Amy Doug on the Fremont Dinner Train picture by Jennifer flanagan JuniorsLand Seniors ride the Chew-Chew Train by abner fuentes news editor On January 18, 1998 the route from Lincoln, Nebraska to the Fremont Dinner Train depot became a treacherous highway of speeding Union College students on their way to meet the 5:30 p.m. deadline. After meeting in one dorm lobby or another, and pausing for pictures, the Unionites headed off to Fremont to catch the train. This year Union's Junior/Senior banquet took place on the train after some skillful planning, headed by Vanessa Bolejack. As the Union group settled down and the train prepared to depart, the passengers were treated to some oral history behind the 1940s Dinner Train. Soon the train departed on its thirty-mile, four- hour trip. Before long, Union students found them- selves smiling and waving at frustrated car occupants stuck at railroad crossings, and the fun was underway. Swing music was playing in the background, and, appropriately enough, the students found themselves moving with the music as the train rocked and swayed down the tracks. While waiting for their choice of pre- ordered dinner entrees, students could enjoy watching the movie "North by Northwest." The most popular pasttime aboard seemed to be watching friends attempt to maneuver up and down the train cars, trying not to spill their drinks or their dates. Once the food was served, most settled down to enjoy the latter part of the movie and some small talk. Now on the way back from Fremont, some reflected on the evening. All of the comments were positive. Except, perhaps, for one reservation concerning the swaying, and the ensuing argument over whether the results would be considered seasickness or carsickness. The debate has yet to be settled. However, the overall feeling of the evening left no room for debate. It was a resounding success, and left the students, especially those who were unable to attend, looking forward to the next big banquet. a bright new editorial gem If there's anyone out there who's having a hard time get- ting organized this semester, you've found a life-long friend in me. it's not that i'm used to being organized Se so this lack is shocking me or anything, but i'd like to begin to get my life together, maybe someday i'd like to fool someone 8c have a person accidentally think that i'm efficient, instead of continually procrastinating 8c lost. for Christmas i received a small planner from my aunt, yes, i've seen them before, however, never has one been so close to me. it makes me feel responsible, indebted to it in some way. i can feel it burning little supernotebook holes through my backpack when 1 pretend to forget to write down assignments, but i resent it. not because i feel pressured to write them down, but because writing them down helps me to remember that even the fact that i now have concrete evidence of things left to do doesn't guar- antee that I'll remember, this is frustrating, increasingly so as the years go by 8c i seem to get worse 8e worse, it doesn't help that some of my friends have their schedules down to every fifteen-minute interval, they plan every last belch 8c hiccup. usually, this only makes me feel proud to be dis- organized 8c eclectic, i like the spontaneity of my day. i never know what i'll be doing. another plus of my situation that i've discovered through the years is that people believe i'm an excellent person to counsel them, they don't realize that the only reason i'm so popular is because i'm so highly available. 8c now that my secret's out i'll proba- bly lose my entire clientele. anyway, to those disorga- nized freaks out there, don't give up. all that matters is whether or not you're happy, i am. editorial Town Hail Meeting to Discuss Changes by Christine rosette editor They sang the school song with zest. ASB Convocation was off to a commem- orative start, as Union's oolorful- ly-clothed ASB P r e s i d e-n t pranced about the stage like a puppet (some audience mem- bers were heard to ask whether the Broncos did indeed win the Superbowl). The town hall meet- ing in Woods Auditorium on January 27 wasted no time on drivel. After being called to order by Gary Bollinger, elementary rules of taking turns, being polite, and other such neces- sities were soon established. LuAnn Davis quickly explained that this meeting was the chance for students to convey valuable ideas for campus renovations and educational upgrades, which the faculty, beginning with a new advisory board and some hired experts, would consider as possible candi- dates to impart segments of the year's budget toward. The meeting was quickly under- way, and stu- dents rose from their seats, patiently await- ing recognition before transmit- ting ideas as quickly as Tangie Campbell could write them down. Some of the more popular ideas submitted con- cerned Culver Hall room reno- vations and Rees Hall building access and park- ing improve- ments. Ideas already being considered by the Advisory Board are security cam- eras in parking lots behind Rees, and a new cafete- ria. Another rea- son for Union's having hired pro- fessional consul- tants is so that they will be able to maximize the usage of the buildings already erected and mini- mize wasted space on campus. This knowledge will enable the boards and com- mittees to better delegate funds. UC Town Hall was adjourned after half an hour of sugges- tions for the fac- ulty, and student representatives, to mull over. Any further inquiries or ideas may be directed to Tangie Campbell, Jeff Boyd or LuAnn Davis. uc abroad Christmas in Guam by andrew giem As the plane approached the awaiting runway, I looked out the window, straining to observe the passing scenery, trying to assess the damage from the air. It was 2 a.m. and in the darkness it was impossible to see the flattened landscape. Lights from gen- erators gave the impression that most of the island had power. As the plaoaloctraiU- tude, a closer look revealed that large sections of residen- tial areas were blacked out. Then again, ib was 2 a.m., maybe the city did have power. • Christmas this year was the first one not spent at home for me. I am teaching sixth grade on Palau, an island east of the Philippines. Thankfully, I had met some friends visited Palau ear- lier this year, and they offered to let me stay with them over break. Many other student missionaries had to cancel their plans because of the storm. Stepping outside the airport, the first thing I noticed was a line of coconut trees that had been sheared in half. Once over 38-feet tall, the shaggy seven-foot stumps hinted at some recent trauma. Supertyphoon Paka had devastated Guam with winds of 236 m.p.h., trump- ing the previous world record of 230 m.p.m. Over-three thousand people were left homeless. Many were left without running water, and many others were left with serious water damage from broken windows and missing roofs. Homes that were pri- marily made of tin were hit the hardest. Paka hit those tin homes like a tornado in a ler park, decorating the land trees with crumpled sheet metal. In calm weath- er, the surf can be ten feet high. "Unofficially," the waves during the storm were crashing into the reef as high as 50 ft. There were also "unofficial" brave/insane surfers were trying to surf them. report that Miraculously, there was no loss of life. Over 80% ^teUgland was out of power. The people I stayed with had a gas- powered gen- erator that seemed . (p.