God’s call to true worship? 2. In what ways could I learn to rely more on God than on my own abilities? 3. How do the three angels’ messages relate to the issue of religious cults? By Stephen Cooper and Aloma Hughes, brother and sister, a graduate student in international health and health administration at Loma Linda University and a graduate in public relations from Pacific Union College, respectively. 117