= NE Freee € Jie? adr NE 7 a PORTION OF A STATILTNT BY C. C. AY E.G. White Research Center | ki 3 ILE COPY Regarding 50mo FES ore tows with lire. .. r Feb, 13, 25, and £3, 1912. Doc, CEL Wednesday morning, lebruary 28, Siva 1 led me to her office roan, and after going over SOLU pov od - ork relating to our cause in the Southern States, she dvoadbh or 1° i anorbance of our preparing and p ‘blishing proper historic: cel slong on cn con en oem important missionary en borprises that hove Loo 0 - ovzen and carried forward under the spocial guidenco of © 7 Spirit, by workers of large faith. She referred perticet 1 to lhe story of the work in the South, the story of the ourliu. o. »riiuces of our worke rs in Furope, and the story of the rico wo So coement of the Third Angel's Message in Jiustralia. Dupri Si oo {I our con- versation slong theses lines, Sister Whi: gts To Tov Ld tho conversation toward Iomz Lindo matters, art ic © 7 5070 of tho So ~ bre thren have thought it rather stranoe Hil tare £0 active a part in the matter of owr brethren. © too irda gecurin? control of the farming lands lying cloce Too Lhe 0 To hion, Sig ter White said that when thor too 7 . Tfored for sale, there were those who waild have Laer loo tooowehase them, to sell again as a matter of financial nen il. Sha told me that while ab Tora Shon instructed during the night season, "gopare." She woo oo, od cdiave ly fell asleep ageln, when she was further io to 0b iT owas her duby to make a proper progentatien © “pe, work before the people, just os gho hod thoe oo co» higtories of the early cxperiences of our wort evs in | Co Juropl, an