* aHHHHMV more ^ sound than Iwetrici- ty. The air conditioner required too much power to use, as did the hot water heater. But it was nice to have lights and TV and stereo during the day. In the following days, we spent some time helping a church member>push his fruit trees back tip. He lived in northern Guam where the storm hit the hardest, and his tree farm had sustained dam- age. We helped him dig dirt, push trees upright and prop them up with forks branches cut from less-fortunate trees. Mohagany and Soursap trees were saved from certain death. We even saved some (decaf snlckerdoodle) coffee trees. GuAm Adventist Academy also had a work bee day, cleaning up debris from around the school. It was like Project B.R.U.S.H., only with sheet metal. My intense hour and forty-five minutes of work were rewarded with a plated piled with pizza. Despite all this clean-up going on, I still managed to squeeze in a few trips to Telofofo Bay to do some surfing. The waves had calmed down to about two feet, but we were still able to stand up on the board and ride it a few feet until the board sank, which was enough to count as real surfing. It was, like, total- ly cool, dudel Arriving at the airport on Sunday morning to leave, I took my place at the end of a wind- ing line of travellers with their luggage carts. The line moved slower than 5 p.m. traffic on 48th Street. There seemed little hope of getting a iow seat on the flight back to Palau. Somehow, even though I forgot to ask, I got seat 14F, a window seat. The last one on thin full flight. When the plane is on time, the pilots sometimes do a complimentary fly-by of the Palau islands. This would be my last chance to see them, and I prayed that God would allow me to see the beautiful islands from the air. The plane was delayed twice while baggage was being loaded. In the air the pilot said that there was rain in Palau. When we got there 20 minutes later, the skies were clear and we made a late arrival after doing a 15- minute fly-by.. I thanked God as I stared at the emerald- green islands set against the coral, surrounded by the deep blue of the ocean. There were many things that just seemed to work out this Christmas, and I am thankful for the lit- tle things God does to let us know He is with us. Andrew with his 6th-grade students from Palau I a si t h a n k - ful for the l i t t l e t h i n g s God "does to let us TFn o w He is •with u s . "Amadeus1* by janelle gorling guest vrriter An ancient man slouches in a wheel chair, a lonely figure in the center of an 18th centu- ry sitting room. Prom the streets below his window come the voices. "Salieri! Salieri!" "Have you heard?" "Can it be?" "Salieril Salieril" The man cries out, "Mozartl Mozartl Have mercy on me, Mozartl" He calls out again, begging the ghosts of the future to show their faces. Slowly, the lights illuminate the audience. And then the man begins to tell his story. Soon all the lights fade and the scenes of his memory overtake the stage. His name is Antonio Salieri, a mediocre court com- poser to the young emperor of Austria. All his life he has harbored a dream: to write great music. As a young man, he promised God he would live a virtuous life if only He would grant Salieri that gift. His dreams are shattered the day a young, musical genius was invited to court. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was an arro- gant, crude-mannered, vulgar- mouthed youth. All in all, he was a completely offensive individual. Yet he had awed Europe with his compositions. When Salieri heard the strains of Mozart's music, he was jeal- ous because God had obviously passed him by. The music so fully embodied human need that it hurt. Salieri alone recognized the brillianoe of Mozart's music. Thus, in an effort to avenge God, Salieri begins to sabotage Mozart's life. At every step in Mozart's rise and fall, Salieri is there, influencing the devel- opment of his career. Salieri advises, suggesting ideas that delight Mozart and shock the court. Wolfgang can't retain any pupils, and without pupils, he has no chance to earn any money. He becomes ill, and finally, the death of his father breaks his spirit. Mozart begins to dream of a man dressed in gray -with only a blank space for his face. One day, the man tells him to write a requiem, a mass for the dead, a mass for his death. It must be finished by the time the gray man returns. Mozart confides in his "friend," Salieri about this mysterious visitor. And an evil thought begins to form in the mind of Salieri. One night he dresses in gray with a mask and appears beneath Mozart's window, holding up his fingers. Each night he appears, and each night presents one less finger, until there are no more. The next day, Mozart is dead, though his requiem remains unfinished. Now, Salieri is an old man who has siink into mediocrity. He wants to be remembered, if not for his music than at least for his death. So the rumor circulates that he murdered Mozart, and, in one last dra- matic act, Salieri slits his throat. But alas, his plans have been thwarted. He lives through his suicide to die years later, completely absolved from all accusations from Mozart's death and com- pletely forgotten, the king of mediocrity. The Lincoln Community Playhouse performed a special showing of "Amadeus" for Union College on January 21, 1998. The LCP performed admirably. Most in atten- dance thoroughly ertfoyed the story and the acting. The cast did a superb job of swaying the audience' emotions. The play was directed by Robin McKercher. Antonio Salieri was played by Senator David Landis, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was played by Matt Landis, the senator's son. _ nee upon a