AMERICA, FREEDOMS BULWARh TAREALLNEL ® fy LL safety and future security of » | every loyal citizen. Never in our =3 history has our national security been menaced as it 1s today. The time has arrived when we must meet the menace of masked attacks by those who would despoil all we cherish,—our life, our freedom, our peace, and the security of our homes. When America was founded as a living symbol of liberty, its radiance brightened the four corners of the world. Our founders hoped to blaze forever the way to greater security and greater happiness. Through- out the span of our national history the op- pressed of all the world have looked to America as the land of promise. Now, as never before, our glorious flag is more brilliant, because it towers over the last beaming bulwarks of freedom and liberty. Today this great bulwark is threatened. The distant rumble of artillery, the deathly clatter of the machine gun, the drone of the dive bomber, and the detonation of the sub- marine torpedo echo across the ocean in ominous warning. Therefore, we who love peace and security realize that we must do every needful thing to preserve it. We must answer the call of Americanism in this hour of crisis. In the interest of seli- preservation we should closely examine our America to assure ourselves that the sacri- fices and the achievements of the founding fathers have not been betrayed. We must insure that the girders of {ree- dom remain strong and true. The struc- tures of democracy must not be weakened by the machinations of the renegades and the termites who seek the protection of our Stars and Stripes while they undermine our temples of freedom and of liberty. Vicious, subversive forces menace Amer- ica through their activities of espionage, sabotage, and implanting noxious seeds of alien thought and life. It is not within my provinee to reveal in intimate detail the facts which are being disclosed through our investigative activities. But I can tell you that the danger of these un-American ac- tivities is real and not imaginary. The complaints of espionage, sabotage, and sub- versive activities which are reaching the FBI at an alarming rate point to the seri- ousness of this problem and the need for action. The present task of America is to pre- serve 1ts democratic traditions by a pro- gram of preparedness which will meet and repel any foe that would assail us, either from within or without. To that end it is imperative that no spy, saboteur, or propa- gandist be allowed to lull our people into a state of self-complacency, or to retard our OCTOBER, 1942 gO war program through their deliberate acts of violence. When agents of foreign ideologies scheme and plot through sabo- tage to bring about chaotic conditions in American industry, it is difficult for us to understand the full import of their actions. But we must be on guard against the effects of their nefarious deeds, which could be far- reaching and disastrous. For more than a century and a half, this country has demonstrated that the Ameri- can way of living is the democratic wa That such a system is perfect no one asserts, but that it 1s workable has been definitely proved in the crucible of time. Democracy 1s the result of the studied efforts of patri- otically inspired men to bring about the best type of government that can be achieved for all peoples. That is why America has always been an example and an inspiration to the world. Beyond that, democracy is the best form of government that the ingenuity of man has yet created. But now it is menaced by traitors who pledge their allegiance to alien ways of living, and threatened by those who fail to obey the mandates of a democratic people ¥ Clyde Tolson, left, FBI agent, and J. Edgar Hoover, Director, FBI, as they ar- rived at the Su- preme Court Building for the trval of the eight saboteurs. By J. Edgar Hoover, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation as reflected in their laws and institutions. The best test of freedom is willingness to obey the law and respect the rights of others. A dangerous but well-organized minority—our army of crime—defies the guarantees of our national freedom every minute of the day, for a serious crime 1s committed every twenty-one seconds. The criminal is in reality a revolutionist. By his deeds he revolts against the laws of the country, and his ranks are a fertile re- cruiting ground for the emissaries of the inquisitive isms, who, likewise in a state of revolt, would mold a nation to the designs of some faraway bloodthirsty dictator. Where the only law extant is the jungle code of tooth and claw, you have a condi- tion exactly comparable to the code under which a dictator fastens his fanglike clutch upon the throat of a nation and conquers it. There is no difference between the ruth- less dictator of the criminal underworld and the highhanded political dictator of the upper world. Both deal in avarice, in greed, in the lust for power, in mass murder, and (Continued on page 12) RESSS Page THREE