4)ndiana eporter VOL. XIII INDIANAPOLIS. IND., MAY 22, 1907 No. 11 PI DLISHED EVERY OTHER WEEK., BY THE INDIANA ASSOCIATION OF SEVENTH- DAY ADVENTISTS. BOOM 221 UNITY BUILDING, INDIANAPOLIS. SUBSCRIPTION Per Year - TWENTY-FIVE GTS. Entered at Postoifice at Indittnapolla, anti, as second-class matter. CONFERENCE DIRECTORY President—W.J. STONE. New Phone 7534K 3720 N. Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Secretary—W. A. YOUNG. New Phone 4907, 823 College Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Financial Secy. and Treasurer—T. A. GOOD-' WIN, Phone 4452; 221 Unity Building, In- dianapolis, Ind. Educational Supt.—C. L. STONE, R. F. D. No. 1, Fairland, Ind. Departmental Secretaries Educational—MRs. R. W. MCMAHAN, 803 Meridian St., Anderson, Ind. Medical—DR. W. W. NYORPTER, R. F. D. No 1, La Fayette, Ind. Mtasionary—R C. SPOHB, 925 N. Keystone Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Religious Lihert.1—A. I, MILLER, 322 Mill St., Seymour, Ind. Field—A. C. FORD, R. F. D. No. 1, Fairland, Ind. Executive Committee W. J. STONE, W. A. YOUNG, A, L. MILLER C. J. IICRALTS, T A. GOODWIN, W. W. Worts- TER, C. L, STONE. CRITICISING BURDEN-BEARERS MRS E. 0. WHITE (Continued) S ( 'ME have been ready to say anything, to werer any charge, against the servants of God, and to be jealous and fault- finding. And if they can find any in- stance where. in their zeal for the c..use of GM, they think ministers ',aye spoken decidedly, and perhaps severely, they have been willing to make the most of their words,and have felt at liberty to cherish the most bitter, wicked spirit, and to charge the Lord's servants with wrong motives. Let these fault- finders ask what they would have done limier similar circumstances, bearing similar burdens. Let them look, and search, and condemn their own wrong, overbearing course, and their own impatience and fretfulness; and when without sin themselves, let them cast the first stone of cen- sure at the brethren who are trying to get them into working order. These men are not in harmony with the truth. They are working at cross purposes with those whom God is using to bring souls into the truth. Do these brethren know what they are doing? They are standing di- rectly in the way of sinners. They are blocking up the way by their own wrong course. The blood of souls will be on their garments unless they repent and entirely change their course. A spirit of crit- icism and bitterness has come into the church, and the spiritual discern- ment of many has been dimmed. The Spirit can never he poured out while variance and bitterness to- ward one another are cherished by the members of the church. Envy, jealousy, evil surmising and evil speaking are, of Satan, and they ef- fectually bar the way against the Holy Spirit's working. Nothing so offends God as an act that injures the influence of those who are doing His service. He will call to account all who all Satan in his work of criticising and discouraging. Happy the minister who has a faithful Aaron and Hur to strength- en his hands when they hecome weary, and to hold them up by faith and prayer. Such a course is a pow- erful aid to the servant of Christ In his work, and will often make the cause of truth to triumph gloriously. ip � id BIBLE SCHOOL AGAIN THE Conference is very anxious to prepare six or eight young people for the Bible work. A statement has been made, though we think without foundation, that the Conference does unable to secure as many young peo- ple for the different lines of work as are needed. We are needing several more church school teachers than we now have. After several calls through the RE- PORTER for those who desired to take the nurses' course, being unable to make up a class of six, we had to advertise in the Review and secure persons outside of the state. In the last REPORTER we called for those who would join our Bible class at Indianapolis. Thus far only two have responded. Shall we not hear from six or eight more immediately? We have cities that are needing workers. Who will respond by say- ing, " Here am I; send me." ? Ad- dress the Secretary of the Conference, W. A. Young, 823 College Ave., In- dianapolis, Ind. NOTICE! ALL remittances for our office should he made payable to