time, a little girl ran hurriedly through the forest, hoping to arrive horne^ for dinner on time, her grandmother was making her favorite car- rot stew, the little girl's bright red jacket attracted the attention of a nearby wolf, who stopped drooling over a dead squirrel and began to follow her, hungri- ly eyeing the basket of good- ies. he watched as... —7 % % \ religion "But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin." Mark 3:29 Twelve Step Groups: What are They? Your Questions Answered ty Members Report One: I went through the 12- step study last year. I had a lot of great expe- riences, but the best part for me was the group I was in. It was an amazing bonding experience to share with these guys. Each one of them had so many stories and events in their lives. There was never a boring moment. We laughed a lot, but we always some- how brought it all together at the end. We talked about some touchy subjects, and sometimes opening up to "other people "with"" your haws is hard, but when you know that the group you're talking to is going to support you, it makes it easier. If you haven't taken 12- step yet, I strongly encourage you to make that decision. It was a veiy helpful piece in my college life, and it can be in yours, too. -Dan Carlson, Sophomore Report Two: So I'm thinking to myself, what do people want to know about 12- step groups? Most of y'all probably think 12 steps are something you go through to quit smok- ing...or something. But not so. It's true that the 12-step process is some- thing that was first used for helping alcoholics stop drinking, but the groups here at Union have adapted the con- cept to spiritual growth. The basic premise is that we can't do it our- selves, no matter how hard we try. But, through admitting our helplessness and giving our lives to Christ, we can truly ertfoy life and live it to the fullest. As Stem Hardt puts it, "We're all here because we need help." What really goes on? We get together once a week. We start out by chanting secret incanta- tions and invoking ancient life forces, sometimes through ritu- alistic chicken sacrifice. No, actually we share how our week went and "how we-feel-.- Then we pray for each other. The small groups make it easy to open up. It's not a group therapy ses- . sion, but more like a time for us to learn how to give control of our lives over to God togeth- er. It's a time for us to give up, to re-center, to grow, and then to go out and make a difference. —Dan Wysong, Sophomore Report Three: I was asked to write an article on what the 12-step group, with Stan and Angle Hardt, has done for me. One thing it hasn't done is help me stop procrasti- nating, since this article is due in a few hours. Anyhow, the 12-step group has been a huge blessing. For those who don't know what it's about, once a week each 12-step group gets together for an hour to learn and apply the steps toward spiritual growth. Each group is made up of about eight people The first time I attend- ed the meeting I was scared. Questions such as, "What kind of people attend these meetings?" and "Isn't 12-step for alcoholics?" kept run- ning around in my mind. When the pro- gram actually got underway I found out that "average Joes" like myself sign up for these classes, and they're for anyone who wants to learn steps for creating - healthy,— -meaningful-- •relationships witfetfiose around you. I get to learn _ more about the people in my group and share about myself in a safe environment (which means that nobody blabs about what somebody else in group said). The most important part of the program is putting my problems, resentments, and bur- dens in God's hands. I've learned the piling stuff up on myself and thinking I can take care of it all is unrealistic and pointless. There is a God who intimately cares about me and wants to help me so much more than I can help myself, if I'll only let Him. There's so much more to tell about 12-step, but I've been given limited space. I' guess you'll just have to sign up and find out for yourselfl -Kristi Beers, Junior Wow! This sounds like a fairly harsh statement. What if this per- son decides to repent and turn his/her life around? Would that mean-that person would-not be saved? It is apparent here that Jesus assumes that the person will not turn around and repent. This passage can be illustrated by the decision of Judas. Luke 22:3 tells us that Satan entered Judas, and then he went to the temple to find out how to betray Jesus. But Judas had not yet crossed the line. Jesus was still trying to pull him back at the Lord's Supper. Ellen White describes Judas' deci- sion in Desire of Ages, page 384, "Until this step was taken, Judas had not passed beyond the possibili- ty of repentance. But when he left the presence of his Lord and his fel- low disciples, the final decision had been made. He had crossed the boundary line." So the point here is that the eter- nal sin is the rejection of God. It is not God's doing. The reason that blasphemy Is an eternal sin is because the one who blasphemes has sided with Satan, never to return. Isn't It great that, even though we mess up, God will continue to keep us? It is our choice to get rid of him. As long as we still want Him, we are savedl -Eric Hansen opinion Valentine's Day. What a Nice Holiday Last year I gave Valentine's Day a very hard time. Basically, I trashed it, so I feel that this year I owe it to the day to something nice-even if I don't feel like it. So, yes, prepare for a shock as I write nice things about this holiday. If you are disappointed, and I know I am, I assure you that I will write something twice as scathing next time. Appreciation Something about finding that card in the mailbox, the flowers at the desk (at home if you are so lucky), the candy, that date invite, or however you celebrate does what words can't always ' do-they serve sis a physical reminder that he thinks you are priceless or that she adores you. Honest Rees Hall women will admit that when they are given flowers in the lobby they like being questioned as they take the flow- ers up to their rooms. They love the enjoy in other women's gushing voices saying, "Oh, they are so beauti- ful! Here, let me smell them. What a nice guy!" and ail- that other smack. • The need for appreciation is one of the most funda- mental needs, it's right up there with the need for credit. Valentine's Day is, albeit unwittingly, a perfect oppor- tunity to express that appreciation. Economics After all the New Year • festivities have died down and all the after- Christmas sales, finished retail goes into a