RED CROSS Photo IN ANY a boy with an investigating turn of mind has taken his toys, or perhaps the family clock, apart to see what made them run. In our day mature men are diligently searching for the secret of the life that animates the human body. In six thousand years of search man has made no progress in discovering how creation was accomplished. In his search he has taken the atom apart into its several constituents. He has found that electricity is more closely con- nected with life than even air, yet electricity is not life, as it is often found disconnected from living things. Man has discovered nothing regarding the technique of creation, nor could he be expected to understand it. Obviously its process is as much higher than his understanding as the making of a clock or automobile is above the machine's own comprehension. But strangely enough, though man cannot in the least sense how creation was done, he does not hesitate to criticize the Creator's account of it. He uses his judgment regarding the time it took to make the world, as recorded in the Bible. Not only does man use his own judg- ment about the time it takes for the Creator to bring things into existence, but he has decided that the original Page Fourteen - ] 3 The HUMAN MACHINE and the bower that makes low little, and yet how vast, a dif- ference be- fween life and death. law which God made to govern society 1s not workable or practicable. God made one law to govern all relations of mankind with one another and with Himself. This rule of love would, if followed in society, make all other laws and regulations unnecessary, and as God made mankind for the express purpose of exercising the joy of love, He regards material things as wholly secondary in importance. The Bible throughout stresses this idea. Nowhere does God represent that it is hard or dif- ficult for Him to create such things as we need for our happiness and comfort. Everywhere throughout the Book it is represented that, if mankind would accept the law of love into their very hearts, material wealth would be a natural consequence. Even their health would “spring forth speedily.” (See Isaiah 58: 6-8.) - h 4 But man has exactly reversed the above philosophy of the secret of life. He attaches the major importance to material wealth. He uses his own judgment as to what course to take to secure the most of life and its good things. Through a strange obsession of mind, he believes his wisdom superior to that of the One who created him. He even goes so far as to regard the in- struction given him by his Maker as childish fancy and foolishness. (See 1 Corinthians 2: 14. ) But 1 Corinthians it run By W.S. RITCHIE 1:25 says that the foolishness of God is wiser than men. It should be no wonder, then, that confusion reigns in the world, when man, a created thing, has decided that he knows more of the true philosophy of life than the One who created him. He would count it a preposterous thing for a plece of machinery to try to run on a different plan from what its maker in- tended; yet he sees no inconsistency in discarding the law of love, on which his Creator made him to operate, and trying to run on an entirely different plan. It would appear that mankind today has almost wholly lost the con- ception that they are created beings and therefore do not realize that there must be a Power somewhere as far above them in every respect as the maker of anything must necessarily be in order to create it. Here is the root of the trouble. Mankind does not sense the reality of God’s existence. A strange and weird philosophy has ap- peared that tries to account for the presence of all we see and, even man himself, without any particular being or intelligence being connected with it. One would think that man, being un- able to account for his own and the world’s origin in any way, would intuitively conclude that there must necessarily be an intelligent Creator high above him. How can the strange situation that he so generally does not be accounted for? The Bible is the only source of a lucid explanation of this strange obsession. In the Genesis ac- count of man’s fall it is told how the The Watchman Magazine ‘a |