the '"In- diana Association, S. D. A.," instead of to any individual. If money is sent in this way always, when there is a change of treasurers, it will not make any difference. We hope all will make a note of this. While Brother Spohr is Missionary Secre- tary, his work is not confined to 'the office, and he does not have charge of the work in the office. He is.vis- iting the churches much of the time in the interest of the missionary work and endeavoring to get our churches and brethren and sisters to doing active missionary work in the distribution of our literature. The Lord is blessing Brother Spohr in his efforts in this direction. Money should not he sent to him as his mail is not opened if he is out of the city. and it causes delay. So address all business matters and all remittances as above. Since the re-organization of our work the duties of the Mis- sionary Secretary are not what those of the Secretary of the Tract not encourage our young people inI Society formerly were; hence this ex- the work. The facts are that we are 1 planation. Feb. Mar. Apr. Mny June July Aug. Sept. Oct. � ---- - . 10 00 � 20 70 � 24 00 � � 25k. 11 29 40 70 19 56 22 35 33 58 36 30 8 26 6 39 87 61 12 58 � 28 57 99 43 � 20 45 � 33 85 59 64 5 00 � 52 31 15 58 362 10 27 45 64 87 8 14 64 15 301 54 160 54 ....... � ... ....... � .... 2 30 � 3 00 _ __ . . _ � 153 82 20 35 11 38 52 67 1 60 28 07 .29 06 � 129 91 � 12 40 18 10 3 60 � 40 60 360 � 80 24 14 63 14 02 7 35 31 51 � 69 36 � 5 90 29 00 � 16 65 � � 150 � 57 45 1 35 1 70 67 2 46 � 2 (10 15 00 31 00 120 00 14 00 6 21 1 40 8 15 37 00 10 30 2 70 300 13 48 5 75 360 16 21 745 ...._ . ._ � 18 85 13 73 13 24 18 13 13 57 25 33 24 59 16 18 17 33 19 70 10 00 � � 15 00 � 6 52 35 500 � 15 00 � 80 17 80 � 19 19 46 500 23 1511 ...i .... 50 H 81 � 4 79 � 18 66 28 00 46 34 44 30 53 30 13 35 38 45 65 2(1 18 95 � 22 09 22 25 � 205 12 33 869 106E 15 00 5 13 � 8 21 � 2 81 34 67 2 78 11 70 700 8 84 10 00 17 50 15 00 5 51 2 20 248 1 93 366 2 50 5 35 300 8 SE 94 3 41 50 39 5 38 98 58 73 5 12 ....... � .... 26 60 � 28 00 45 50 1 25 27 35 26 10 � 35 01 ..— � . 6 74 5 94 8 86 12 28 4 87 10 50 9 24 8 12 29 44 3 00 23 08 13 38 3 10 8'87 .... 3 01 112 66 160 54 126 01 242 78 251 96 104 37 160 32 3.27 6 106 51 45 47 25 90 60 14 80 45 111 71 57 07 162 89 116 17 100 60 17 00 12 37— ...... 32 65 15 00 � 21 75 � 14 0( 7 25 48 00 29 90 37 30 30 44 80 30 47 58 22 30 277 11 1 26 8 65 2 50 2 23 9 64 4 23 6 18 ... � -- 32 51 18 13 � 4 50 � 42 35 24 00 37 1512 24 38 77 26 18 22 40 16 96 14 30 25 67 13 12 13 80 14 71 6 20 10 00 34 55 � 23 04 69 54 � 49 12 12 36 6 00 18 56 5 14 4 63 71 73 73 441 4 80 50 21 .. � . � — 133 23 19 73 � 10 00 37 38 21 55 7 90 52 57 1- 0 00 10 60 11 00 4 20 600 212 18 20 850 1 a 8 75 22 57 11 40 35 65 960 12 00 12 10 15 87 45 91 � 81 66 2 70 � 1 50 � 400 8 77 34 00 14 87 48 77 100 00 22 12 99 90 13 06 20 00 � 86 01 � 50 70 � � 10 25 � 4 64 7 02 27 41 5 36 443 8 15 11 75 705 611. 37 25 13 11 8 45 5 48 51 84 53 29 23 03 19 46 26 0( 1 16 � 194 50 60 � 7 92 2 5( 46 20 17 84 18 11 � 58 68 33 82 134 60 24 40 113 7( 9 90 22 35 29 73 10 20 42 15 � 16 2( 17 83 13 70 32 02 40 06 32 00 26 90 30 45 45 39 45 21 14 78 17 47 27 8n 24 94 32 74 44 87 13 15 29 91 12 7( 7 84 5 78 5 57 10 32 7 60 5 01 10 11 5 99 7 54 � 36 24 2 41 � 32 56 � � 29 5( 3 23 1 72 8 17 � 9 78 12 06 538 6( 7 74 13 44 � 4 10 � � 12 31 8 45 160 � 11 83 20 57 200 � 10 12 86( 14 87 24 00 200 18 24 10 80 18 43 14 68 29 48 19 71 5 00 � � 28 50 � 24 22 � 25 00 38 00 � � 362 � 16 68 9 91 � 11 51 610 791 13 65 690 11 70 25 45 4 50 16 30 125 83 1 97 5 26 � 25 40 12 00 4 71 4 87 728 3 97 ....... .... - � 5 60 � 52 39 � 24 15 � � 57 24 18 89 8 27 19 95 16 99 48 44 14 85 12 19 17 73 16 00 1 65 14 45 10 00 3 78 3 18 12 90 1 50 22 94 20 3( 440 440 4 87 4 71 4 87 11 38 4 08 4 87 4 71 .. 15 20 .. � .. 18 51 550 � 839 3 55 � ...... ...... 12 .ii � � 21 22 � � 16 Cs � 13 48 � ....... .. ..... ..... 5 00 � 17 U) Summary of Tithe Received From Churches and Individuals During 1906 Names of Churches. Jan. Akron � Angola � Anderson � Barber Mill . Bass Lake Boggstown Brookston Denver.. � Dana Evansville � Elnnra � Elwood ..... Etna Green .Farmersburg Fayette San � Fort Wayne.... Franklin .......... Frankton � Grass Creek � *Goshen � (41enwood Greenfield � Gum Corner � Hartford City Honey Creek � Huntington � Idaville � I nd pls 23rd St � East Side � " West Side � � Individuals .... 