slump. Between Christmas and all the shopping that people do for spring vacations and Easter, there is a long dry spell, and Valentine's Day helps retail out a bit. It is not one of the bigger retail hol- idays, but it does drive panicky lovers to the florist, candy store, Victoria's Secret (maybe that's more of a married thing?), Hallmark, and/or the shrink. Literacy People, realizing that they have been single for most of the year, are craving some emotional scarring. There is nothing quite like Valentine's Day for inspiring people to turn to the profes- sionals. In a rush of poetic writers' block and the need for a suitable pre- sent, plenty of love- struck men will take a sudden inter- est in books of poet- ry by the bard (Shakespeare), Poe (for the darker side of love), or Solomon. You may have seen them, guys who would much prefer to read Sports Illustrated, frantically pawing through cutsey poetry books at Barnes Se Noble, trying to get in touch . with their' sensitive sides. Faith Nothing will send a man to his prayer closet as quickly as shopping for a woman. Women look for the deep- er significance in presents and ana- lyze these things and that can cause the men anxiety. They fear that the gift will communi- cate the wrong thing. If it is too serious/intimate/ex pensive/sentimen- tal for the level of the relationship, she may think that he is rushing things, or she may think that things are more serious than he feels or wants them to appear. If the gift is on the other end of the scale and not serious/intimate/ex pensive/sentimen- tal enough, she may wonder where their relationship is going and why she invest- ed so much time and emotion into something that obviously means so little to him.' So, men say a little ' prayer, cross their fingers, and hand over their gifts. Women, be gentle with them. Chooolate This practically goes without say- ing, but no holiday that glorifies choco- late is entirely bad. This is something even single people can appreciate, granted they will have to purchase their own supply of this perfect food. Chooolate is a dou- ble blessing, in addi- tion to being won- derful, it raises the need for dermatolo- gists. Dating Couples may actu- ally form for the sake of Valentine's Day. Not many people want to look desperate on the love holiday, and it is entirely possible that they will seek out a special some- one because of Valentine's Day. This is also a wake- up call. People, realizing that they have been single for most of the year, are craving some emotional scarring. It is a magical time of year. *** Well, I wrote nice things about Valentine's day. Quick~I have to think of something bad about the day so I don't lose my edge and start writ- ing nice things all the time and giving the Care Bear Stare to everyone I meet. Cavities! Yes, you could get cavities from all that choco- late. And what about allergic reac- tions to flowers? Ahh, now I can end this knowing that my edge is com- pletely intact. Have a nice time with all this nice stuff on this nice holiday. And it has been nice knowing you. Te amo. by alllson lamon poems, epiphanies, visions, and other randomness word of the weeleletharsoptastyslothhood. by ed meiia Winter is time for laziness. The other day I pondered the thought of getting an Etch-a-Sketch. I chose the Ant Farm. Ants don't like to be shaken. humor Lecture Light Shine: Valentine's Edition by Jeff boyd 8c brian gib son "It's better to have lost a love, than to never have loved a doll." Have any of you ever really loved a doll? Maybe now you don't have one in your arms, but think back to when you were two feet tall, when that cute little face would draw you like the salmon of Capistrano. When I (Brian) was lit- tle, my brother, sisters, friend, neighbors, and any others we could find, would play "house." As any houseplayer could tell you, dolls are a necessi- ty when playing house. All the dolls had names: Christine, Todd, Bret, Wendy, Vanessa, Sara, Jennifer, Mandy, Tony, Dan and Buzz. Buzz and I were the best friends. In fact, I loved Buzz. He and I would Just kind of hang out. You know, how two-feet tall youngsters hang out. We were Just together. He was always there for me. Buzz never complained about anything, and there was one instance when he sure could have! Do you want me to tell you about it? Good, then I'll go on. It's in the next paragraph. One day I got this great idea. Buzz's hair was way too long in my opin- ion, and I had access to scissors. The 'do I had in mind was just about taking shape when I realized that it wasn't. I kept cutting, and I Just about had his "Plan B" 'do fin- ished when his hair ran out. I ran as fast as I could but could never catch it. To this day I have no idea where it went. I do know that Buzz had a buzz, and as I mentioned earlier, he never com- plained. Whenever he was with the other dolls, I never heard him say a word about how he hated his haircut. I loved Buzz. We were Just meant to be together. Superfluously, we will now contin- ue this lecture. Unfortunately, this will take away from the profundi- ty of the previous doll section, but you know the rule of the industry: the show must go on. Now Jeff has a story. When he was about two-feet tall, he had two dolls! These dolls symbolized every- thing wrong with our society. Ken, the Barbie Doll Stud, had the per- Sc issor I'm getting the idea that Jeff; had an incredibly severe mice problem.; feet plastic^ hair Luckily, did not threat for Ken, but mice did. Tooth scissors pose a gnawings on his head (this is a true story) did little to enhance his Stud status. Jeff's other doll was Grizzly Adams, from the TV show appropriately named "Grizzly Adams." This doll had a button in his lumbar region that, if pushed, would cause Grizzly to swing his arm in a wood- chopping motion. Now k this would have looked •kreally stu- pid if && A dams •didn't ; h a v e an axe Bin his Bh and. SA f t e r the slice a t e ¥K, en's head, they Amoved to Grizzly's axe, ™so he did look really stupid. I'm getting the idea that Jeff had an incredibly severe mice problem. I'm surprised he still has all his body parts. Actually, if you look really close, Jeff is miss- ing something. Just ask him sometime. (Here's a hint: ham- strings!) The moral of the story is this: Ken thought his good looks would make Barbie love him. But as you just read, mice chewed on his head. Grizzly Adams thought he could work his way to affection, but the mice removed his axe without his detection. Both views are preva- lent in our society, but neither one will enable true love. If there is a spe- cific topic upon which you would like for us to lec- ture, Just e-mail your requests to Joboyd, and we will do our best to accommodate you. 3 Ways to Show that Speolal Someone Tour Love (by jeff boyd and brian gibson) 1. Dry her hair after you go swimming, and laugh when it looks all funny. 