Second, there is a much larger and constantly increasing multitude who hold that since the dis- coveries of modern science are not found in the Bible there is a necessary conflict between the Bible and science, and, since many facts of science are observable in the laboratory, the test tube of science, and that the teachings of the Bible and the person of its Author are not, hence the Bible is wrong, or at least has outgrown its usefulness. The final group would solve the problem between the Bible and science by keeping them entirely separate. This solution has been more generally adopted in Europe, however, than in America. Members of this group would regard the Bible and science as two dis- tinct subjects — and the mind would place the knowledge se- cured from the study of one in a mental compart- ment entirely separate fromthat containing ma- terial secured from the study of the other. When such an individual studies science, he shuts out the Bible; and when he studies the Bible, his mind is closed to the teachings and methods of science. As a student of the Bible, history, and science, the writer is convinced that no one of these attitudes will ever solve the so-called conflict between science and the Bible. Herbert Photos, Inc. Omega Centauri, a star cluster that measures many bil- lions of miles across. And these are but parts of His ways Conrrict Does Not EXIST | THE first place, he is not willing to admit that such a conflict exists. He is convinced that the “laws of nature’ are universal in their application, in all places, and at all times; that, because all the facts found in the study of the one are not found in the study of the other, it is no proof of the falsity or the lack of importance of the other; and that seem- ing inconsistencies are due to lack of knowledge rather than to actual contradictions. Furthermore, the Bible is a specialized book on a specialized subject — it is a book whose single purpose is to teach men how best to live here and how to prepare for a possible life to come. It is not a textbook for science, for history, for English, or for any other subject; but it is the one and only textbook on salvation, and the preacher or the religious teacher who would point his charges to AUGUST, 1929 some other source for knowledge and inspiration for their Christian welfare makes a mistake more fatal than the “scientist” who would use the Bible as a textbook of modern science. BrutwrEEN SCIENCE AND THEOLOGY HE fact that a movement or fact recorded in history is not found in the Bible is no indication of the insignificance or the inaccuracy of those events. The fact that a newly discovered reaction in science is not mentioned in the Bible is no indica- tion of its falsity. It is in both cases more evidence that the Bible is a specialized book; its one mission is to save souls for this world and the world to come. Again, and most important of all, many so-called conflicts between the Bible and science are not be- tween the Bible and science at all, but between theology and science. Roger Williams was ex- pelled from Mas- sachusetts Bay Colony, not be- cause his views conflicted with the Bible, but because they conflicted with the theology of the Puritan theocracy of Bos- ton. Galileo was forced to recant, not because his science contradicted the Bible, but because it con- flicted with the theology of the Catholic Church. Bruno was burned at the stake, not because his astronomy refuted the astronomy of the Bible, but because it did not square up with the philoso- phy of the Middle Ages. The Son of God was crucified on Calvary’s cross, not because His teachings contradicted those of the Scriptures, but because they were out of harmony with those of the Hebrew rabbis. So it has ever been; the seeming conflicts between the Bible and science are in reality between theology and science. Man gives his own interpretation to the Scriptures, and then, knowing little or nothing of science himself, condemns science, because he finds that its teachings do not square up with his theology. The scientist, with his necessarily limited knowledge of his own field and his lack of knowledge of the Scriptures, condemns the Bible because he cannot find all his laboratory facts and data therein. It would seem, then, that the supposed conflict between the Bible and science is (Cont. on page 31) PAGE ELEVEN