41 28 5 00 30 97 54 51 93 60 � 25 88 2 85 7 50 15 46 13 10 11 59 37 00 940 7 95 61 07 16 00 7 15 9 50 125 04 49 62 90.92 Inwood � 14 62 Jefferson � Jonesboro � 17 66 Kennard ...... 10 93 Kokomo � 19 89 La Fayette � 60 53 Lebanon � 11 50 Ligonier � Linton � 35 45 Logansport � 7 87 Michaels Medaryville 41 86 Marion � 39 26 Michigan City � Middletown 73 04 Mt. Vernon .... 16 00 Mt. Zion � 60 02 Muncie � 60 60 Martinsville � 31 04 New London � 21 36 Noblesville � Northfield � New Marion � 29 00 North Liberty � New Hope � 9 75 Olive Branch � 5 00 Olivet Chapel � 72 25 Oolitic � 3 37 Patricksburg � 29 65 Peru � 4 24 Petersburg Pleasant View 8 33 Princeton � 18 89 Royal Center � 4 87 Richmond � Rochester � 9 83 Rocklatte � Nov. Dec. Total a I a.. 7 00 700 80 55 5 16 11 20 49 49 31 377 20 79 18 80 � 264 45 25 10 13 10 00 48 41 149 92 1285 16 70 18 31- 5 30 21 57 42 83 ma 77 40 13 64 410 � 206 20 241 8 60 11 78 21 30 234 73 32 7 33 75 60 25 96 29 � 89 743 15 41 263 10 12 21 92 11 77 14 30 94 11 141 6 74 8 42 18 25 203 93 63 384 25 00 538 4r 35 4'11 33 45 45 11 85 160 60 12 13 38 � 20 39 118 18 211 5 62 36 33 � 351 22 33 10 64 22 73 6 25 62 73 12 10 45 28 34 9 3 15 1 00 18 31 139 01 171 8 17 3 10 968 54 24 12 4 52 3 15 25 77 241 60 43 5 sy 1 55 5 70 186 50 21' 8 90 8 06 5 30 87 06 7 12 43 5 00 42 53 140 90 23 6 12 124 44 186 17 2027 95 125 16 23 106 73 140 21 1057 02 60 17 61 23 00 17 55 153 12 28 5 47 72 36 38 12 781 58 4 00 5 00 90 86 17 534 � 85 91 225 28 7 32 18 14 97 34 11 252 85 47 538 1 50 � 200 88 23 8 73 25 05 5 55 297 46 55 540 1 50 58 08 402 55 so 13 41 25 26 965 118 23 11 10 74 8 26 14 80 196 95 44 4 47 933 51 12 228 56 13 17 57 28 50 500 446 04 24 18 58 45 61 19 00 125 56 33 3 80 642 4 17 134 39 28 5 84 � 13 74 290 97 61 4 77 30 � 14 92 3 497 25 60 46 30 592 37 53 11 18 23 20 36 DI 185 91 25 7 4.3 59 32 12 30 415 28 81 5 12 16 31 62 19 347 52 40 8 68 4 92 8 76 110 53 26 4 25 3 70 3 73 131 46 19 692 18 08 9 31 68 33 35 1 97 � 200 00 200 00 17 11 76 66 67 26 256 18 31 � 81 48 34 2 40 45 95 12 45 220 42 23 9 58 5 10 � 15 10 � 86 00 273 97 47 583 8 5( � 66 56 19 350 429.2 9 35 293 48 18 16 30 12 45 475 84 67 16 529 � 113 78 21 94 45 11 248 69 19 13 08 � 24 53 134 12 IC 7 03 10 30 31 32 91 78 11 8 61 3 75 27 05 81 86 10 8 18 4 00 164 17 30 5 47 4 50 � 39 98 18 222 13 00 7 81 700 21 S9 10 85 14 64 8 62 4 30 76 6 72 7311472 37 500 14 62 1 05 13 49 2 27 84 25 1279 40 24 00 620 10 00 52 84 23 85 15 68 11 76 78 18 1574 84 5 21 6 00 15 00 988 17 71 85 � 78 58 108 05 2361 56 1250 60 4 71 2 78 800 200 43 36 18 74 390 40 2335 98 18341 61 1458 89 1201 06 1455 04 5 87 26 32 800 6 75 185 7 95 21 72 12 76 20 00 5 54 15 79 41 63 165 02 57 50 311 68 72 01 125 06 198 65 67 36 10 36 849 13 19 58 25 3 32 17 28 6 14 90 3 82 70 6 60 19 17 9 74 4 12 4 46 82 60 72 9 43 16 78 83 41 623 9 00 31 18 4 75 2 34 14 30 98 79 35 16 84 161 40 tSeymour — � Salem � South Bend � 3 69 17 13 33 South Milford 10 50 � Terre Haute.... 32 99 843 15 Unionville � � 23 50 � Waldron � 22 09 � 17 Walkerton ..... 16 87 West Liberty � 11 60 � Windfall 2 50 240 � Wolfla ke � 6 85 70 50 5 Totals 1527 50 1038 64 1385 *Six months organized. tThree months. A MOST INTERESTING STUDY Tithe Report For the Year 1906 WE are sure all will be greatly in- terested in the study of the tabulat- ed tithe report which appears in this issue of the REPORTER, for the year 1906. We wish to call attention to some features of this report, and while there is much in it that is really com- mendable, are there not some por- tions of it that can be improved? We have been endeavoring to get all the churches in Indiana. to send in their tithe every month, let it be much or little. The laborers must be paid monthly; then why not all send in the tithe regularly each month? During the past year the following churches have sent in tithe every month: Anderson, Boggstown, Elwood, Farmersburg, Greenfield. Gum Corner. 