2. Pop his zits without making nasty faces. 3. Lay down on icy sidewalks so she can walk on you and not fall. 4. Get up at 3 a.m. and form a heart in the snow outside of her room. 5. Eat his Chat french fries so that he won't die of a heart attack. 6. Secretly steal her car, wash it, and paint "I love your on the hood. 7. Eat fresh cloves of garlic daily so you'll live long lives. 8. Point out the poppy seeds between his front teeth. 9. Sketch each other (I feel like taking a boat ride). 10. Hold hands during a scary movie, like Titanic. 11. Go for a ride in the country on a banana-seat bicycle. 12. Dine at the most expensive restaurant in town, then wash dishes together to pay for it. Valentine's Day Messages Monee - You/ Emma1 and I all'" know that! Rules II' - Your fellow PS friend Dear Lizy, Qlad we're friends, and I think you're the coolestl Public School Rules Mone6 - you are the best person on cam- pus! I am glad you and I are friends for life - Liz Emma - Keep looking upl All for one, one for all! PS rules!! - You know who Amanda Rader, Will you be my Valentine for now and 4-ever? With all my love, Elliot Wendy Galva, You are the sexiest Spanish girl in Union College. Go with me to the ASB banquet. Your secret Admirer Hilda 8c Birtha - only 10 more years til we graduate! ha. Hope you find Prince Charming! I love you guys! Shirley You know who you are. You know who I am. You know what you've done. I want you to know. I would- n't be anything with- out you. Hello,Cleptone. Give us back my stuff. 2nd floor Boys. Emma, it's great to have you as a friend. Public school is the best! Dear Bret Schlisner, I love you more than my chia-head. SI Flagador Dear 2nd Floor Preeoott, Thanks for the memo- ries, Love Edgey To TDBH: Marry Me! I love you! Your J-B Dear Ed Media,, Thank-you for being so wonderful and cool and nioe and always cheer- ing me up. , Take Care, Ed Me^ia Dear Jill, Thanks for your friendship. Good Job Social Vicing. Ed Rochelle Dames, Girl, you are a beauti- ful black queen. I hope we can get together sometime. I love you. Your secret Admirer Wendy Mejia, You are soo beautiful, too bad you sure taken or else I would like to be with you. If you are ever single, you better believe "you're mine!" -Secret Admirer Jonathon - Thanks for everything. You're my bestest friend. I love you with all my heartl Lots of hugs-n-kisses - Jeannine Luis, you're my apple of my eye. You look GOOD. Love your secret admirer! Jamie, Thanks for letting me be your boyfWend. - Aaron Dear Paul, Tobe, and Ivan, I love you love Bunnies! Mr. Mejia Emi - You're the. greatest friend in the whole world. Happy •tientine's fit Day II Lizzy Monica B., Chica bonita, me gusta mucho. Thanx 4 being a good friend. Luv, Tu amiga Becka's favorite pick- up line: "Kiss me if Tm wrong, but isn't your name Gertrude?" Dear Becky, Happy Valentine's Day to my favoritist girl in the whole wide, big world. I love youl Greg Dear Ed, You are cooL Love, Ed Sunday morning Chat workers - You guys are awe- some! I love you guys 11 Haystack? Bubba Baby, I have been watching youl I want to be with you. Can we be a THING? I love you Ed Mejia, I have for a long time now. Love, Your Secret Admirer HAPPY V-DAY TO EVERYONE WHO KNOWS MEl LUV YA! Nicole Turner Jonathon Bilima, You are the most gor- geous chooolate drop on campus. Happy Valentine's Day! A.P. Todd 8c Michelle, May your honeymoon be ALL THAT! Aaron 8e Jamie Kurly, You're the best room-. mate everl Dear Mone6, Glad you're in our group. Public school rules. Ivan, I love you and I want to be with you. I love your personality and body. Loving you always, your secret admirer. Dear Ells ha, Thanks for being a great friend! Who's your daddy? Aaron Fritz Liz, It's great to have a friend like youl Sara & Rochelle, You're the best R.A.'s everl Baby, I am missing you so much. I dream about you every night, wishing I could hold you tight. Loving you always, Rochelle dear paul-paul, thanx for . lis- tening, love, oc Dear Christine, Thanks for let- ting me put so many messages in! Ed Chang, May kuriente! 1 Na ground pa nga akol Chong Joa, If everyone knew you the way I do, you'd have to sweep them off your step. You're a wonderful fWendl To all the sweet 8c friendly faces I meet day to day: Thank you for making this school a great placet Love, RLNG Peanut, Sorry about every- thing that's happened. I still love you so much. Let's try it again. Kuy, Wala Po.... Just say- ing "hi" and that Mahal nam in ikawl Stay awesome. Love, Mehdy TH, Ano ba? Aug kulit mo talaga.... Anyway gusto ko lang na malaman mo na Mahal kita. Love, Mehds Valentine's Day Messages Chang, Mahal na Mahal kita - Kilig Ka ano? Love, Chang Indo, Was up "hunk?" Just saying salut.... Stay cool. Love, Mehdy Will you marry me, Heath? Your secret admirer! Roommate Ruits, Just saying "heUq." Love, Mohdy ("Rodetfc") Happy Valentine's Day, Christine Pfeiffer! Decided to find alterna- tive methods to say hi... Shelanne Alex, Nothing.. Just want to say "hi." Love, Mehdy Beeti or Brati (depend- ing on the time), You are the best. Thanks for the fun Se being my friendl Heetl To all my Chicagoan's friends,/. You are awe- ; , (Some friends! 11 j( Love you all, Monica1 Karlyn, You mean more than the world to me. Without you life would be a winter with promise of summer. - Scott Lew Dear Jacque, Ya mean the world to me. Love Tim Sherry P. I love you very much. Love, Travis Vaughn To my big, little broth- er, Qabe Rocchio, I'm gLad you are at Union. I love you and Happy Valentine's Day. Your SIS To: Michael jI , Puller, my best friend on Earth, will you spend the rest of your life with me? Love, Amanda Rocchio I love you, Porkchops. , Trista, Don't forget the straw- berries. Kelby, Don't forget the her- sheiy's syrup. Trista For all thejfans, the Lurkay Turkey has not forgotten you. Just open the door, I'll be there. , 'TO*BN*'7 Thanks for asking me. It'll be fun again, a year laterl - TJ Brook, will you be my valentine? - One who keeps a promise Bay, Walal Except na mahal kitu! Ric M. H Pariid, Putang.... Just saying hello. Stay oool. Love, MAD Travis Vaughn, I love you honeyl I can't wait to spend my Ufe with my best frlandi (You) You're everything and more than I oould have hoped fort Be minel To my beloved Jonathon Bilima, I love you manl Yeah Bral