comfort in the middle of crisis, healthy living ideas, the promise of the second coming of Christ, and more. “Are you ready for tonight?” one club’s member asked another. around 5:00 A.M. when the tired Pathfinders’ stomachs growled. Nobody had thought about pack- ing breakfast. “I’m so hungry! My stomach feels so empty that it is going to “Ready? Are stick to my back!” you kidding? Luis exclaimed. I’ve been \ nT “I think my looking at the A DD EE P, stomach’s going clock all day!” PEE to start eating my The Pathfind- S ¥ RO N G r other organs!” ers couldn’t CL TNT Carlos com- wait to go. N DD uo le) L D plained. “This is go- Al LO “Your stomach ing to bring Y ® C | Ww an was so loud, I in crowds!” Vv |] KE Vv AS think it will eat The club’s EE 4B n my organs!” Ro- director was H KE ARD ° berto replied. enthusiastic. “Can’t we get Everyone something to anticipated a great turnaround. They went on their way. With flashlights in hand, Pathfind- ers would find the name of the deceased ones written on the cross, the tombstone, the plaque, or wherever the name was found, then they would write on the en- velope, “Dear surviving family of so and so.” Last, they would tape the envelope on the cross, monu- ment, or any other visible place, and then move to the next tomb and start over. The cemetery was very large and fenced. The kids started their adventure at dusk. Everything went well for hours. All went as planned until eat?” the club chorused. Com- plaints grew, and the club direc- tor didn’t know what to do. Suddenly, in the middle of the dark, a deep, strong, 6 | GUIDE |