23rd St. Indianapolis, East Side Indianapolis, Jonesboro, Kokomo. Lebanon, Medaryville, Mt- Zion, Muncie, Martinsville, New Hope. Patrieksburg. Pleasant View, and Royal Center. Nineteen churches every month have remembered the laborers, that they must be settled with the first of the Month, and have had their tithe at the office by the close of the month so that it has been in readiness, also that it might appear in the published report, as the books are closed promptly the last day of each month. Some who have Endeavored to be punctual have perhaps been just a little tardy, and tile money arrived at the office the let or 2nd of the month, just a. day or two too late to appear in the report. Those com- prising this number perhaps are the following churches, who missed only one month in the year; Connersville, Franklin, Hartford City, Hunting. ton. In wood. Ligonier, Logansport, Marion., Middletown, South Bend, Terre Haute, and Wulf La ke. The churches at Dana, Grass Creek, Idaville, La Fayette, and Peru, sent in tithe ten months during the year; and the following sent in tithe nine months: Etna Green, Honey Creek, Linton, Mt. Vernon, and Noblesville. We hope to see a great improvement along this line with these last named churches, as well as many that have not been named. It will be noticed that there is a great difference in the amount of tithe paid per membership in the dif- ferent churches. It ranges from as low as 70 cts. for the average membership per member, to $32.60. Is it possible that all are paying honest tithe in both of these churches? There are rea- sons why a church composed mostly of adults in middle life, who are earn- ing money, can and should pay more tithe than a church composed of a few adults with large families of children who are church members but not earning money. This would greatly reduce the amount of tithe for the average membership. But is there a good reason and one that God will accept, for the great differ- ence mentioned above. This should be seriously considered. We give the churches in their or- der that are paying the largest tithe. for the average membership. The Walkerton church paid an average tithe for each member, of $32.60; Jef- ferson, $32.18; Elwood, $21.92; South Milford, $19 17; Anderson, $18.80; Lo- gansport, $18.58; Boggstown, $18.37; East Indianapolis, $17.61; Linton, $17.57; Patricksbure,.. 23rd Street In- dianapolis, and Angola, averaged a little over $16 per member. Another reason for a low average of tithe per membership, is because the church records have not been properly pruned. This is also the case with some who show a good average. The amount would be much larger in some of the churches mentioned if all names were retmyred from the membership, who are not in good standing, or their wherea- bouts unknown. The 23rd St. Indianapolis church paid the largest tithe, being $2027.95. The Boggstown church stands sec- ond, $1285.98. The East Side Indian- apolis church is third, $1057.02. The next is Wolf Lake, $849.13. It will be seen chat the 23rd St. Indianapolis and the East Side Ind- ianapolis churches, have paid one- sixth of the tithe paid in the whole Conference. There is not a large membership of either children or old people in these churches, which in a measure accounts for the large tithe. Then, nearly all are day laborers, and pay tithe on every dollar they earn, thus paying tithe on house rent, fruits, vegetables, milk, butter, fuel, and a score of other things that many farmers do not takt, into ac- count. There is much more in this report worth studying. We hope every church will study carefully its report, and see whether it may not be im- proved by more diligence on the part of each member. In the past tour years there has been an increase in the annual tithe, of about $5,000. This is excellent. We should praise the Lord for this; but when we see the great difference in the amount of tithe per member in the different churches, is there not still an opportunity for a great im- provement? We believe there is and may the Lord help us the coming year to bring about a still greater growth. THE first Sabbath of this month, Brother Spohr was with the Hart- ford City church. The block plan for paying the $150,000 Fund was suc- cessfully used in fully providing for the church's share of that fund. A quantity of Signs of the Times for the special six months' period begin- ning May 1st was ordered. I I111111110?1, � ,RIPA!V!")