Plamon Jude Kirsten - You are such a oool roommatel Happy Valentine's Dayl - Liz Sarah and Rochelle - You both are the best R.A.s on fourth westl Happy Valentine's Dayl - Liz Sara and Rochelle, I'm glad you are my RAs. You guys are the best. Love yal Denise, You're the coolest homy. Have a won- derful dayl Hey Advisees, I love you guys I XOXO Michelle Allen Kirsten - Hope your Valentine's Day is special! -The best roommate in the world! I Sarah K. - I am really glad that] we became friends this yearl You are awesome! Good luck to marriage. PS Rules I i - Liz^ Kristin, Thanks for being a great roommate and friend. Love, Mindy Carol Se Deborah, You guys are The Sweethearts! Thanks for everything! Love - Michelle Allen Happy Valentine's Day to all my oool teachers. • - Student Extraordinaire Dr. Hill - Hugs Se Kisses, From 1st semester Ethics students Mehdy, Moments shared with you oould never be enough. You're a sweetheart. Love ya forever! Bosom Buddy dear Joseph, thanks for being so asb supportive, happy v-day! To Elliot Fulmer From Amanda Rader: Yes." -1 love youl dear wanda w., thanks for helping me out whenever i need it. you're such an amazing friend. Dear Peaches, Thanks for every- thing. I love you so much! Who're you going to the banquet with? Call me. Love, Pudding dear clocktower staff, you guys have been doing an awesome job. thanks for your time & support. nappy valentine s. love, Christine Sentiments of a Viewer: In order to give love You must receive... the source to feed from begins to bleed. Connected by ONE source but portioned by same? My source is draining Is yours doing the same? ~Jeb Beagles 10 sports Men's Intramurals Recaps by nick bock sports editor Lakers 39 Celtics 42 Ah! The first game of the intramural season. This game pitted the Celtics down low game against the great guard play of the Lakers. The Celtics jumped out to a quick lead in the first half, and led the Lakers by 7 at the break. After a see-saw affair in the second half, with the Lakers getting 18 points from their guard duo Eric Fly and Dan Wysong, the Celtics were able to finally shut the door on the two-man team by hitting some key free throws down the stretch to come out of the first intramural game the victors. Magic 48 Hawks 50 What a comeback! Going into the second half, the Hawks had been down at times up to 15 points. Yet through some incredible hustle and clutch shooting, the Hawks were able to make a close game of it. Led by Jonathon Beagles, who scored 14 points in the second half, the Hawks stormed back, forcing the game into overtime. In that extra period, the sharp free throw shooting of Beagles was too much for the Magic to handle. The first thriller of the season went to the Hawks. Bulls 43 Clippers 48 This was our first opportunity to get a look at the season's favorite team, the Clippers. They started out with an early lead, capitalizing on the strong play of Mike Kendall and Shane "The Milkman" Roberts. However, with the quickness and speed that their four-guard team brings to the floor, the Bulls stormed back off of some careless Clipper turnovers, con- verting them into fast-break layups. But in the end, the clutch second half play of Tony Scott was too much for the Bulls to overcome, giving the Clippers a season opening win. Knicks 28 Pacers 28 In what I can only call the "Bumble Bowl," faculty stum- bled to a two-point victory over the Pacers. Not much can be said about this game, except you could kindly say it was a "defen- sive struggle." I don't think there is much else in this game that warrants attention. Faculty wins! Celtics 45 Clippers 55 This appeared to be a preview of the Championship game. As a matter of fact, the Celtics were ahead at the half, thanks to a balanced scoring attack. But after halftime, they fell apart, turning over the ball, leading to fast-break points on the other end of the floor. The Celtics managed to stay in it until the last four' minutes, where the down-low play of Tony Scott was too much to overcome. Tony Scott led all scorers with 20 points. Bulls 45 Lakers 43 Yet again we have another game that is the battle of the guards. Both teams were rely- ing on good guard play to propel them to victory. Yet in this one, it was rebounding that cost the Lakers the game. The Bulls jumped out to the lead early in the game, and never looked back. The Lakers mounted a comeback at the end of the sec- ond half, led by Eric Fly's shoot- ing, but it wasn't enough to pull out the victory for the Lakers. Chad "The Scrapper" Stuart led' the Bulls with 11 points. Knicks 30 Magic 40 This game was never very close. Faculty never seemed to be able to mount anything that resembled an offense, while the Magic capitalized on fast-break opportunities and open 3-point shots. The most exciting thing was probably the idiot who screamed like a dork all game long. Antonio Cano led all scor- eres with 12 points. Sportsman of the week: Tony Scott for his 20 points in his team's intramural victory over the Celtics. Sportswoman of the week: Nancy Petta for leading the entire bowling intramurals with an aver- age of 154 per game. Wow! Sports Picks by nick book sports editor Woohoo! I kind of missed doing sports picks (for your info, I did the sports two years ago). Well, I can boldly say that I predicted a victory by the Broncos. And worst of all, I actually wanted them to win. Oh, well. Let's get down to the serious stuff. 8 Things I think 1. I think we need to have a guy play point guard for girls' intra- murals. It will help the scoring to improve. (Heavy sarcasm here.~) 2. I think the faculty team needs help. Hans Widlcker, Randy Reinke, where are you when you're needed? 3. I think that Vanessa Bolejack is having entirely too much fun playing intramurals. Said Vanessa, "I'm not used to every- one always giving me the ball and telling me to shoot!" 