Ruth Mae Rittenhouse—Montana : Mt. Ellis Academy, Montana, ’22 Walla Walla College, 22-24 Adelphian Academy, Spanish, Grades, ’24- ’27 Normal Course, E. M. C., 28 Sabbath School Secretary, E. M. C., 28 Roster Editor “Cardinal” “We know her by the name of Ruth, A happy blend of fun and truth. Among our friendship’s treasure store, A friend indeed forevermore.” —Smiles her way into all hearts. Arthur N. Ingle—South Africa Claremont Union College, South Africa, ’06 Pastor Benton Harbor Church, 27 Student-Teacher’s Council, "28 A "Cappella Choir °’27-'28 Ministerial Field Work, ’27-728 “There never was a time with him When circumstances blocked his way; He conquers them and calls it play.” —He has the floor. Marcella Maurine Miller—California P. U. C. Academy, 23 Secretary-Treasurer Student Association. 27 Student-Teacher’s Council, 26-27 Birch Hall Library, '26-28 “Cardinal” Staff, 28 “As dainty as the lily bell, As modest as the violet Wi'h sta'eliness and dionity, In her these all are met.” —Capable and sweet. Edward MacDonald Atlantic Union College, '20-°24 Rochester, N. C., Church School, 24 Pisgah Institute, '25-°27" Assistant Missionary Volunteer Leader, 28 Assistant Leader M. V. Training Band, 28 Business Manager “Cardinal” “There is honesty, manhood, and good- fellowship in thee”—Our Scotch business manazer. Bernice Solidav—Kenturky Louisville Girls’ High School, ’21 Louisville Normal School, ’23 Public School Teacher, 24-26 Silver girl at red-headed table, '27 “A friend who knows and dares to say the brave sweet words that cheer the way.” —From Dixie’s sunny clime. [Page Nineteen]