_ ey 11 M11 ,1111 � 111 111.1.,1141111. 11- 71.11 1.77.711. NEWS AND NOTES ELDER ROBERTS is spending a few days at the home of his daughter at Jonesboro. ELDER STONE reports a very inter- esting and profitable meeting with the Honey Creek church. READ carefully Sister White's ar- ticle on the first page of this paper. It is meat in due season. BROTHER FORD is busy these days assisting the canvassers in getting a good start in their work. ELDER J. F. STEELE has moved to Ft. Wayne and will endeavor to build up the work at that place. THE Lake Union Conference is plan- ning to,move its office from this cit-3, to South Bend early next month. SISTER MCMAHAN reports a very interesting convention at Wolf Lake, a report of which will appear later. THE Indianapolis churches united in a spring outing at Brookside Park in the eastern part of the city on Sunday, May 12. SEVERAL young ladies who at- tended the Wolf Lake canvassers' in- stitute expected to begin work in LaFayette this week. WE regret that Sister Anna Ben- son, a member of the West Side church of this city, died on the 15th instant. Details will be given later. Miss PEARL HARLAN and Miss Ed- na Stureman, of Wolf Lake, are be- ginning work with "Coming King " in Nappanee„ Elkhart Elkhart County. this week. THE Grass: Creek church enjoyed a visit from Elder W. A. Young on May 13 and 1.2. It arranged to pay its share of the $150,000 Fund in the near future. PROF. AND MRS. C. L. STONE and Mrs. R. W. McMahan attended a council of the educational depart- ment of the Lake Union Conference at Berrien Springs, May 6-10. EARLY last Thursday morning Brother M. E. McMeans, one of the oldest Adventists in the state, passed away. Obituary notice will doubt- less appear in the next issue of this paper. ELDER 'ALLEN MOON left Indianan- oils on the 6th bast:int to go to the Tri-City Sanitarium in Moline, Illi- nois, intending to return for the Workers' Meeting to be held here be- ginning the 28th. � • � • How many more of our churches will he on the Hit in the next issue of the REPORTER, having paid in full their portion of the $150,000 Fund? Come on, brethren and sisters, and let MI complete this task. ON Sunday evening, May 5. Elder A. L. Miller addressed an apprecia- tive congregation in the Methodist church of Einora,. He reports a good interest in the series of meetings which he • held in our church there from April 27 to May 6. THE first meeting to be held with the Conference workers during the ten days beginning May 28th is ap- pointed for 3:00 p. in., Tuesday after- noon. We trust that every Confer- ence worker will be at the 23rd Street Church in this city at that time. ELDER U. S. ANDERSON writes thus of the work of the Signs of the Times: "We are taking a club of the Signs at New Hope, and we find they are doing much to help bring the light to the people. May the blessing of heaven rest upon this pi- oneer preacher, and its circulation still increase until the whole world is lighted with the message of present truth.” AT this particular time our people should secure and .read, "The Pro- phetic Gift in the Gospel Church," by Elder J. N. Loughboro, containing Scriptural and other evidence that the Spirit of Prophecy is in the church to-day, and giving the his- tory of how it came into the rem- nant church. Send 15 cents in stamps for this 120-page pamphlet; No. 164 of Bible Students' Library. THE 'Temperance Issue of the Youth's Instructor is a most excel- lent number; it is being ordered in large quantities by churches and young people's societies in various parts of the state. Beech wood Acad- emy and the 23rd Street, Indianapo- lis, Church have each ordered 300 copies; Anderson and Kokomo 200 each; and Barber's Mill, 50. The price per copy in quantities of 25 or more, 2 cents. ON every. hand the special series of the Signs of the Thnes, whiCh began May 1st, is highly commended. It promises to be most thoro in its ex- position of the doctrines of Seventh, day Adventists. The entire six months' series will be sent to any address for 75 cents; if orders for four or more are sent to us at one time, the charge is only 50 cents each. Sub- scriptions may still begin with the first issue, May 1. BROTHER ARTHUR N. ANDERSON. who has been connected with our office for more