Conference Secretaries Change The secretarial staff of the Nevada-Utah Conference has undergone several changes re- cently. Three secretaries have left and been replaced by oth- ers. Dorothea Hilde, secretary to the Secretary-Treasurer since 1973, has gone on medical sus- tentation in preparation for permanent retirement. To fill this vacancy, Shirleen Wagner, {rom the St. Helena, California, area, has joined the staff. With her background of hookkeeping and accounting she has assumed her duties very cffectively and efliciently. Doris Howlett, secretary in the education and MV depart- ments for five vears, has left the area. Her husband Don had served as first elder of the Reno Church. They have moved to Oregon where they will be per- manently residing. Filling that vacancy, Gene- ¥ From left: Marla Downs, Shir- leen Wagner, Genevieve Schulze vieve Schulze, wife of the Reno Church pastor, has assumed the responsibilities of that office, quickly and efficiently working into the program. The third person to leave was Nona Wickward, who had been in the Adventist Book Center on a part-time basis since 1972, Since she was employed only part-time, she chose to resign and enter into full-time respon- sibility in the local community. To take her place, Marla Downs has joined the ABC. She is not a newcomer to the Pacific Union Conference, having at- tended I.odi Academy and La Sierra College. Onc of the greatest assets an ih £5 il 37 ; i TENT The Jim Gibson family Holbrook Mission Needs Your Help See Front Page Notice organization has 1s Its loyal and dedicated workers. Even Where: Soquel Campgrounds though we have lost three faith- ful workers, three others have come and have demonstrated their dedication and efficiency. A. G. Streifling Northern Presents NOVEMBER HEALTH SERVICES PROGRAMS Five-Day Plans 8-12 Auburn M. M. Henry (916) 885-4232 11-15 Berkeley R. Patzer (415) 843-4977 14-18 Oroville L. W. Taylor (916) 533-8577 14-18 Clearlake Highlands HH. E. Miller 1707) 994-5221 14-18 Arcata Lynn Belleau (707) 839-3832 14-18 Linda Heights P. Emerson (9161 487-3733 28-29 Eureka A. Anderson (707) 442-6950 Water Seminar 9-23 Willits D. Sawatzsky (707) 459-4520 Cooking Schools 7-9 Berkeley Linda Parrish (4151 843-4977 2-10 Petaluma C. G. Edwards 1707) 763-1114 Charles Phelps Finishes His Work in Conference Elder Charles Phelps, who has served in the Nevada-Utah Conference since September, 1973. has finished his work in our field and returned to the Central California Conference. Even thouch Elder Phelps has been on a subsidized basis, having retired from the active ministry a number of years ago, ne has served in a most effec- tive and enthusiastic manner, oivine Bible studies and visit- ing the members. Few workers have the unique ability Elder Phelps has of find- ing interests in almost every community he goes into. He served first in the Conference at Greenville and Quincy and today that area has many new members, people with whom he studied and had the privilege of bringing to the Lord. IL.ater he moved to the South [Lake Tahoe area and did a very cffective work there. This conference has certainly appreciated the tremendous Nevada-Utah Conference A. G. Streifling, president; Charles Snyder, secretary-treasurer; P.O. Box 10730), Reno, NV 89510. Phone 1702 322-6929. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8, contribution Elder Phelps has We owe Elder Phelps a great made. Due to family responsi- deal for service rendered in bilities, he felt he had to move this Conference. Our prayers co with him as he enters upon his new responsibilities in his new assignment. A. G. closer to his home, thus he re- turned to Central California where his wife is teaching and his voungest son is finishing his secondary education. Streifling ABOUT 135 PERSONS attended classes demonstrating food preparation without the use of eggs or dairy products held at the Sacramento Central church October 3-7. Guest instructor Darlene Prusia and her sister, Mrs. Earl Bolton, both traveled from their homes in Washington State to conduct the community services pro- gram. Many ladies of the church worked under the direction of Carol Diebel to help make the cooking school a delicious success. Pictured are Pastor Gery Friesen ‘admiring a baked dessert! with Mrs. Prusia, Mrs. Bolton and Carol Diebel. 1976 Staff Serves as Missionaries As one missionary family re- turned to Rio Lindo Adventist Academy, another staff family left for the mission field. The Gerald Hetzers, who were at Rio until 1970, have returned from a six-year term at Spicer Memorial College in India. Jim Gibson, his wife Dorothy, and their two children, Debo- rah, seven, and Karina, five, left [.os Angeles for New York Sep- tember 20. From there they flew to Freetown, Sierra Leone. SABBATH SCHOOL TEACHING-LEARNING-LEADERSHIP SEMINAR For: All teachers, division leaders and superintendents, North- ern and Central California conferences. When: 4 p.m., Nov. 19, to 1:30 p.m., Nov. 21 Costs: $22, includes meals, lodging, text To register: Ask your pastor for a registration form. 14 hours intensive training staffed by specialists Objective: To teach as Jesus taught (1) THE MEADOW VISTA of God and the finishing of His work Members contributed nearly $90,000 over a three-year period. The church church was dedicated to the Jim is teaching biology and setting up a chemistry lab at Yele Secondary School. Approx- imately 200 students ranging in ace 12-20 are in attendance. Other faculty families have also served in the mission field. A former dean of girls, Beverly Paulson, served two years in Singapore. Now Mrs. Clair Johnson, she and her husband live in Modesto where he teach- cs fifth grade at the academy. Science teacher Herbert Shafer and foreign language teacher H. Maxwell Peake both served terms in Africa. Two families have left main- land United States to serve in Hawaii: the Kenneth Engle- berts and the John Wards. Ken- neth and John are both English teachers. Mrs. Englebert was RILAA’'s first dean of girls, and Mrs. Ward served as school nurse. Marilee Griswold, RLAA Correspondent glory on Sabbath, September and 4,000 hours of lakor seats 210. Elder 1. J. Rood, now retired, was pastor during mest of the construction. +2 Steind- ing with Pastor Preston Smith at the dedication service are Con- ference President Helmuth C. Retzer, who gave the morning mcs- sage; and Elder J. L. Tucker, had the dedication sermon. (3] speaker for The Quiet Hour, who Charter members present front, from left: Alice LeVere, Myrtle Boodt, ollie Beglin seated Ruby Hull: standing, middle! Rolland LeVere, Ernest Boodt, Archie Beg- lin, Joy Krichen, Doris Smalley, Ray Smalley, Harold Hull, Raylene Pooler 4" Interior view— Lorayn Beaver, Tom Pooler, Audria Day and Stella Libbee. ‘back! Not present were More than 350 persons attended dedication services. The Gene Erickson Trio is presenting a musical program. ‘51 Elder Eugene Erickson was Meadow Vista pastor 1951-54. In attendance aiso was Mrs. George Loewen whose late husband was pastor after Elder Erickson. (6) Frem left: Dudley Galusha, superintendent of the building project; Fred and Evelyn Johnsen mittee). (Fred is chairman of the building com-