Conference President Charles Cook officiated at the baptism of nine persons who joined the San Francisco Filipino Church June 19. Six of the candidates were fruits of the It Is Written Rev- elation Seminar held in San I'rancisco. The other three were from the pastor's Bible class. Aurora Artates was contacted by a literature evangelist who sold her a set of The Bible Story. Her name was referred to the pastor who arranged for family Bible studies, leading to the baptism of Aurora's teen- age children. Aurora waited to be baptized with her husband, a mechanic for TWA. After two years of church attendance and participation in the pastor's Bible class Aurora decided to be baptized without her husband. Now he says, “I am the only one who is not bap- tized in the family. I hope that I can get my Sabbaths off soon so I can be baptized and join my family.” Edgardo Herrera and his wife Elisa were active leaders in the Methodist Church in Manila, Philippines, where they were well known in musical circles. Coming to this country, the couple was attracted to It Is Written, signing up for the Bi- ble course. Church members visited Edgardo and Elisa, in- viting them to services. After sitting in the pastor's Jible class for over a year and finishing two sets of Bible les- sons, they decided to join the Church. Alex Jayvme's first contact with the Adventist message was in the Philippines where he worked with Adventists. Af- ter he came to America, the influence and concern of his Adventist employer sparked Alex's interest in Bible study. Alex soon accepted an invi- tation to attend the It Is Writ- ten Revelation Seminar held in Concord. After the seminar he and his wife Alice attended the Bible class at the Filipino church, which led to their de- cision to be baptized. A BAPTISM HELD July 17 for 17 persons was the culmination =| With a friend. Barbara Pol- zin visited different Adventist churches, the Soquel camp- oround and Pacific Union Col- lege. She became aware of the lifestyle of Seventh-day Ad- ventists. She invited her husband, Lee, and their daughter, Martha, to attend the It Is Written Reve- lation Seminar. The Polzins commuted from Oakland across the Bay Bridge to Pacifica for 20 weeks to finish the series. There was another sacrifice, too. Barbara had to quit her job so she could keep the Sab- bath. Romavne Molaug, of Norwe- ian stock, was a very conscl- centious Lutheran. Her regular viewing of It Is Written gave her deep insights on the Sab- Nine Join Filipino Church through Baptism bath question. She decided to keep the Sabbath in addition to Sunday. Romayne's attendance at the It Is Written Revelation Sem- inar in San Francisco led her to continue Bible studies con- ducted by the pastor of the Filipino Church, never missing a class in the 20-week series. When the pastor announced that a baptism would be con- ducted after the studies, Ro- mayne was the first one to de- cide for the Lord. Now she Is very happy in her newly-found faith and has begun sharing it with her husband and friends. God is still working miracles in the lives of people. R. R. Liwag, Pastor S.F. Filipino Church From left: Isabel Prado, Sally Gamero, Marlene Pierce, Ariane Wenzel, Lucy Agee and Versi Williams. Seminar Follow-up Brings Them to Decision Among the early arrivals at San Francisco's It Is Written Revelation Seminar In January were Ariane Wenzel and Sally Gamero. Ariane and Sally had worked tocether at the Bank of Amer- ica some four years before. There they had become ac- quainted with co-worker Versi Williams, a Seventh-day Ad- ventist whose consistent Chris- tian witness favorably 1im- pressed the two young women. Then Versi left the bank to of efforts in both San Francisco and San Jose by the San Francisco Samoan Church. Ranging in age 11-70, the new Adventists come from such diverse faiths as Bahai, Catholic, Congregational, Mor- mon, and Pentecostal. The final night of the Samoan Church's crusade theld in the San Francisco Tabernacle church saw a large crowd of visitors and members witness the presentation of Bibles, books, and dip lesson Bible course. Pastor S. omas to individuals who had completed a 24- Afa’‘ese (rightt was assisted by enthusiastic members in the total program. é become the Bible instructor at the Market Street church in Oakland. Ariane took a trip “down under’ to Australia. Sal- ly continued at the bank. Con- tact among the friends was lost, not to be renewed until Janu- ary 25. Ariane, back from her long trip. and Sally both ar- rived early-—and were surprised to see one another. Their old friendship was quickly renewed. The seminar continued with meetings conducted at the San Francisco Central church. Ari- ane and Sally were among the 30 interests who attended reg- ularly. The Spirit of God was al- ready working with Ariane. Soon she was baptized. To Ari- ane's joy. her old friend from the bank, Versi Williams, came from Oakland to wish her hap- piness in her new-found faith. Sally began to attend the Sabbath services and the pas- tor's Bible class. When Sally was baptized in April, Versi again came to witness the hap- pv occasion for old friends. But even months before the San Francisco seminar, legal sceretary Marlene Pierce had called to ask questions about the Seventh-day Adventist Church. She had been watching It Is Written and wanted to know more. Invited to church, Marlene came, slipping into a pew next Ege Russell Heigh at SAWS ware- house site SAWS Builds New Depot In Watsonville, on Riverside at Harvest Drive, next to the city maintenance yard, stands a huge old fig tree. Its roots are deep In history. This tree will be the landmark for the new West Coast depot of Seventh- day Adventist World Services. Ground was broken June 7 for the 15,000 square-foot facility. According to SAWS Manager Russell Heigh, the warehouse will house and process used clothing and medical equipment for overseas shipment. SAWS West Coast Depot had an active part in supplying tents, clothing, and other sup- plies following the Guam ty- phoon. Earlier this year SAWS provided aid to victims of Gua- temala’s earthquake. At