than two years as book-keeper and stenographer, has proven himself a reliable and efficient worker, and is held in high esteem by all who have been connected with him in the work. The Conference Committee recently appointed .him Assistant Treasurer, as Brother Goodwin is not in the office regular- ly and draws salary f-n• only a por- tion of his time. THE � following- named churches have fully paid their share of the $150,000 Fund: Akron, Angola, Hunt- ington, Jefferson, Lebanon, Ligonier, Linton, Michigan City, Richmond, Rochester, South Milford, and Walk- erton. Seven of these have inure than paid the amount expected of them, as may be seen by referring to the detailed statement in this paper. Two churches have paid within a few cents of the amount apportioned them; namely, Anderson and Goshen. ELDER HAGLE sends in a very in- teresting report of his work at Roch- ester and Akron. Both of these churches have recently deeded over to the Conference their f.hurch prop- erty. This is the proper thing to do, and saves the trouble of electing, according to la w, trus- tees, which, if neglected, endan- gers the title of the property. The Conference simply holds church property in trust for the church, and they are not reckoned as assets of the Conference. EVERYTHING at the Sanitarium is taking on a bright appearance. A map of the grounds and elevation is now being made by the professor of the Civil Engineering Department of Purdue University, and we will soon be able to give a beautiful picture of the whole grounds. The professor pronounces it a lovely plaee, and thinks the right step is being taken in properly laying out the groends from the start. The work is done largely by students and will be do- nated to the Sanitarium. Indiana Reporter Supplement MAY 22, 1907 A WORKERS' MEETING . IT has been decided by the Indiana Conference Committee to hold a workers' meeting, beginning Tues- day afternoon May 28, and continu- ing ten days, or until Thursday, June O. This meeting will be held at Indianapolis, in the 23rd Street church. There was some thought of holding it elsewhere, but on ac- count of the condition of Elder Moon's health, and desiring his presence, it was thought best to hold it in Indianapolis. Our work- ers connected with the office could also attend the meeting, and receive its benefits if held here. We hope to make this ten days a real tarrying time, in which every worker will receive a better prepara- tion to go forth to engage in the summer's work, than ever before in the history of our work. It is de- signed that at this gathering we de- vote the time to a special seeking of the Lord, and study of the Testimo- nies and the Bible upon those ques- tions relating to the very times in which we are living. We are in the perils of the last days, even the shak- ing time, when we need to know that we are on the sure foundation. Plans for the summer's work will also be considered, time of .camp- meetings, and many other matters. There will be instructors present from outside the Conference, and it is expected that every worker in the Conference will attend this meeting from first to last. No worker can afford to miss a single meeting. We are expecting this present year to far surpass any previous year in the Ilk tory of the work in Indiana, in the conversion of souls, the number of additions to our churches, the number of new churches organized, and the general advancement of the work in every line. The time de- mands that this should be so, and God has ordained that it shall be.so. Then all that is required or that is lacking to make it so, is for us to so relate ourselves to God that He can use us in His own way to fulfill His purposes. The committee is looking to this workers' meeting as a time of great victory for the work in the Indiana Conference. We must gain the victory for the summer's work, by faith and our personal experience, before we enter upon that work; and if we can all go forth from this meet- ing with one heart and of one mind, to present a united front to the en- emy, victory will be ours. From plans that have been sug- gested regarding the subjects that shall be considered and studied, we feel that we can already count this coming meeting a glorious success. We would