BIBLIOGRAPHY @ GENERAL WORKS ADVOCATING THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION Kellogg, V. L., "Evolution the Way of Man" Scott, We B., "The Theory of Evolution" Major Articles in the Encyclopaedias--- Catholic, Britannica, Americana, etc. - 575 = Nl Newman, H. H., "Readings in Evolution," 570 - H73 Holmes, "Life and Evolution” WORKS ON HEREDITY AND MENDELISI! Lock, Robert Heath, "Variation, Heredity, etc." Thomson, J. Arthur, "Heredity" 575.1 = Bl Bateson, Wm., "Mendel's Principles of Heredity" 575.1 = M1 Morgan, Thos. Hunt, "The Fhysical Basis of Heredity" HISTORIES OF BIOLOGICAL THECRIES 570.9 - 7 'Nordengkiold, Eric, "The History of Biology" A70 =- Sib4 Singer, Chas., "The History of Living Things" 770.9 - R11 Radl, "Higtory of Biological Theories" GEOLOGICAL WORKS General Textbooks The Works of Sir Henry I. Howorth The hriefer works of G. M. Price- - "The Modern Flood Theory of Geology; "The Geological-Ages Hoax" HISTORIES OF GEOLOGY Geikie, Sir A., "The Founders of Geology" Zittel, Karl, "History of Geology and Palaeontology" 235.9 ~7nazd Nelson, Byron C., "The Deluge Story in Stone" CRITICISMS OF THE EVOLUTION THEO:RY 575 = DH1 Dewar, Douglas, "Difficulties of the Evolution Theory" " "Man a Special Creation" 239.8 - H18 Hamilton, Floyd E., "Basis of Evolutionary Falth" 573 - M81 More, Louis T., "The Dogma of Evolution" 575 - 01 Q'Toole, G. Barry, "The Case Against Evolution" B75 = P2 Price, G. M., "The Phantom of Organic Evolution"