INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION MESSENGER Cg on pleading and pleading with us forever? ~~ But we are not going to keep on grieving the Holy Spirit, dear boys and girls; today, this very day, we are going to ask Jesus to send His Holy Spirit into our hearts, and we are go- ing to make sure He stays in our hearts by confessing every sin that He tells us about. Today the Holy Spirit is pleading to come in. Will He be plead- ing tomorrow? We do not know. Let us kneel right now and say, “Dear Je- sus, today I open my heart to your “dear Holy Spirit.” Lesson VIII — For Sabbath, December 16 LIVING WITH JESUS Of all the wonderful things the Bi- “ble tells us about heaven, have you ever decided what you think will be the best of ali? Could anything be more wonderful than living with Jesus, talk- ing with Him every day, listening to His lovely voice, and walking with Him hand in hand down the streets of gold and looking up into His lovely face? 0, I want to go to heaven some day and live with Jesus, don’t you? But the Bible says we do not have to wait ~ until we go to heaven to have Jesus with us. We can have Him with us right now. In John 15:4 Jesus says, . “Abide in Me, and I in you.” This is Jesus’ way of saying, “You live for Me, and I will live with you.” And this is His way of promising to come and live ~ with us. Jesus in Our Hearts When Jesus comes to live with us, where will He stay? We give the best room we have to our earthly guests. What room shall we give to Jesus? He has already made His choice. He says in Proverbs 23:26, “Give Me thine heart.” In the heart, that is where Jesus wants to stay. He wants to go there so much that He stands just outside the door of our hearts knocking and waiting for us to throw open the door and say, “Come in.” With what joy Jesus comes into our hearts when we say, “Welcome.” In Revelation 3:20, He tells us He “will come in” and “will sup” with us. Keeping Jesus With Us And Jesus says “I never, never want to leave your heart. I have come to stay always, but I'll go whenever you tell Me to.” Tell Jesus to go? Could anyone ever do that? Yes, sad as it is, this very thing happens. You have told Him to go, and so have I. When we do things that do not please Jesus, it is just the same as if we told Him to go. Anything that does not please Jesus is sin, and He cannot stay for one moment where there is sin. Talking to Jesus To make Jesus happy, talk to Him. Talk to Him in the morning, at noon, and at night, kneeling in prayer and then keep whispering to Him all day long as we need His help. Talk to Him about the things we have been study- ing during this Week of Prayer. Ask Him to uphold you with His strong right hand, and keep you from slipping into the pit of sin. But it must not be a one-sided talk. Our heart-Guest must be given a chance to talk to us, too. He talks to us through His Holy Word, the Bible. So we talk to Jesus in pray- er, and then we let Him talk to us by reading His Holy Word. Walking With Jesus And every day we must have our walk with Jesus. He tells us He wants to go with us wherever we go. He wants to go to schoo! with us each day, to follow us to the playground at recess time, to sit beside us as we study at cur desks. “I want to always go with you,” says Jesus; “that I may ‘keep you’ and ‘help you’ ‘in all your ways.” He wants to help us with that hard les- son, He wants to keep us from sin and from danger on the school ground and on the streets. How safe we are when Jesus is with us. That day will be a happy day in which we go on some er- rand with Jesus. It would be a good thing to pause again and ask ourselves this question: “Have I gone on some errand with Jesus today?” This, boys and girls, is what it means to be living with Jesus, and to have Him living with us. We talk and walk with Him, while He talks and walks with us. ———— “Canvasser-evangelists are needed to hunt and fish for souls. The canvas- sing work should now be earnestly and decidedly taken up. The canvasser whose heart is meek and lowly and humble can accomplish much good. Canvassers who go forth in the spirit of the Master have the companionship of heavenly beings.”—‘Colporteur Evan- gelists)” p. 31. The chains of habit are generally too light to be felt until they are too strong to be broken—D. Johnson. Our hlessings are equal to our needs and far outnumber our misfortunes. on the following page. The Week of Prayer Readings for this year are published in two issues of the MESSEN- GER. This number contains the lessons for the children. There is a lesson for each day of the week prepared by the General Conference especially for the children. We invite the at- tention of the leaders of the childrens’ meet- ings to the “General Suggestions to Leaders” GENERAL NOTICE The Week of Prayer Readings for adults are printed in the December 1, 1939, number of the MESSENGER. Please preserve your copy of the papers and use them in the meet- ings and in your home during the week. May these readings and lessons help all, both young and old, to heed and follow the inspired, solemn admonition—“Prepare to meet thy God, O Israel.”