he glad if our colporters and many of our lay brethren could attend this gathering, but this will be impossible. We could not arrange to care for so many, but we hope to have our camp-meetings soon, when some of the same studies will be taken up and considered for the good of all. We ask our brethren and sisters to all remember the workers' meeting daily in your prayers, that God may truly anoint the workers in Indiana with His Holy Spirit, that they may go forth this summer to proclaim His truth with mighty power. INDIANA CONFERENCE COMMITTEE. � N) � it? PROFITABLE EXERCISES ON Wednesday evening, May 8, the East Side church in Indianapolis was filled to hear the closing exercises of the church school. The program was quite extended but the closest attention of everyone was held till the very last. The thought in every number was excellent, the rendition was pleasing, and, surely, all could say, "It was good to be there" When each one performs his part splendidly, it is very hard properly to call attention to ally single per- formance. It was an evening well spent and we hope that this will he an additional means of strengthen- ing the determination of each one who attended these exercises that he will ever and always stand loyally by the church school and thus bind another tie around the children for � their salvation. �' W. A. Y. HONEY CREEK CHURCH ELDER STONE, president of the In- diana Conference, visited our church Sabbath, May 11., and our little com- pany was greatly encouraged by his timely visit. He gave two very in- teresting discourses on the all-impor- tant and ever-welcome subject to Seventh-day Adventists, "The Third Angel's Message," and all present ex- pressed their thankfulness and praise to God for being a part of this great message. There were a few present who were not members of the church, and an invitation was extended those who desired to become con- nected with the church, and four took their stand for the Lord. We felt the Lord's presence with us, and all feel very much encouraged by El- der Stone's visit and words of coun- sel. �MRS. ELT.A HANCOCK. 0 A CORRECTION THE impression Is being circulated somewhat in the Conference, . that the Wabash Valley Sanitarium lo- cated at LaFayette, is a private in- stitution and is not owned and con- trolled by the Conference. This ie not true. The Conference at its last session elected the Board, and has entire control of the Sanitarium: and it is unqualifiedly a denominational institution, and will be conducted by the Indiana Conference for no other purpose than to bring the truths of the Third Angel's Message before the people in connection with healing them of their physical ailments. We know not why such a story should be circulated, as there has never been any foundation for it. i9 � 9? WANTED—Housekeeper soon, in convenient modern house. For par- ticulars apply 709 Park Avenue, In- dianapolis, hid. FOR SALE—I have a fifty-acre farm for sale. Six room house; fair barn; good well of water. Mostly black soil, well drained. Five years. time to pay it if desired. Only three- fourths of a mile from Beech wood Academy, near Boggstown, iml. Ad- dress R. P. Strickler, Berrien Springs, Mich. ENCOURAGING REPORT Olin readers will be interested in the following from one of the mem- bers of the Llitonier church to the President of the Conference: I think I have something interest- ing to tell you: We have raised the amount assigned the Ligonier church on the "Hundred and Fifty Thou- sand Dollar Fund" and a little over. At one time we thought we could only raise about sixty dollars. Our portion was $132.00. We have raised $135.15. We sang the jubilee song: all took part in it and the social meet- ing, and were thankful and happy. The brethren and sisters are more faithful in paying tithes than for years. These are the results of the meetings held by you. Elders Bu- halts and Hagle. When you can, come and see us again. Your visit here was very much appreciated. Yours in the love of the truth, * � * � * According to the above report, it does not hurt our dear people to give to the "Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollar Fund." In fact it does them good, and more tithe is the result. This is demonstrated in the Ligonier