,o;)?tiwT4vivoi (.S‘ � sdts? VOL. 19 OSHA WA, ONTARIO, MAY 13, 1919 NO. 19 Union A Smile It is only a smile, yet how precious, And easily too it is given, 'Yet' its value can never be measured, • For it.breathes•of the spirit of heaven., It is born of a love hidden deeply, - � And springs forth direct trom the heart, And niy heart beats in ecstatic rapture, At the thrill that a.sroile does impart. How inspiring to see on the faces Of those whom we cherish as clear A token of friendship so sacred, Expressed by a smile bright and clear. There is courage in a smile in the morning • • As- we take up the work of the day, There is strength in a smile at the noontide, That will carry us on through the'fray. Then give me a-smile in the evening, As the sun sinks from view in the west, It's a balm for all trouble and sorrow, And then 1 can peacefully rest. � —Sel. We Will Reach It Who said we would reach it? Elder Heald, your president, said we would reach it. Reach what? Our goal. What goal? Our Colporteur goal to be sure— $50,000.00. In his sermon to the Toronto church last Sabbath Elder Heald stated with great emphasis that we would surely reach our $50,000.00 goal for 1919. You may ask upon what authority did he make such a statement? Well, that is just what I want to tell you. However if you could have seen the enthusiasm displayed on the part of our students at the Seminary and our regular colporteurs here at our Toronto convention, you wouldn't question very seriously the possibility of our reaching *our goal. It Was truly an inspiration to the writer a '-feW days ago, while at the Semin � to observe the deep interest mar � udents when they were � inc ividual goals• for the subl- imer' � campaign. � In just a few minutes'-' an amount aggregating $10,500.00 Was set by -ten con- secrated student colporteurs. And these students are going at it in a week or. two with a determination to achieve their objective. Fifteen or twenty enthu- siaStic student colporteurs will soon be taking the field with a zeal and conquest that will make for some of the biggest surprises that the Ontario people have ever had before. Besides our student colporteurs there' will -be at least six substantial permanent workers in the field among whom •are tried, exper- ienced and successful workers. Present conditions give promise of a good year for the sale of; our books in this conference. Our workers are hopeful and full of courage, and thereis already "a sound of a going." Things are on the move. Brother Thumwood has already sold over $900.00 worth of "Bible Readings" this year, .Brpther Miracle sold last week in 11 hours nearly $90.00 worth of books. We will soon have several $100.00 • per week men in the field. Dear friends, this mighty mcssage is on the move. Are you keeping paCe with it? Watch for developments. E. M. FISHELL. Ontario Office address, 1114A Dufferin St., Toronto, (Tel. Junction999)' B. M. HEALD, President. 1114A Dufferin St., Totonto, Ont. LUCILLE MARIETTA, Treasurer � „ Ontario Campmeeting June 19-29 Watch for the location of the Toronto camp- -meeting. The sixteenth biennial conference session will be 'held at this time. � Delegates will be chosen from each church in the conference - to attend this session. The basis upon which the delegates are chosen is as follows: One delegate for each church Office 'Address' � Oshawa, Phone 462-J A. V. OLSON, President � Oshawa, Ontaiio F. B. EAS'PlA,N, Secretary-Treasurer � 2 � EASTERN CANADIAN MESSENGER organization, and an additional delegate for each fifteen members. Each conference employee, each phurch elder present, and each representative of the Eastern Canadian Union and the General Conference will be seated as delegates. Let nothing prevent you from attending this im- portant meeting of the Lord's people. � Notice will soon appear as to the General help that will be pre- sent. Detailed notices will appear in the near foture. There are six weeks remaining in which to make your plans. Begin now. The Spirit of Prophecy .says: "It is important that the members of our churches should attend our campmeetings.—God calls upon you .to take your place among the rank and file of his people. Strengthen the meeting all you possi- bly can by being present with your families. � Put forth extra exertion to attend the gathering of God's people." � B. M. HEALD. -• � • Ontario News The Ontario Conference news items for last week were held up by the mail, and were recieved at the MESSENGER office too late for publication. We are very sorry, and hope this will never happen again. Elder Beazley called up at the Ontario office on the long distance phone last week, and reported a tent lot located in Cobourg for the summer. This is very encouraging. READY FOR BUSINESS AT NO. 3 AWDE STREET, TORONTO. THE TRACT SOCIETY IS OPEN. The writer will be with the London church for a Few days beginning May 