Vol. 11 The Feast of the Tabernacles (Lev. 23: 34) is also to be a Sabbath (Oct. 27, 1926). ‘now, that that was written for your and my learn- ing. Well, what are we to learn from it? Why we THE NEW YORE PUBLIC LIBRARY | ASTOR, LENOX AND TILDEN FOUNDATIT VS R 1. b “Entered as second class matter February 2, 1923, at Oklahoma City, Okla., under the Act of March 3, 1879.” “All ye inhabitants of +he world and dwellers on the earth, see ye; when he lifteth up an ensign on the mountain and when he bloweth a trumpet, hear ye.”—Isaiah, 18:3. OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA., SEPTEMBER, 1930 | No. 5 By John S. Stanford FEAST OF TABERNACLES DAY, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1926. You ask “How about this” feast of tabernacles matter I spoke of? What does all this talk of it a- mount to any way? You ask it in a friendly way. You are unwilling to listen to it if we are now sup- posed to take notice of it. How about it? You ask, are we now to keep it? You want to know. Well, my Brother, let us see what the Bible says. I, for one, am decided to do as the Bible says. From the first leaf to the last. I know that no part of the ~_ whole Bible has grown old. It is the same Live, Act- ive, Deadly or Life-giving word of God today just as much as it was the day that Moses penned the first ~. line. Amen. Now to begin with, it says, “Whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learn- ing.” And that statement was made hefore we had any “New Testament” to read at all. . So that means that the “Old Testament” was written for our learn- ing. (Rom. 15:4). Written for 1926. (And forever, /too, for that matter). Now, in the “Old Testament,” it is written, “The Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the child- ren of Israel, (that’s you and me today, if we are real christians) The 15th day of this seventh month, shall be the feast of Tabernacles for seven days, un- to the Lord.” That (this year) is October 20, begin- ning at sundown, the night before (October 19). It is to be kept up 8 days. (Lev. 23:34-36). The" first day (Oct. 20), is to be a Sabbath. And the 8th day Remember, are to learn from it, the same that they (back there) were to learn from it, namely, to do it. We are to learn from that writing the things to do to serve God the way He wants us to serve Him. Not just go to meeting once or twice a week and have family wor- ship and ask the blessing at the table only. But ev- ery thing that is laid down in His word for “The children of Israel” to do we are still to do. (For you know, we, today are the “children of Israel” if we are real christians). And, you know, that itis only the things that Jesus, Himself, fulfilled when He came, that are to be dropped. Not the whole “Law of Moses,” as most everybody thinks and talks and teaches. Why! No! Does the coming of Jesus and the. fulfilling that one (or so) thing, (the slaying of the lamb) do away with all the rest of the things that God commanded to be observed and kept by His people for “a thou- sand generations”? By no means. God plainly says that all those feasts (in Lev. 23: there) are to be a statute forever, in your generations.” The only dif- ficulty, in getting this clearly, at once, is that you never have grasped the idea that the expression “The children of Israel,” means the true christians of to- day. But it does. And the “generations” of true christians has not yet ceased. And the expression “Throughout your generations,” (Lev. 23:14, 21, 31, and 41,) shows that all the time from the day that that was written by the hand of Moses it has been in force and that every one of God’s people, from that day to this, should always have kept those feasts. = And why is it that God wishes us to observe these celebrations? Why! easy enough. It is to keep in mind the things they commemorate. We are to keep all these feasts to keep us and all our children from forgetting all the great and important things and works that God has done for His peo- ‘ple. Well, some will say, why not just say God is always doing great things for His people and let it go at that? Why be particular to observe just those certain ones? Well, brother, no harm to ask even that question. For God would have us know what we are doing and to be intelligent in our ser- vice to Him. But the answer to that is easy and ; i. plain. And the answer is this: