DARYNA KULINICH Animal Science, Pre-Vet Program, Junior CIO NR “—, WLR -, it Je A , 4 WwW PREP Se SERRE UWE a Ed What does a typical day look like for you? A Lyprcal day as a Junior m the Annmal Science prooroam starts carly with 6 Aamo mitkime Mitkine 1 done Twice a day and Tam responsible for two diay with another Anal Science Strident Then, depending onal have time, ll oo to the cat or cat comethimes mn ny TOOL Every morn Thave an organic chemistry lecture with other jumors im the department. Most of my classes are Serene based, except tor the Honors Droeram, Once Lam done with lecture, [pend most of my time study and reviewing tor the tpoomimg, tests What's the best part of being in the Animal Science department? [he hoot part of home an Animal SHerence Stoctent ro the hands on experience that my department provides, byery semester | take care of different annals, and thi hie, Hoon the best experience dorm my time mm Ancrows So ban Pveranacd poultry and Calle and participated am the dads and ewer Lirthinme Scason alway look forwin dl Lo eome down to The farm, ae ib bakes my mind off the schoolwork and helps me reconnect with the amaze creates, thi (vod creatod,