17th. Meetings will be held every night in the London church. I will also visit the brethren in Exeter. Brother Cardey recently visited the Exeter church. He reports a very inter- esting and profitable time. The Lord's people there are of good courage, and have renewed their conse- cration to his work. Elder Hurdon has lately been spending some time with the Soo company. There were fourteen in attendance at the prayer meeting. This sounds good. It is a good sign to see all the company attending the prayer meeting. Elder Hurdon also visited Sudbury, and found six Sabbath keepers there. At Sturgeon Falls he found five. Sabbath School Superintendents: Have you or- dered your Worker for Rally Day June 7? Your school will greatly enjoy the program. Order it at once. Brother Butler was in the office last week, and reports a profitable time with the Windsor, Chatham, London, St. Thomas, Brantford, and Hamilton churches. He is leading out•in the home missionary work. He finds our people glad to go out among their neighbors in the interest of the kingdom. A sister last week called-up on the long distance phone, and said that she had been out that day and solicited over $13.00 for missions. � Why not others do this kind of work for the Master? � There is no better missionary work than to go out and solicit for our heathen brethren. We may not be able to go over" ourselves, but we can go to our neighbors and receive funds to send others. The colporteurs in Ontario enjoyed the in- stitute in Toronto. There. is plenty of stored up energy that will soon be turned into the province. Let us remember these consecrated men and women as they go from home to home scatterffig the pages'of truth. The time has come for our literature to fall like the leaves of autumn. � You will soon see their reports in the MESSENGER. Carnpmeeting is coming—JUNE 19-29. Full particulars will appear soon. Lay your plans. Now is the time to prepare. Don't wait. Plans are being made for the best campmeeting ever held in the pro- vince. � Pray for this meeting. � Prayer will help. Prayer as well as money is needed. � Prayer is first. Without prayer it is impossible to please the Lord. Our people must pray more. Dear reader: Do you feel the need of prayer? Do not neglect to pray for the coming campmeeting. �B. M. HEA.LD. Report of the Ontario Sabbath Schools for First Quarter of 1919 In spite of the stress of the times in which we are living God's work goes steadily forward. Espec- ially is this noticeable in the Sabbath school department. Our corps of officers and teachers in Ontario is bending every effort to make the Sabbath school work a success and we see fruits of faithful service in the following items: 133 On Time Perfect Attendance Cards, were given out last quarter. 15 scholars were baptized, and the following offerings were received by the conference secretary Arthur $ � 8.10 Belleville 58.90 Brantford 32.10 Chatham 26.76 Dresden 11.87 Exeter 4.99 Galt 32.29 EASTERN CAINADIAN MESSENGER � 3 Hamilton � 142.00 Iroquois � 16.00 London � 21.00 Lynden � 12.50 Lindsay � 28.65 Oshawa � 43.43 Ottawa � 88.89 Owen Sound � 54.77 Paris � 10.43 Peterboro � 11.69 Picton � 38.84 Selton � 7.67 .Seminary- � 112.25 St. Catharines � 33.60 St. Thomas � 49.06 Smith's Falls � 43.28 Toronto � 321.60 Windsor � 79.00 Sault Ste Marie � 41.88 Boucks Hill � 10.94 Isolated; including Albuna Attercliffe, Cobalt, Muskoka, Kingston, Napanee, � 69.79 Total � 1512.37 Surely this is a good report, but let us all pull to- gether to make it even better this quarter. MRS. B. M. HEALD. Quebec F.C. WEBSTER, President, 280 Villeneuve West, Montreal, Que F. E. DUFTY, Treasurer �Box 3189 Montreal, Quebec Among the churches It was my privilege recently to visit our people at Fitch Bay, and I found them_ of good.courage and earnestly desiring to extend the light of truth to others in that part of the conference. There are bright prospects for quite an addition to the member- ship of. this church in the near future. Brother,and Sister Reginald Noble, who have for several years been teaching in our schools in different parts of Canada, have the past year been teaching in Fitch Bay, and helping in the church work at that place. They plan to devote their full time to conference work as soon as the.way opens up. I also spent a short time at Waterville where I again had the privilege of meeting some of the inter- ested ones from Brother Clark's effort,, and from here I went to Sherbrooke and South Stukely. At the latter place I had the pleasure of meeting for the first time Brother and Sister W. B. Lindsay and their family who have been in the States for a few years and recently returned to Quebec where they accepted the message. The closing exercises of the South Stukely church school were held Thursday, May 8th. Brother Ingham, who has taught the school for three years, has been successful, and they are