YF rr PACIFIC UNION RECORDER 3 [ntelectual ability, good taste, skill, refimement, true elevation, — these God uses in His work, Dut they must first he placed under [is jumsdiction. The Lord's presence 1s to be a controlling power. Ie whose heart blends with the heart of Christ is, mn de- sires and practises, conformed to the will of Christ, We are to covet carnestly the best gifts, but this does not mean that we are to seek to be first, We are to strive carnestly for power to follow Christ's example, that we may be heralds of His gospel. This as true religion, Femptations come: suspicions and evil surmismge make 1t hard for us to preserve the spirit of the higher hfe: nevertheless the Lord desires us to walk straight forward in Tis blessed, holy light. Mrs, 16. Go White. a. > & ® The Pacific Press Fire. On the night of the 20th instant a tire broke out mm the Pacific Press building at Mountain View at about 11:30 o'clock. Tt soon placed the building mn a solid flame. The city was very poorly supplied with water facilities, so that 11 was mmpossible to conquer the flames: therefore the building was entirely consumed. [overy- thing was done to save the con- tents of the office that could he done: but after all, very Tittle could be taken from it. There is no known cause of the origin of the fire. It may have been an explosion chemicals mm the photo-engraving department. Tt may have been an incendiary fire, The real cause will probably neve of cr be known. At any rate the building 1s in utter ruin. Of course we cannot understand why the Lord should permit this to come to us: but as in the case of the carthquake, the Tord will no doubt bring the lesson to us later, About one hundred emplovees arc temporarily thrown out of em- ployment; but of course the hoard must provide for these, so that none shall want for the necessities of Tife until permanent work can he furnished them. Our experiences of late natur- ally remind one of the language of the prophet in I Kings 19:11. 12: “And a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake m pieces the rocks before the Tord: but the Lord was not m the wind: and after the wind an carthquake: but the Lord was not m the carthquake: and after the carthquake a fire: but the [Lord was not mn the aire: and after the fire a still small voice.” This was the voice of the Lord: and the mquiry of that voice was, "What doest thou here?” Iovi- dently the still small voice has spoken to cach emplovee of this imstitution, and 1s continuing thus to speak; and our part 1s to un- derstand what 1t savs, and be pre- pared to give an intelligent reply which shall be mm harmony with the will of the lord. [Sver since the building was re- patred after the carthquake until the time of this fire we were over- crowded with denominational work, and our emplovees were a band of willing workers: and, as before stated, why this should have been permitted to come to us we do not understand; and there 1s but one thing left for ns to do, and that 1s to arise and build and press the work forward which the Lord has given us to accomplish. Arrangements were completed last Sunday, as far as plans were concerned, to re-cerect the build- IY 1 as cconomical a manner as possible, and thus at an carly date to be prepared to again take up the work mn the regular wav. In the meantime our periodicals will be printed by presses in other cities. Arrangements are being made with other publishers for the getting out of “Great Contro- versy and Heralds of the Morn- mg, so that the canvassers in the field will not be disappointed in their deliveries. We are all of good courage, knowing that while institutions may burn to the ground, and men may die or deny the faith, vet the truth of God will survive through all and triumph in the end, We know that the message delivered to us 1s God's message to he borne to the people of carth at this time, and although apparent reverses come to us, we must rise above them, and press the work cour- agcously forward. One thing we shall be in great need of, however, is money to carry forward the work. If the stll small voice speaks to vou, reader, to contribute of vour means for the building up of this mstitution, please do not quench the Spirit, but give it free course mm vour life, comply with its die- tation, and forward such sums as vou are able to give to the Pacific Press, stating the object toward which it is to be applied. Any assistance rendered at this time, fet me assure vou in behalf of the board of trustees and all em- ployees, will he greatly appreciat- cd. May the Lord direct vou and cach one of us in what we shall dom this time of urgent need. H.W. Cottrell. The Field Pacific Press Fire Notes. A new linotvpe machine has been ordered, and will he on hand next week. No one was hurt in the fire, al- though three or four persons had narrow escapes from the flames in the building and the falling walls. Negotiations are now going forward in I'rancisco for a large press. and it is expected that it will he on the ground in a week or two. San A new mailing machine has been ordered, which will be re- ceived in two or three weeks. In the meantime the papers will all he addressed by hand. On account of the loss of all the manuscripts that had been pre- viously received, and the time re- quired in placing the mailing list