A EASTERN CANADIAN MESSENGER Eastern Canadian Messenger OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE FASTEHN CANADIAN UNION CONFEULENCEY OF SEVENTH -DAY ADVENTISTS Office Address - ivdna PP Maraele Uhshimwn, CHnt, [aieirks- Foatitooe Entered as second clnss matter ric one dollar a vear in advaner st Fevesaden: wooed te elise ar the Sabibartte presenting their Hight The is mn iHustretion of have tae peeapde wil ao in seaeding their oun pba nto acripture Deoevade 3s plain teaching Vl words orto. CJesrazaliomn Coates,” are peel bi She taesd Joss wand, Chet haan whieh Gar df Faaids a Hy Nothing ceeded FIVE fiddly vedabiish he thins thie act of the “Foard of atrvgr ab ri he siahibath in The Christan etiurei, Phe maka Phe (rn chr (ERA ETA N Jiras er TEE I converter The Torts veaes, bebween Tha pose coped Phe elise main VY thee dew the =abstisgth dav of the {ake SLph The mefore the holes rept ay, Uh ivr Gedo The Dipset ise ks “vending to the ovanmiatiedrse nt ol Ferre [ ferist JESUS CHRIST. THE ONE MEDIATOR. Poi weed lisa gets foer the Falher hogar the Mediator im eid Chri nade the world, Christ baadde tin, © hyried sina i { Iga alin ly iy tied th VW oaidaig tog [X13 Fla Forni, Chimie) cotiesisslored Moses, Chrret Uwenit with then, Chirp peacsinusl the tenn connor [ERE AR Chena rhe Maddioofos ave ii ids wiprtiiom Christ taugnt =abloth keeping, Ctirist died for ocagr cine aneladingg Sali besbdy bieeabing, Christ by our righileossgsiess bas Sad bath Levpang vavees aur Sabbath Vireath liver, 00 woe ores eine care Die peor hreet the Ovni Kio ev B4-12-10 A preople will weleorne hs Feluyri, bevy. te the commoandmenta whieh ast elude shbath does ning, No ven desive Blerabure, or persons) couse niddress IH. M.S Hichards, office 1 Howick Place, [Raw fin it wus announced that nase as the ar vitation had been extended to local clergvmen to discuss the =abbath question and had not that Flier Richards and been weeepded, ward ele be i crip tar] vees {ive AT LEIS ETN peli form Boo rollowine =unday afternoon. be to sentir that the sabbety aod heen trans Pore hv Chis? frone Fhe seventh fo the first din ol the week ard thd of 1s sin to work on Sudan, and Ha witey ta deny Woe hd 3000 oF the folilers contarnng th digest ot the dhoconese printed berein, run Thine] Pye [ERASE printing [ARs Fhe Faris bi annogpectient of the bibiate, tune and place. Salducth setterponn ond ceely Sundey morning Fhe treinbe rs of The TH wa ebro, with ot hers whoo Tieve beg to Seep the Sabihatn bat hav pot vet ponreds end Hog the city heeving thse folders tn tho Tan of the people. A vopord ERATE ihsrissing meeting will wi cewtge fal thu Missy worn. fron oa bader Foow., STHAY COLPORTEUR REPORT WEEK ENDING DECEMBER 10 QUEBEC NT Fik fy Gir nk toslps Lo vad oye iL Chartier” i Vids P50 wei | ES LN rE [IR oh, Wilsh ad 1:20 HLA FC TES Fe Ty Mors Hicharidain® [I IFRS I [1 1A Tita! ESRD TD oll SFL RI WO SCT 0 J [I MAGALINES lve Fadgedonade 0A S00 Ey A obS Fo LE HA i Se Donal? [IA Cw ANT WGN mA Catadl, 0 horton OW FT TR LY Pd uit Fotad Fev? Trl TAT Tn SN [RIRARL SE TR I Te IIE Have You Visited the Chinese Yet? Wo tll Tien ii Pree Chinese Tiongrge, pow Ingatherning papers io Wht Surely RITES sper hd Op shroud thyesi ries TUE BIER RIRSES beta : prortuuty shold reid broe Feamt Tes penple cagerhy Bader anv thor oe Hose own binge, anil wilhgds iva te Loe our Tas Ti work, Be Phiat ror this frei hatiar Fh Vist 1 clirses Order today. NTT every Uhrnese Peeves ONTARIO TRACT SOCIETY “ove thy neighbor Is thyself.”