hoping they can secure him for another year. My next visit was to Sutton. Even though the enemy is at work in this place a note of victory was sounded. I spoke in the schoolhouse one evening on the high standard which must be maintained by God's remnant, people. I also visited Knowlton,. South Roxton and Drummondville, returning to Mon- breal for the week-end services, where I am still ser- ving as pastor in connection with my other duties. F. C. WEBSTER. Are You a Religious Thief? The other day I received a letter from an inter- ested person, asking if we were to tithe inherited property, or property on hand, when we accept the truth. Abraham received a great windfall, as it were; one day a great amount of property came into his possession suddenly, and as soon as he met the priest of God, who set before him the fact that God was the rightful possessor of all, and had given- him all, Abraham "gave him tithes of all." Gen. 14. If we are children of faith we are the children of Abra- ham. Gal. 3:20. "If ye are Abraham's children ye would do the works of Abraham." John 8:39. No religious thieves shall enter the new earth. "Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the Lord of hosts, but ye said, wherein shall we return? Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. ,But ye say, wherein have we robbed thee? � In tithes and offerings." Mal. 3:7,8. If you have been robbing the Lord, you better pay up. Do not wait until Bolshevism gets it, and you miss a place in the kingdom. L. F. PA.SSEBOIS. Quebec Campmeeting Plan now to attend the campmeeting and watch for the announcement of the place where it is to be held. The time of this meeting will be June 26 to July 6. Present indications are that there will be a large gathering of our people, and a special effort will also be made to induce the outside public to attend. Above all let us hope that God will be there. F. C. WEBSTER. "THE eyes of the Lord preserve knowledge." NOW READY 4 � EASTERN CANADIAN MESSENGER Eastern Canadian Messenger OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE EASTERN CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Office Address � Oshawa,Ont Edna P. Leach - � - � . Editor Enbered as second-class niatter.Price, 50 cents a year in advance7 ' What. Others Say About "Outline Studies" .1,have,examined with much interest "Outline Studies from the Testimonies." � I like the arrange- ment of the book and -believe it will decidedly strengthen our work in the study of Mrs. White's writings. � � M. E. Olsen, President Lancaster Junior College. `.`The Outline Studies" is a work • I highly. prize and I make frequent use of it in teaching my Bible ,classes. I warmly recommend it to every lover of the Testimonies.. � H. K. MARTIN, Principal Williamsdale Academy. regard your • "Outline Studies from the -Testi- monies" as helpful, _focusing light from the Spirit-of ProPhecy upon many important subjects. C. F. MCVAGH, - President Western Canadian Union Conference. Colporteur's Report for Week Ending May. 3, 1919 Ontario Name �Book Hrs Ord Value Helps Total Del. Miss E Haven GC Miss Berkeley GC A Green � BR *C Wallis � WW F Tbumvmd � BR 24 � 6 � 24 00 24 � 9 � 37 00 2 � 660 � 330 00 40 � 22 � 101 00 1 95 11 15 24 37 331 112 00 00 95 15 37 331 180 00 95 45 Totals 90 697 � 492 00 13 10 .505 10 549 40 Maritime Mrs Archibald PG 7 � 10 � 45 00 7 30 50 30 tE Moore ' � PG 67 � 43 � 195 00 24 05 219 05 Mrs McDertuot • PG 9 � 9 � 46 00 3 70 49 70 tG Turner � CJ- 18 � 16 � 45 00 45 00 79 00 0 Swinehamer 28 23.50 23 50 23 50 S Dewfall � • PG 9 � 4 � 22 00 22 00 Totals 138 � 82 � 351 00 58'' 55 409 55 102 50 Grand Totals 228 779 5843 00 $71 6.5 $914 65 1) 651 90 *5 weeks t2 weeks. Birth On Saturday night, April 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Capman of Picton, Ontario,—a son. WE are sorry the Ontario items were missing last week. The reason is that they lay in the Oshawa post office for several days and were not delivered until the MESSENGER was made up. � ED. . "I have used the book as the basis of twenty • lessons. in the Testimonies which J have just finished for the Fireside'Correspondence School. I think you • have shOwn patient, careful research, and discrimina- ting judgment in the use you haVe made of the large body of matter you have dealt with. I have found the book exceedingly helpful in topiCal study. I am glad it is meeting'with favor and is selling rapidly.". C. C. LEWIS, Principal Fireside Correspondence School. Orders for this book-may be•sent to your local tract society or direct to the author, 'Clifton L. Taylor, Lacombe, Alberta. The price is one dollar Postpaid. WANTED:—Good man to work on farm. A five room house with stoves and some furniture is availa- able.- 'Must be over 16 years old. If married please state number in family and wages desired. • - � - — GEORGE HODGE, R. M. D. 1, Trenholniville, Que.