4. I think the Warriors (men) will bounce back from their dou- ble-overtime loss with at least a 20-point win. 5. I think that it's a minor mir- acle that the Magic haven't had a technical foul called on them yet this year. Women's Intramurals Recaps sports editor Team Hansen 24 Team Card 21 In the first women's intramur- al game, Team Hansen, led by Laurel McClelland and Buffy Turner's combined 17 points, was able to hold on for a victo- ry against a tough Team Card. Although Team Hansen only held an 18-12 halftime lead, Team Card was unable to mount enough of a comeback to yank the win from the tenacious Team Hansen. Team Card 20 Team Klootwyk 27 In their first game, Team Klootwyk relied on the inside presence of Vanessa Bolqjack to pull out a win in their first game. Although Team Card held a 18-12 halftime lead, they were unable to contain Bolejack as she poured in six second half points to lead Team Klootwyk. While Team Klootwyk was pour- ing on the offense in the second half, Team Card was only able to manage five points, dooming them. Vanessa Bolejack led sill scorers with 12 points. Team Klootwyk 18 Team Hansen 8 That's right. You read the score correctly. Five points. Team Hansen was only able to manage two points in the first half, and a 3-pointer by Jenny Hargrove in the second half. This was nowhere near enough to beat Team Klootwyk and their dominant scorer, Vanessa Bolejack. She led all scoreres with 11 points. Not much else to say about this one. Score more. Intramural stats Guys Clippers 2-0 Hawks 1-0 Celtics 1-1 Bulls 1-1 Knicks 1-1 Magic 1-1 Pacers 0-1 Lakers 0-2 Girls Team Hansen 1-1 Team Klootwyk 2-0 Team Card 0-2 7 by nick book Life After the Super Bowl sportsopinion by brlan carlson The morning dawned crisp and clear, a feeling of anxious excite- ment weighing heavy on the hearts of Green Bay and Denver fans. Each avid supporter dressed quickly, donning their green, 'gold, blue, and orange with utmost pride. After two weeks of impatient waiting, Super Sunday had finally arrived, and Las Vegas spreads meant nothing. It was time for the cham- pionship to be decided on the field. Who would get the ring? The day began for me as I dressed in my Bronco gear. I wore my Broncos hat, two John Elway jerseys, and my Broncos coat. One thing that I really wanted was a bushy, orange clown wig, but lucky for me I couldn't find it! Also, I spent sev- eral hours comb- ing the town of Lincoln, searching for blue and orange hairspray. I was going to be the ultimate fan, cheering my team on to the world championship. However, despite my outward appearance, there was great fear in a^y heart. Las Vegas wouldn't set the line at +13 for Green Bay for no reason at all. The Packers had beat the 49ers, and the 49ers had defeat- ed the Broncos fairly handily, so there was no rea- son wby the Broncos should win. Besides that, the minds of all Broncos fans riemembered the 4jl-6 defeat that came at the hands of the Packers Just last year. The weeks before the big game were filled with loads to trash talking from both sides of the ball. Broncos fans were loud, claim- ing that "Johnny Boy" would lead his men to victory and finally claim his first ring. He was due. Packers fans stood solidly behind their team as well. They were the reigning champs and there was no way that the "donkeys" would be,able to hang come game- time. The war of words reached a furious peak as a certain prankster put a bogus mes- sage on the UC computer bulletin board trashing the name of John Elway. That brought some quick return com- ments from avid Broncos support- ers, and an even- tual apology from the perpetrator. On the other hand, there was a cer- tain joke about Heaven and God's house that was posted on the bul- letin board. Everyone who read it, knew that this . was Bronco pay- back! However, did everyone know that it was me who first received the Joke (pro-Packer) and CHANGED it before forwarding it on to all fellow fans? Well, you proba- bly expect me to go into a long description of the big game now, lay- ing down all the reasons why the Broncos are the best team in the world. You proba- "In [the] sunset, I particularly noticed four distinct colors: blue, orange, green and gold." bly expect me to say "HAI" to all the Packer fans, you should have known you were rooting for the 2nd place team. But I'm not. It was a good game, and I am definitely happy that my team came out on top. However, believe it or not, I had no urge to rub it in to Packer fans. . I think it "had something to do with Greg Steiner's message on the bulletin board. At the end of his message, he mentioned that all things aside, we're all still friends, no matter what hap- pens in the NFL, or any other sport- ing event for that matter. So, I'd like to challenge all Broncos fans to squelch the urge to ask Jon McElvain who won the game, and why he's still wearing Packers apparel. I know that I would- n't have wanted to be continually taunted if the Broncos would have lost, and I definitely would still be wearing my Broncos gear this week, no matter the outcome. So, let's put all taunts aside and congrat- ulate each other on a game well played. Both teams deserved to .be there, and both deserved to win. I was reminded of the smallness of football as I watched a sunset this week. In that sunset I particu- larly noticed four distinct colors: blue,. orange, green, and gold. That impressed me more than any Super Bowl ring! Welcome sports fans to another year of Women's Intramural basket- ball action at the Thunderdome. This year, we have been able to assemble three brave women's teams for the action. There was actu- book ally talk of a fourth team forming, but that fell through, sports editor As for the teams this year, since there are only three, they will get to know each other really well, and when tourney comes around, they will all know what to expect from each other. Coming into the sea- son, it looks as if the team to beat would be Team Klootwyk. The main reason is that they possess a strong inside game led by Vanessa Bolejack. She's a dominating figure both on the offensive and defensive glass, and it looks like it's going to be tough to stop her. The other two teams are going to have to figure out how to stop Bolejack before they can come anywhere near stopping Team Klootwyk. Team Hansen, led by Laurel McClelland and Buffy Turner, look to give Team Klootwyk their toughest challenge. They have the scoring duo mentioned before, and add the tough play of Michelle Hansen. They could challenge Team Klootwyk for the championship. As for Team Card, they're going to have to figure out some way to score more effectively. They have some solid points in Jennifer Card, but she'll need help before this team can challenge for the title. friends don't let friends drive drunk © U.S. Pfrt—moHuin|iuiMiuii 13 topic .movie review: As Good As It Gets by Justin aandefur It's been awhile since I've seen a movie that highlighted the screenwriter and actors instead of the special effects or scenery. The change was refreshing. "As GOOD AS IT GETS" revolves around creative and entertaining dialogue and multi- dimensional characters. Jack Nicholson stars as a best-selling author who suffers from an obsessive-compulsive disorder. His character spends most of the film either wooing a waitress, played