CHAPTER XX, VERSE 9. © 397 made a remnant? Answer: By the removal or destruction of the worldly part of the church (Babylon) and the translation of the spiritual part or the Israel of God. We will now consider the national or Jewish division. Of her it is said, that though she is driven out and been afllicted, that ¢¢at that day’ (the same day when the other division shall be made a remnant) she shall be ¢‘gathered” and be made a ‘‘strong nation,” and that the Lord shall reign over her in Zion. But, as if the above were not enough to fully identify national Israel, Zephania goes even further and says: «Behold, I will at that time undo all that afjiict thee (enemies of national Israel) and I will save her that is halteth (spiritual Israel, by transla- tion), and will gather her that 1s driven out (national Israel), and I will get them praise and fame in every land where they have been put to shame.” Now, since everything is to be established in the mouth of two or three witnesses, we have brought those witnesses; and were 1t required, could bring more; but the reader can find fur- ther proof in Ezek. XXXIV:22-31, Isa. LXV: 10-24, Zeph. III: 13-20, Ezek. XX XIX: 25-29, Jerm. XLVI: 27. | During that millennium (which lays between