church. And why is it so? Because the Lord says, "Give and it shall be given unto you," and again, "The liberal soul shall be made fat." The more a person gives, the greater his income, and the more he has to pay tithe upon and make offerings with. Praise the Lord for this wonderful provision. It is our good Lord's way of dealing with His faithful children. Let us trust Him and be more faithful. During the past six months, while we have been raising the Indiana portion of the "Hundred and Fffty Thousand Dollars," our tithe has been the largest that it ever has been in Indiana in the same period of time; other large sums of money been Rent to our office; our churches have been revived; a greater missionary spirit has been manifested; more lit- erature is being ordered for distribu- tion, and there is a general forward movement. This has been through n.o spasmodic, exciting effort, or by working upon the feelings and sympathies of the people, which only moves for the moment, but it has been the natural outgrowth of a real sense of duty, obligation, and love that we owe to God, for "his un- speakable gift", and our duty to our fellow men. The laborers in the Conference write in the most con ragous manner; and are all of good courage. Never was the outlook brighter. The Lord is blessing and leading the work in Indiana on to victory. A discordant note may be sounded occasionally, this may be expected, for Satan is still at work. But let us pray that every soul who professes to love this truth may see eye to eye, that unit- edly we may push the work to com- pletion. Praise God from whom all bless- ings flow, Praise him all creatures here be- low: Praise him above ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son; and Holy Ghost ! -" LET the Lord he magnified." Churches Assigned to Laborers In Raising the Indiana Portion of the $150,000 Fund Showing amounts paid to. Conference Treasurer to May 16, 1907 Mem. bars J. M. REES. Honey Creek � 21 Idaville � 23 Royal Center � 11 Grass Creek � 23 Denver � 24 - Peru � 16 Lafayette �30 New Lond..n � 19 Kokomo �55 Jefferson Amt. to he Raised $63. 69. 83. 99. 72. 48 90, 57. 165. 21. Amt. Paid 39 544 42 00 24 00 62 00 50 00 40 77 75 15 65 18 50 21 00 J. F. STEELE Rocklane �18 Pleasant View � 19 Boggato wn � 70 Waldron �28 Unionville �17 $54. 57. 210. 84. 51. 7 49 25 93 159 40 19 76 152 C. J. BUHALTS. South Bend � 25 Goshen �12 Ligonier �44 North Liberty � 31 Walkerton �6 Inwood �17 Michigan City � 3 Etna Green � 14 Medaryville � 28 Mt. Vernon � 25 $45t1. • $75. 36. 132. 102. 18. 51. 9. 42. 69. - � 75. 212 58 28 39 85 50 183 15 57 46 18 00 12 25 9 00 23 00 8 00 23 20 239 U. S. ANDERSON Marion � 61 Michael � 33 Jonesboro �47 Hartford City � 48 West Liberty Windfall �14 Elwood �12 New Hope �23 Barber's Mills � 25 $417. $183. 99. 141. 129. 42. 36, 69. 75. 350 80 40 80 28 14 25 25 76 50 18 50 6 00 7 50 21 00 17 85 203 W. A. YouNo. Indpls (23rd at.) 125 Lebanon �11 Northfield �17 Richmond �10 Connersville � 40 Glen wood �9 $609. $375. 33. 51. 30. 120. 27. 347 95 183 27 125 50 18 60 111 00 27 65 8 00 •258 A. L. MILLER. Anderson �19 Muncie � 44, Olivet Chapel � 47 Middletown � 24 Mechanicsburg � 29 Kennard Frankton $774. $57. 120. 141. 72. 87. 69. 63. 231 54 56 94 23 65 25 00 32 00 42 27 47 25 8 00 212 F. M. ROBERTS. Dana � 32 Terre Haute � 32 Farmersburg � 53 Patricksburg � 18 Salem � 53 Linton � 13 Eluora. � 29 Princeton �19 Mt. Zion �81 $636. $96. 96. 159. 54. 159. 39. 87. 57. 243. 474 02 64 80 62 25 46 17 34 50 10 00 353 00 22 12 12 58 25 87 203 J. H. NIEHAUS. Franklin �12 Martinsville � 26 $609. $36 78. 235 11 32 25 11 25 38 A. W. BARTLETT. East Indpls � 56 Greenfield �17 Noblesville � 35 $114. $168. 51. 105. 43 50 123 68 25 10 19 85 330 R. W. LEACH. New Marion � 26 Gum Corner � 12 Fredricksburg � Seymour Oolitic �19 $990. $78 36. 57. 631 29 30 25 19 20 15 05 3 25 108 B. HAOLE. Angola � 5 Auburn � 6 South Milford � 3 Wolf Lake � 90 Fort Wayne � 4 Wabash Huntington � 7 Rochester �80 Akron � 13 Corunna $324. $15. 18. 9. 270. 12. 21. 90. 39. 168 63 16 00 1 50 15 50 109 29 4 00 22 00 90 00 39 00 57 0. S. HADLEY. West Indpls. � 28 Logansport � 24 .$171. $84. 72. 67 85 35 75 30 25 52 Isolated $156. . 66 00 457 21 158 $474.. 297 29 2,01(1. $6.4130. .43583 77