by Helen Hunt, trying to "convert" his gay neighbor, played by Greg Kinear, or insulting random strangers. This movie skillfully balances an original and engaging plot with comedic antics and slightly crude humor. The romance between Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt is a little hard to buy, on account of the age difference. But I suppose older men deserve a fair chanoe. Rated: PG-13 Jack & Helen get some FDA action In "As GOOD AS IT GITS." photo by ralph nelson, reprinted with permission, copyright ©1997 TriStar Pictures, all rights reserved. January Madness ^jby nick bock • sports editor It all went down Tuesday, January 13. That's when the fearless captains of the Men's Intramural Basketball descended upon the Larson Lifestyle Center for the picking of the teams. And when all the dust had settled, some emerged with a great team, some with an OK team, and the rest...well, they Just emerged with a team. (We like to call them "bot- tom-feeders.") Soon the lists were being distrib- uted around campus as captains called their players to notify them of their fates for the season. Right out of the gate, it would appear that this year's favorite would be the Tony Scott/Mike Kendall team, the Clippers. Not only do they have the best talent at their captain spots, but they also added Shane "The Milkman" Roberts. Combining their good guard play with the outstanding play inside from Kendall, Scott and the likes of Gabe Rocchio, this team appears to be the team to beat. In the pack right behind are the Celtics (Ritter/Deming), the Bulls (Still/Snider), and the Magic (Neely/Stewart). All three of these teams have looked good early, but you never know what's going to happen when the pres- sure's on. Probably the most scary of these three is the Magic, with a team that could either explode offensively or simply fall apart (see their game against the Hawks). This makes them a scary team who could beat anyone on a given night. The Celtics and Bulls also have looked good, with the Celtics boasting a good inside game, while the Bulls are running a Danny Ainge Special, playing four guards and one forward (and it's being kind to call one of them a forward). From there, we get to the teams who are still trying to put all the pieces of the puzzle together. Most of these teams are still try- ing to And their identity. If and when that happens, almost any of them could make a run for the whole enchilada, but there will have to be some major gelling for that to happen. Overall, this looks to be a veiy exciting intramural season. So far, most of the games have been somewhat close, indicating good league parity. But as the next few weeks progress, I'm sure we'll begin to see one or two teams emerge as the prominent teams to beat. So for now sports fans, head down to the Thunderdome for some great intramural action. Join intramural faithfuls like Todd and Michelle, who ertfoy supper while watching the games. Don't miss a game! .movie review: Wag the Dog by lora hagen For those who don't know, I'm the assis- tant * dean at Thunderbird Adventlst Academy. Here staff members are forced to "pre- view" movies so that we can tell our girls if the movie is good or not. Got to set an example, you know. I am the dean now. Today we saw "Wag the Dog." To begin with, the film is shot in the manner of a docu- mentary. I felt as if we were getting an inside peek into the life of the Presidency. Dustin Hoffman plays an egotistical Hollywood producer; Robert De Niro is an inside man for the President whose job is never quite defined. Dustin is hired to orchestrate a diver- sion from the President's current sex scandal so that he can win the re- election. He plans a war with Albania, naturally. This twisted movie gave me a new view on what goes on with the media and how "the American peo- ple" are so easily deceived. It's a generic movie. Minimal violence, no sex, no nudity; in fact, why is it an R- rated movie? I've seen PG-13s that had as much swearing. Next stop for me? Perhaps "The Wedding Singer," or " Goodwill Hunting." Life as a faculty member is full of responsibility. CLASSIFIEDS BEST HOTELS, LOWEST PRICES. ALL SPRINGBREAK locations. Cancun, Jamaica, from $399, Florida, from $89, Texas, Mazatlan, Bahamas. Register your group or be our Campus Rep. 800-327-6013 Sign up for the 3-on-3 tournament this week! Call x2525 for more details. INSTRUCTOR: If you are ener- getic, optimistic, ertfoy a chal- lenge and want to make a posi- tive difference in someone's life, Transfiguration, Inc. is looking for you! Now hiring instructors to teach life skills to people with developmental disabilities. Quality of services is our mis- sion. Make it yours I Apply at 1316 N St. Suite 104, Mon. through Pri. 9-5. Clocktower reporters needed. Do you have any time to write a couple hun- dred words every other week? Fame 8c fortune will surely follow your Clocktower career. Join the staff now! Call x2844 today! ORDER FORM impromptu Today's question: "What do you love?" Brandon Bradley sophomore "Donuts, Twinkies, and Jen." Rob Beck freshman "The Steelers and the Huskers." Trevor Gates freshman "Life." "Leopard skin furniture. I just got an antique leopard skin chair." Kelby Rowwe sophomore "I love my major: architectural drafting." Trista Nelson senior Angela, Barber freshman "I love dancing. I love early mornings in the Chat. I love yel- low. I love laughing and smiling. And I love North Dakota." Nikkl Ball junior "Harleys and Steiner." Becky High Junior "I love Greg more than Nikkil" Sunday monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday friday Saturday Don't forget/ The ASB Valentine's Banqpet is coming ap very soon. For those of-' you who have difficulty vWO with information retention, this year's banquet is rebruary 8th at 6:00 pm at Park Centers Don't know where that is? Yotiwill. Maps will be arriving in your boxes very soon. Be creative. Ask that special honey that you've been eyeing to go with you. And by all means, if you have any questions or comments about the banqpet please e-mail me. Jill, at jisearle, or give me a call at x2762. I can't change something if I don't know there's a problem Besides, I'd love to know what you think/ One more thing-elections are right around the comer Are you interested in running for an office but you're not sure if it's all it's cracked up to be? If so. talk to us/ That's what we're here for Call me, and I'll let you in on the joys and pains of plan- ning the social calender And maybe even a few secrets to surviving the year as a happy social vice. Good luck' —jill searles