time of disaster, SAWS works closely with the Red Cross. The western warehouse is presently located at Monterey Bay Academy. The move is be- ing made because SAWS needs more warehouse space and the school needs the additional room for its own activities. The fig-tree site was chosen after a year-long search. Plans call for occupancy by early September. to Lucy Agee, an Adventist who had just recently moved to San Francisco from New York City. At the time, Lucy had no spe- cial friends, so Marlene, the It Is Written interest, became her friend that Sabbath. Throughout last year, they were much comfort to one an- other. When Marlene was bap- tized, l.ucy rejoiced with her to sce how God was leading in their lives. Meanwhile, another It Is Written viewer had written to Elder Vandeman with questions about the Church. In time the letter came to me and I invited the writer, Nurse Isabel Prado, to attend the San Francisco Seminar. She couldn't come-—she was on duty--but she readily joined the pastor's Bible class. From the start she never missed a Sabbath. Two weeks into the series, Isabel requested bap- tism. Following more Bible studies in her home, Isabel joined the Church. The It Is Written Revelation Seminar continues in San Fran- cisco even though the original 20 lessons have long since been completed. Six of the group have been baptized. God will bring many others. Of this we are confident. Armour Potter, Pastor San Francisco Central Church Uren Neespeb Doctor needed to serve small town in California Sierra. Present medi- cal facilities are limited. Modern well-equipped hospital located in town. Hospital takes care of mal- practice insurance. If interested, contact: President, Nevada-Utah Conference, Box 10730, Reno, NV 89510; phone (702) 322-6929. Monument Valley Adventist Hos- pital has immediate openings for two lab technicians. Write or call collect, Monument Valley Advent- ist Hospital, Box 4, Monument Val- ley, UT 84536; (801) 727-3241. Simi Valley Adventist Hospital has immediate openings for RNs in- cluding 7-3 Skilled Nursing Facility Head Nurse; Infection Control Nurse; and In-service Director. Also full- and part-time LVN positions now open. 2975 Sycamore Dr., Simi Valley, CA 93065; (805) 527-2462. Orderlies—Fully trained, hospital- experienced individuals. Rewarding work in a full-service Christian hospital. Good pay and benefits, If qualified, contact the personnel of- fice at the Hinsdale Sanitarium and Hospital, 120 N. Oak St., Hinsdale, IL. 60521, or call collect: (312) 887- 2478. Secretaries, person with journalistic & secretarial ability, small comput- er operator with bookkeeping, bookkeeper, public relations, tours & hooking, telephone sales manag- er to Christian market. Rural northern California, 3 churches, academy. Well-known organization, full-time steady work. Résumé and picture to John Musgrave. Box 1358, Placerville, CA 95667. (916) 622-9470. Manager of General Accounting Services—B.S. degree in accounting or equivalent. Minimum of 3-5 yrs. recent hospital accounting, and su- pervisory experience needed. Re- sponsible for total management of department. White Memorial Medi- cal Center, 1720 Brooklyn Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90033; 269-9131, ext. 681. Emergency Room RN—Prefer Span- ish speaking, ER, CCU or ICU ex- perience. Shift: 3-11:30 p.m. White Memorial Medical Center, 1720 Brooklyn Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90033; 269-9131, ext. 681. White Memorial Medical Center has an opening for Nursing Super- visor, Graduate Respiratory Thera- pist, RNs, Bio-Medical Electronics Technician, Registered Diagnostic Radiology Technician. Teacher Wanted, Alaska — North Star Adventist Church is in imme- diate need of a classroom supervi- sor for approximately 10 students enrolled in Home Study Corre- spondence. Ideal opportunity for missionary-minded and/or semi-re- tired person. Contact: Pastor Dave Brown, Box 3931, Kenai, AK 99611. (907) 283-4089. Full cycle bookkeeper wanted. NMed- icare, Medicaide experience prefer- able. Salary commensurate with ex- perience. Call: Tom Stutchman, Fallon, NV; (702) 423-6551. Fallon Convalescent Center. Administrative Dietitian — Experi- enced therapeutic dietitian needed to coordinate diet office personnel in service of 400 beds. Hospital lo- cated in suburb of Kansas City. Sal- ary commensurate with experience. Excellent benefit package. Ten- grade school, academy and college within close driving distance. Shaw- nee Mission Medical Center, Box 2923, Shawnee Mission, KS 66201. Bio-medical Technician — Shawnee Mission Medical Center is adding new scrvice department In expan- sion program. Must have 3-4 years hospital experience. Would set up preventive maintenance program for medical equipment. Good wages plus excellent benefits, For further information call (913) 831-8927 or write SMMC, Box 2923, Shawnee Mission, KS 66201. Director of Nurses, LVNs, aides and orderlics for all shifts. Hy-lond Home of Beaumont. (714) 845-3125. Experienced RNs (all shifts), surgi- cal nurse, Insurance and billing clerks, radiology technologist with special procedures background. En- jov the rural setting of Paradise, CA. Call Personnel, Feather River Hospital, (916) 877-9353. Glendale Adventist Medical Center has two immediate openings in Ra- diology Dept.: 2-11 p.m. Stat X-ray Technologist to do X rays in sur- gery, portable and sub-specializa- tion along with general diagnostic studies. One opening for a 1-10 p.m. female staff X-ray Technologist with experience in mammography and general diagnostic studies. Ex- perience necessary. Contact the Chief Technologist, Glendale Ad- ventist Medical Center, 1509 E. Wil- son Terrace, Glendale, CA 91206, or phone (213) 240-8000, ext. 191. Secretary to the President—Gradu- ate of an accepted secretarial school or 5 vears' experience as Executive Secretary. Tvpe 60 wpm and dicta- tion by shorthand at 80 wpm. White Memorial Medical Center, 1720 Brooklyn Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90033, 269-9131, ext. 681. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 1976